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About ruskiehat

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    Advanced Poster
  • Birthday 08/04/1966

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  1. That's a shame, back to making my bloody own then, which I don't mind, just trying to be sober is a hurdle.
  2. You mean they actually have barfine able hostess'ss in the place?, was the place busy with punters?. Can't imagine the hordes of cheap ass Russians who hang about the supermarket and the mom and pop beer stores and restaurants nearby going in.
  3. Continental like the rest of all other US airlines are fucking crap. They all have shit biz lounges and their service suck. Inflight entertainment is watching the old grannies prading around as air hostessess serve you food and drink without spilling it all over the bloody place.
  4. Love to find a good Indonesian restaurant in Pattaya, really like indonesian food
  5. Dave are you sure you have not replied to the wrong thread , I would have rated these as tmy personal top restaurants. My worst restaurant experience in Pattaya, has to have been mantra, over priced, shite service and average food.
  6. Um, I would try and convert your wife to eating some Thai food, not only does it taste 100 times better, but it's a damm sight more healthier than Filipino food. in Philippines, if it ain't deep fat fried, then it's had the taste boiled out of it, or just plain sweet as hell from all the sugar. If you do find a proper Filipino restaurant, please tell, as I would like to avoid it like the plaugue. ... sorry having lived there ... i am definitly not a Filipino food lover
  7. Not sure if phw10 is actually talking of experience or from some shite he heard from a drunk sitting beside him in a bar, pattaya is full of experts. When i was looking for a place to buy in pattaya, there was very little difference infact none, in price for decent condo's, if they were Thai or foreign owned. So not sure what phw10 is banging his drum about. I bought my place along with another Board member about 4 years ago and am bery happy with it. It was a purchase from a foreigner owned property, hence why were were allowed to own it 100%. A certain percentage of all condo un
  8. KLM used to be good I was Platinium with their frequent flyer for some time, now try and avoid them. They have beatten Air Asia and Oasis in coming the 1st Long Haul Budget carrier IMO. They are crap. Only nice thing is transiting through Amsterdam. Food and service is just bloody awfull, with old aircraft that desperatly need upgrading. Inflight entertainment system belongs in another era, not this one. Air France and Lufthansa are both good, sadly Lufthansa has pulled the Wifi off their planes as of Jan 2007, it was great passing the time being online at 30000ft. Personally I'd fly Etiha
  9. Great, I have to be in West Palm beach next week and was astounded how expensive US flights are, compared with ones to Europe. Managed to get a cheap biz class fare using a combination of Emirates and United. Thai was just way over the top in terms of air fares.
  10. The US goverment I think is quite happy with the low dollar. Well cheaper exports, more expensive imports. Would like to add if Oil is still sold in dollars everywhere, which is a major thing and one of the contributing factors why Bush invaded Iraq, as saddam was starting to sell oil in Euro's. This is once again threatned now by Iran... however even the Europeans don't want this. As this will drop the dollar even more. What amazes me is how high fuel prices are in Europe, you with think with the exchange rate so vastly in the favour of Europe, people would realise altough oil is sol
  11. As far as I know only Biz class passengers are allowed in the biz lounge and 1st class pax in the 1st class lounge, if they let anyone with a long stop over in, it would be packed. The biz class one in the mornings is pretty busy anyhow. However, it is well worth paying a little extra for that beer or spirit and sit inside the proper bar in the airport, has really nice relaxing seats with cable TV, newspapers and you can smoke. Other bars and cafe's in the central area, you can't smoke and thdey are usually busy.
  12. Hey if you like burger's have you tried Bob's BBQ burger's, they are just past the juction of 3rd road and pattaya south, really nice burgers.
  13. I think the most over rated restaurant in Pattaya is mantra, shite service, for average food , in fancy surroundings, with high prices. I rather eat at these places, better value for money and service: La norte on the south end of walking street Casa Pascal's oposite the Marriot Indian by nature Mata Hari Bruno's. For late night Thai food, it would be hard pressed to beat Kiss restaurant, another place I like is that seafood place just past the Blues factory... some great Thai food late on at night there.
  14. Turkish airlines suck's, well when I last flew them back in 2001 they did, I was working in turkey at the time and it was the easiest way back to bangkok.... I thought the whole plane smelt of stale garlic! The Airport is really nice, quite modern and new, the duty free is pretty good, cheaper than the UK, buy booze, cigs, e.t.c, also have bars in the airport and a smoking area.
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