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Everything posted by redctt

  1. Thanks, was good to look at some places before the sky train,, longest i go back to would be year 2000 Cheers Colin
  2. i am also in favor of this, a lot of hotels also get renovated as well, which also puts the reports out of date
  3. Great pics,reminds me of what some girls did to a guy who had flaked out at a party 30 odd years ago, They stuck some peeled bananas in the freezer until they were frozen solid,whipped them out, put butter on them, pulled the guys jeans and jocks down, shoved as much as they could up his arse, pulled his clothes back up You should have seen him when he woke up, he kept feeling his arse, must have thought he had taken a dump while he was crashed out
  4. I too am interested in staying at the golden crab in May for 7 nights this year. I was staying at the Inn house( Min 1000 bht night,no table & chair, no tea/coffee/cooking facilities, but still good value) which is right next door to the crab, and could see from the balcony that the apartments looked ok, at that time, they wouldnt take short term bookings i have sent an email to David, who promptly replied, 6500 bht week i bedroom, 9500 bht 2 bedroom, with a deposit of 5000 bht to cover damage,fair enough. But i am wondering what the weekly tariff rate would be for electric and
  5. that was my first hotel i stayed in on my first trip, as i didnt know my way around at all, and it was a late night when i arrived, so just grabbed a room somewhere near the top floor, it was a shit hole, tripping up over all the rips in the carpet, sheets covered in goo stains ,the fridge pissing and farting all night, and just outside the door was an open shaft that looked all the way down to ground level, scared the hell out of me as i was thinking geeshe what if i tripped on that crappy carpet and went over the edge, aaaagggggggggggggggggg, splatt
  6. redctt

    What to farm

    I recall a friend of mine,who i have not seen for several years ( went to LOS to manage a building company) he used to teach the thais how to set up and grow blue gums. they grow relatively straight, and make excellent house frames, once machined to size
  7. I was in Secrets earlier this year, went in about 9.30pm, had a drink,saw quite a few nice girls, i asked one of the hostess,s 'Do the girls take the clothes off' - she says 'Its a Secret" . I never did stay long enough to find out. So do they, or dont they??
  8. Why is everyone looking so aggresive
  9. well obviously LT should end shortly before she needs to return to work for her next shift at the latest,that is, if she is happy to hang around with you till then. That way she will have slept in a nice hotel room, had a nice hot shower, and maybe an early decent feed to sustain her through the next shift.
  10. I can understand her situation very well. I was born deaf,my hearing is almost nill,i was fortunate that the deaf school i went to in England when i was very young, did not teach us sign language,but taught us to lipread, i do it so well now,many people find it hard to beleive that i am deaf. The sign language as taught in the USA, is not quite the same as taught in Australia and the UK, i dont know anything at all about if they do sign in thai languages. And i am also fortunate that hearing aids do help me hear the surounding background noises, they dont help me understand what you s
  11. Thanks for the tip Elef Had a good look at the web site. Its a good location, cheap, but it has a sign saying " sex tourist unwelcome" and it only has 5ft beds , i dont think i would be very comfortable as i am 6ft long . I think the beds are a definate turnoff for any falang tourist I will keep looking My wife has found a place in Khao sang road?, but thats hell of a long way from where i want to be, and its nowwhere near the skytrain, , maybe my wife is being smart and trying to keep me away from the bright city lights
  12. My wife(thai),myself and the kids are looking for a cheap place to stay for 5 nights in BK while we wait for my wifes sister to arrive from USA. Idealy, we would like a place that has 2 or 3 bedrooms, one for me and my wife, and one or 2 rooms for the kids. Sukhumvit area would be agreable to me. Can anyone make any suggestions.
  13. I have made the same mistake in sending money converted as thai bht to my TG, and was still doing the same thing for nearly a year after my TG came to Oz permenantly as my wife, then one day a friend told me i was doing it wrong, he said send it in your own currency and you will get hell of a better rate, damn true too, i would hate to think how much $$$$ i have lost over the years So send the money in whatever currency your home country is, you cannot go wrong
  14. My wife and her sister are building a house in Phimai for thier mother and they say is the biggest house in Phimai for 1.5 million bht It is 5 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms with western style dunnies. I have no intention of ever living there, its such a boring place to be
  15. I could swear the Thais drive on the left hand side of the road,, not on the right as they do in USA. LOL. Anyways, i agree there are better places than nongkhai, as for myself, My wife wants me to live in Phimai, i couldnt last 3 days there. My preferance would be for somewhere 20-30 km south of Pattaya, that way, i can make the occasional visit to Pattaya when i get tired of the quite life
  16. Got flight with Thai air for $1100 + $130 Tax for 3rd April, not complaining,Qantas is cheaper but the seats are crap
  17. Will be in Pattaya on 14th April ,after a week in Chiang Mai, just wondering if the hotels will be busy or struggling to get costumers? Would prices be negotible on a walk in basis?, or internet bookings the best way to go?
  18. My TW and myself are going to LOS from Melbourne in April.We always like to fly with Thai airlines as my wife likes the fact the crew speaks thai . But the problem is,Thai air have not released the ticketing prices for the travel agents here. Anyone know if the fares will go up or down?,and is April - high season,- low season, or shoulder season,. Just hoping the fares come down,then i will have more bhts to spend in Pattaya while my wife stays with her family.
  19. Hi rabbitoh I am going through the process of getting my TG a fiancee visa to come to OZ,,Over the last few mths,i have been researching all the info i can get on visas, in particular the fiancee and allso the visa if you are already married,one thing i found out was that if you got married in thailand, you now have to be in that relationship for 12 mths before they will consider the visa,even if you havent heard from them, does not mean it has been rejected, who is getting the info from the embassy?? you or your TG? and one other thing is ,try not to annoy the embassy people,it is the Thai,s
  20. Thanks Fatboy Keep them coming,I am sure alot of you who are staying for 2 weeks or more would like to have the bedroom closed off from the living room ,and maybe a kitchenette,i am in the habit of taking my own electric kettle because i love to drink lots of my favorite brew in the morning, not that room service shit that arrives weak and cold [smiley=livid2.gif]. And what was Sira Home like? clean? or a bit tatty around the edges?,sounds cheap enough for me,will check it out as i will be staying in Flipper Lodge for one or 2 nights
  21. Thanks for the info,think i will do a walk in, when i get there and see what prices they will offer. Colin
  22. My 5th trip is coming up soon,i like flipper lodge,but this time i want to get a hotel room that has the bedroom seperate from the living room,and a mini kitchen ,you know, kettle for tea and coffee and a toaster,the RG is just a little far out,,i prefer somewhere near Beach road,around Soi 7-8 area,even Second rd is fine by me,not concerned about guest policy,as my fiancee TG will register with me,,Any of you guys know of a place for around 1000-1500bht? Thanks Colin
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