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Siam Sam

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Everything posted by Siam Sam

  1. Thanks for your advice guys. All this has got me thinking........
  2. Anyone of the girls working in Soi 6 will suck you dry and in many of the establishments they're quite willing to do it in the bar.
  3. According to the Mrs, most people in her village have at one time or another lent sums of money using their land as collateral. Most of them are debted up and I am of the idea that most rural villages in Thailand have this scenario? I would imagine that it is much easier to obtain a loan in Thailand as the banks are more trustworthy compared to England and the US? The Mrs reckons the interest you pay back is at a very reasonable rate too. Would the banks have a stringent criteria, whereby a permanent job and permanent residency in Thailand would be important? Food for thought considering
  4. I am only going on the strength of a few stories that my wife has told me about banks and their lending potential in Thailand. She informs me that any house that is built in Thailand (no matter how remote it is) could be used as collateral for a substanial loan from a Thai bank. She insists that her friend built a house in Isaan and then used it to loan more than one million baht from a bank. Does anyone know much about lending money from banks in Thailand and how comfortable banks are about lending Thai nationals money if they have collateral in the form of a house?
  5. Kevin Kline This guy seems to rear his head every now and then in this game.
  6. Fair do's. I buy all my T shirts from Sukhumvit Road traders when I'm in Thailand. Maybe that's just as flagrant for some.
  7. I don't think that person is you. Don't do anything for me. Do something for yourself and stop being so predictable and over sensitive everytime Muslims are mentioned on the forums. I haven't said anything disparaging about them, I even said in this thread that they have no less right to be in Pattaya than anyone else in this world. Although I don't think the OP was suggesting so, my problem with women wearing burkas is that it forms part of the oppression that they suffer in certain places. I don't agree with this as things have moved on from the time of Muhammad. Perhaps you feel i
  8. I wondered how long it would be before Pastry jumped to the defence of the Muslims and turned this into a holy war.
  9. Yes the oppression that women suffer in many nations is awful but what can you do? It's their culture.
  10. Strange that people with such devout beliefs would choose Pattaya as their holiday destination but if they're happy and cool with it then why not? They have no less right to be there than anyone else. Can't say I have noticed any women dressed this way in Pattaya before.
  11. A man of my own heart. Hooray for rimming!
  12. Life is so short. RIP
  13. I think I must have gone down on 80% of the girls I have gone with in Thailand and in many cases rimmed them too. I have never had a problem. Do you not enjoy sex?
  14. Ummm because people might think it's real? Or maybe because it incites a fear of violence? Take your pick.
  15. I'm pretty sure they sell condoms for the tongue if it worries you that much.
  16. Apologies for being such a twat. Starsky and Hutch
  17. That's where we are at. Stop thread fucking.
  18. I wear shorts during the day and jeans at night. I either put my money in my back pockets or trouser pockets, 1000 baht notes one side and lower denomination notes the other side. That way you never get out a 1000 baht note out unless you have to. Always works for me.
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