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Everything posted by nidnoyham

  1. Am I the only one to notice that indianbrit, is only active on this post ? I admit I have not read them all, but his absence speaks volumes.
  2. Just had a great idea ! Yes me ! Just before you check in take a picture of your bag on your phone. If it goes AWOL just show the picture to the Baggage Agent on arrival. I know it's pretty bloody clever, but that's me- surprises all the time.
  3. nidnoyham As a fellow Brit (and one of Indian extraction), I must assume that your post was tongue in cheek. If not, I do find it somewhat questionable. Let us not forget that the BNP use the term "paki" to encapsulate anyone from South Asia (India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh). Stereotypes are generalisations and, as such, suck. We in Britain have had a highly questionable history of morally reprehensible colonialism, but it is gratifying to recognise that we have grown out of that dark historical phase and the UK is now the most vibrant and liberal bastion of multiculturalism in Euro
  4. Then who ? Would Middle Eastern Muslims be interested in traveling all the way to LOS, when they have oodles of Americans in Iraq/ Afghanistan to bomb ? Mind you, it would save them Pakistanis ( Joe's or Bacon's ) a long flight back to Blighty to blow us up.
  5. Thanks to the wonders of London slang, we have alternatives to Paki. They have become a Joe or a Bacon.
  6. They have Kevin spacey doing their F/C service advertising in the UK. This is the first TV marketing campaign for AA, that I can remember. Perhaps there is a glitch in the computer S.Ware. created to fill the anticipated rise in bookings ?
  7. It's another double rollover tomorrow on the UK Lottery. All those millions of people couldn't get 6 numbers twice in a row. Either we are all picking the same numbers, or less people are buying tickets. £17,000,000-nice !
  8. I'm not one to interfere, but if my memory serves me right, C.Tom did recently remark, that the presence of Cobra Gold personnel in Pattaya, would make it a soft target for a terrorist attack. This beggers the question, who would the terrorists be ? Barda Meinhoff ? The Red Brigade ? The Tartan Army ? Tooting Popular Front ?
  9. I'm glad you lot were not the ones to decide which direction North, East, South and West should be.
  10. A few travel tips from years of being the bloke you shout at when your bag is missing on arrival. First of all, don't blame the person in front of you, who is dealing with your problem. Try to remember that he/she is the only person in the world, who will find your bag for you, so don't piss him/her off. Try to avoid checking in too early or too late. Too early and the containers for loading you bags may not be in position, so your bags may get put to one side and forgotten. Too late speaks for itself. Always have your name on the inside of your bag. Should the handle get
  11. And if you had enough good looking women, you wouldn't have bothered to come here at all I suppose ?
  12. I nearly had a punch up with an Indian over a parking space in Hounslow. I doubt we would have argued over the subject we are talking about on this post. The thought of him arguing with another Indian about it, is even less likely.
  13. I wonder if two Indians/ Muslims/ Arabs would argue to such lengths about how much the English/ Americans / Welsh, are disliked and why ? Nah, they would take the sensible line of - " Who gives a f#ck ? " I certainly don't and I'm English !
  14. Like I said, Only a Thai can tell you for sure why Indians, Arabs ,Muslims are not popular in LOS. Perhaps they are unpopular in other SE Asian countries too. Why pick on the Thai's ? Try booking a hotel in Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Burma..... Sometimes its better and easier to accept things as they are, than to dig into why they are. I know, this forum is about LOS. I just don't think any BM is qualified to speak for a whole nation. This subject is due for debate again about May/June. Perhaps it will be answered then.
  15. After what Gordon has done to, or allowed the British economy to become. Taking his advise, is like buying hair restorer from a bald headed barber.
  16. Most Americans originate from Europe, but it doesn't stop them slagging the place and it's people off.
  17. To the OP. If you, or any Muslim, Arab, Indian..... want to know why Thai's treat you differently, you must ask them for yourself. All you will get from this forum, will be guesses or opinions of white blokes. If this is good enough for you- fair enough. Only a Thai can tell you for sure ,why they discriminate against you. We can guess it's about the problems down south. We can share the things we have seen your countrymen or race do in Thailand that may give you a clue to why they treat you as they do. This type of thread crops up on a pretty regular basis, causing many an
  18. A canny decision. Not bad for a Jock. I shan't be calling you Darling anymore !
  19. £5.50 eh ? What you gonna do with it ? 3 more goes at the Euro lottery or buy RBS ?
  20. Well, it's a rollover in the UK on Wednesday. Yesterdays numbers- 01-31-32-33-36-38 bonus 08. If I had that set of numbers on a Lucky Dip, I would have changed it !
  21. What would you want another 20m for ? Suggestions on a postcard to...........
  22. What with BA operating from 3 terminals- code shares and what have you, no wonder people avoid the place. When I worked there, the plan was to make T3 a 'Star Alliance' Term.' What held it up, was getting the software to cope with all the airlines systems at each check in desk. Great idea to be able to check in at any desk for any flight, but it ain't that simple. That was 5 years ago though. BA was one of the first airlines to drop wages for new staff some years back. They are paying the price for that now. Cheap labour, the curse of the country.
  23. Give us your address and I'll see what I can do !
  24. I'll check it isn't T5 nearer the time. That is about a 15 min drive. I haven't been there yet. Have to do a dummy run. Easter is dearer, but her visa has to be in use before 25Apr. She will be here 'til 22Aug. Which means, the kitchen I promised to decorate 2 years ago will have to be done, the car cleaned out, to get rid of Herbert's muddy paw prints and nose marks on the windows. The Thai house in the garden cleaned out, space made in the wardrobes........ sod it, it will be like being married again ! Only for a few months though, I can put up with that.
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