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Everything posted by kaiser71

  1. That's what I thought too. But it only grabs the term when it's part of another word or followed by a period. I think the board s/w just doesn't index anything less than 4 characters - 3 letter words don't exist to it.
  2. google site:pattayatalk.com "***" would get you results in sections google sees.
  3. The Manchurian Candidate the one with Frank Sinatra
  4. So, what's the takeaway here? Keep your 800k there and very little more?
  5. "The Deposit Insurance Act, taking effect on 13 February 2008, establishes a Deposit Insurance Agency to guarantee depositors' funds in the event of a bank bankruptcy. The Agency will reduce the amount insured for each depositor for all deposits insured in the first year, to a maximum insured of 100 million baht the second year, 50 million baht the third year, 10 million baht the fourth year, and 1 million baht the fifth year." Is this right? For a foreigner? Do you have confidence in it?
  6. One of my favorite movies Dennis Quaid
  7. http://www.delta.com/awards/home.do?EventI...TER_APPLICATION check box for flexible dates shows calendar with low, medium, high dates
  8. I hope this isn't some other James Stewart from silent movies or something. It's a Wonderful Life Yeah, you got screwed. Sorry to everybody for messing up the thread.
  9. Does Mcfly count? I guess not.
  10. Gran Torino would be too hard, so In The Line Of Fire
  11. We're on a roll of Sirs Sir Peter O'Toole
  12. Don't be put off. Gym sales are always weird. Or maybe she was clueless of the promotion. On this page http://www.tonydisco.com/html/fitness/Memb...%20Options.html it says 7.999B - but turn up your sound and some guy says promotion for 5,999.
  13. Gabor lookalike Gene Wilder
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