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Everything posted by capdagde

  1. This is an excellent informative thread - thanks guys for the insights... Andy Cap
  2. Hi Gary If that was aimed at me - no I'm not selling them, I'm an English teacher in France. As to whether I'm an asshole, that's another question entirely and not for me to say... Would I recommend timeshares in general? - No. Do I regret buying mine? - No. As sickbuffalo says you usually can't choose where you want to swap to (we enter the dates when we can have holiday on RCI, see what's available and then say "why don't we go there"). As ILT says you end up going places you would never had thought of going. So it's not classic holidaymaking. We have only been once to the p
  3. "Oops" on the cat!!!! And he never found Cyclone - the only night club I ever went to where the guys get in free and the girls have to pay...... Scored a tasty Ethiopian lady there on break from Saudi - she grabbed me two times running (three month gap and remembered my name!!). Third time called her mobile and she made a housecall to hotel - nice 3some with Mrs. Andy
  4. Website working - it does look rather nice. The no-no 300 bht 3rd person charge (oh that's only 6 euros per night but it would mount up if you were with your missus like me). Otherwise I would try it out - has all the facilities.
  5. Can you believe I stayed at Robin's Nest for 5 days and Traveller's Rest for 10 days and never went there (50 metres equidistant from each). ..... Andy
  6. Hi Jack (no I mean Hello Jack) Would be interested in a 1-bed suite (two different beds or king-size) at around 1K per night for three weeks in May-June 2008 if your mate Mike is interested in searching something out. I'm coming with the wife and we'll be chasing girls so might have 4 people total overnighting at times. This based on your 15K per month quote. No joiner fees obviously! You can PM me his details if you like.... Andy Cap
  7. Timesharing CAN be a good investment (skip it if it's boring) As it's come up - I'll give you all my tenpenneth. I have two timeshares - I bought neither after a pitch from a street tout. The first one I bought in Saudi Arabia in 1995 after seeing an ad. It is a suite at Hotel Isis (5 star hotel) on an island in the middle of the Nile in Aswan, Egypt. It cost me 3K pounds for a six-person suite - red period - for 40 years. The annual fees are 100 dollars and they forget to ask me for the money....but I still get my week from the RCI bank. The second one I bought on a welco
  8. Heard a few doors slam but no other moaning that I could mention..... Andy Cap
  9. I had an excellent five day stay last month, on 2nd floor. Always sent the girl up the stairs first to enjoy the view of her behind.... ah memories... Andy Cap
  10. Visiting elephants and riding friends probably even less... Andy
  11. With you Makum 99 baht - got a pic somewhere, will hunt it out. Real Brit sausage too.... Andy Cap (Darlo boy)
  12. Hi all Preparing 3-week May trip with Mrs Cap and what better than 2 weeks ON Soi 6 (with three days Secrets before and 3 days something else after)? The skysuite with the private roofgarden looks great, 3 floors of stairs but WTF for 775 bht per night? Saw this place but no contact detail on webpage - has it gone??? http://users.telenet.be/pattayabutterfly/skysuite.htm Any feedback welcome. Andy Cap (aka C***p C****ie )
  13. Hi Mulphy I'm paying 500 incl brekkie at Travellers Rest just over the road so doubt whether that can be bettered unless we're talking free bar fines ...... More interested in diff locations - e.g. soi 1-3, soi 12-13 but might just stay put... Your girlies are just over the road in'it? Chok Dee AC
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