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Everything posted by nidnoyham

  1. So they do it just for the prestige ? They see that owning a E.P.L team, is the pinnacle of achievement ? Gotcha ! My club, Brentford, is owned by the fans. The nearest we have to any Arab involvement, is " Fly Qatar Airways " painted on the roof of the Bill Axbey Stand. This stand was named after a 104 y.o supporter, who died 2 years ago. We have no famous players to name things after. A few years back, we had to find £3/4 million pounds from the fans to keep the club going. People with buckets collecting loose change after every game. That is one of the reason I have no t
  2. They were the Giant Killers of '66 reaching the semis with Portugal. Very popular side here. They had a lot of local support at their games. Well done America for the Brazil game and of course the Spanish one. Shame they ran out of steam. Pity they didn't have the fitness of the Basketball lads !
  3. How very charitable of them. Sinking all that money in with no chance of making any for themselves. Where are they when non 'flavour of the month' clubs run into trouble ? Luton- Mansfield Town- Darlington........
  4. Couldn't agree more regarding league games. Internationals are different. You can't get a ticket to watch England at Wembley now Unless you get picked out of a hat. The big companies have about 25% of the seats for their clients. The overrun costs of the new stadium have got to be sucked back by someone.
  5. As an old butcher I worked with would say- " If he's normal. I don't wanna be !"
  6. Oh dear, another big American company getting involved in English football. Shhhhh- don't tell Vic, he may reach for the sleeping pills. Or watch 8 hours of baseball. Same result !
  7. I think the Registration plate says it all !
  8. Anything you use, has to cover the aroma of your blood, or make it smell unattractive- Vit B. Some things like Aftershave, do the opposite and attract them. In Scotland the Midges are deadly. We tried a spray developed by the Forestry Commission, but at sunset in the Highlands, you had to be indoors. In the Rockies, we used a spray call Shoo or Off on the kids. That seemed to work quite well. I think the Western diet, with less chilies in, does attract them more to our blood. I hate the insect that has a long snout and locks onto you at right angles. It is like a mini flying Seaho
  9. Si tells me, that one reason the mossies are getting more of a problem, is the new method of growing three or four crops of rice, as opposed to one a year. This means the fields are flooded more often, giving the little buggers a breeding season 24/7. She loves sitting out in our garden in the evening here, with nothing stinging or biting her- that includes me ! I have used cheap Thai whiskey, dabbed on wrists, ankles, elbows and neck to be quite effective at keeping them away. Perhaps they get pissed and pick a fight with a toad !
  10. Are they throwing in a free box of tissues for you Plane spotters ?
  11. Hang on. You are trying to tell me, that the Welsh had a handle on the worlds literacy rate in the 18th century ? Yeah right ! Where do you get all this bollocks from ? Don't tell me- Cennn 3 ! I don't care what you come up with. The fact still remains, that the lads that were too thick to learn a trade in London, were sent to be farm labourers in Wales. I even tried to big it up, by calling them Agricultural workers.
  12. Didn't they have schools in Cardiff ? Perhaps he came to learn English ?
  13. The young Offenders unit in my town was originally built as an Industrial School for Boys. In the 19thC, boys were taken off the streets of London when caught committing crimes or orphaned. They were taken to the school and taught a trade. Those not clever enough to learn, were sent to Wales to work in agriculture.
  14. Thanks for stepping forward Brian. not everyone can be an Old Fogey and get away with it.
  15. As far as I'm concerned, the people I mentioned still are.
  16. Your Motorhome can get wind damage and BG's have to avoid Germans !
  17. Just to test out the consistency of procedure at immigration. Someone should bring a B.G to Liverpool to learn Scouse ! It's more widely spoken that Welsh, so that could swing it in her favour.
  18. Oh no the big R has raised it's head. What happened to the days when, the Welsh were Taffy, Scots Jock,the English soft southern bastards......... I am sure people got less upset about things before someone invented Racism. In countries like Sweden, it is compulsory for kids to learn two foreign languages at school. They are sensible enough to realize, how restricting speaking just their own language can be, in the rest of the world. Welsh ? Like Latin, old, but seldom used. There is a Welsh connection in S.America. Why come all the way here ?
  19. 2500 baht to have your opinions listened to ? That is money well spent mate. Don't over play it though, it could lead to 3 days of silence. At times, that is a not a bad thing though.
  20. You haven't lived until you have fished off the steps of a Thai house during a flood.
  21. You didn't get that front lawn cheap from Wembley stadium did you ? I like a few stairs too. Even Si's " Thai house" in my garden here at home, is up off the ground.
  22. I hope his arse was iced up !
  23. No !. I'd still have my money in the bank.
  24. Exactly. Now your talking ! No doubt some old Fogey will put an obsticle in the way.
  25. Had he been doing the backstroke, Mr swan would have got more than he bargained for. Herb is not one to shy away from a punch up. That swan would have to be counting his toes, when he got back to his nest.
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