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Everything posted by kaiser71

  1. Open Office is free and good. www.openoffice.org
  2. Sometimes goto last unread overshoots where I left off. Not usually, but sometimes. When I send a PM it doesn't end up in my sent PM's folder. Am I doing anything wrong?
  3. Survivor of The Blitz? Hats off to you sir.
  4. Brilliant. Break even at ~ 50 girls. Even if you lose a little you don't because loads of excited girls = loads of happy guys buying drinks.
  5. Wow. Just found this thread...haven't read it all...but, It's like I'm seeing the future of the US. Huge immigration, loss of blue collar jobs, backlash. I'm more scared than I was 20 minutes ago. Right now we have ~ 20 million illegal Mexicans here. The idea was let them all in and save $1/hour labor cost for landscapers, fruit pickers. No thought given to the five kids in school costing $6,000/year each. We've benifited from a huge brain drain from India. Most coming here from India are hugely educated and are a real benefit to our economy. Seemingly totally opposite your experie
  6. Meat left out in the sun? No. Vegees look great. Daelim scooters? Thanks for the pics!
  7. Any cds you burn from that computer might also be infected. It sounds like you'd like to burn the contents of your windows directory to Cd. That won't work. Most computers within the last 5 years or so have a program to create a Windows cd. If it's a Dell: programs - dell accessories - dell os recovery cd. I'm guessing you've tried removing the virus using the antivirus program on that computer. Next step would be to try running an antivirus program from a bootable cd or usb stick. If the antivirus names the virus but can't get rid of it, you can do a Google search for a removal tool.
  8. Careful. Some fund managers are better than others; no doubt. But, on average, the funds that have had a run up in price will not be the best performers in the future.
  9. He might be looking for something like this. Good for checking out boats, etc from your balcony.
  10. What's the secret to searching for qualifying flights on nwa.com?
  11. It costs $220 per try and they give you $1M for a hole in one. Wish me luck, I'm off to empty my bank account and book a flight for Africa!
  12. http://www.pattayaexpatsclub.com/visainformation.htm
  13. Maybe they're evolving. I like this story: http://www.latimes.com/news/printedition/a...0,2955034.story "Stone-throwing chimpanzee displays humanlike planning abilities" "Santino knew the humans were coming. So each morning, he trolled for stones and fashioned concrete disks to be stashed in strategic locations until it was time to hurl them at his pesky visitors."
  14. No disrespect to anyone's religion, but the Einstein story is an urban legend. Einstein didn't believe in the "Personal God" of organized religion. His religiousness and conception of God had more to do with the awe he had for the laws of nature.
  15. Wow. Did someone challenge you on this? I used to caddy but I've never heard such an obscure rulings question. http://golf.about.com/cs/rulesofgolf/a/rfaq_whiff.htm "As long as the player tries to hit the ball, it doesn't matter whether the player actually hits it or not. Intent is the key. So when a player takes a swing with the intent of hitting the ball, it's a stroke even if the player whiffs." But, if you're blind: http://www.mabga.org/MABGA_golf_rules.htm "Each blind golfer is allowed one whiff per shot (including sand trap shots) without penalty." Or, maybe this happen
  16. It seems like Dr Pack is still there. Lots of threads on different sites. http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=d...mp;aq=f&oq= This site http://www.thailandchiropractic.org/epage4.html gives his tel as 038-361-077, 038-420-016-7.
  17. Thanks for your reply. As for your case, it seems silly to me - the dentists are there, don't have to go home or anything. Anyway, keep enjoying yourself with the time you get to take off. And thanks for doing what you're doing.
  18. But do the active duty guys get free dental? Just curious. I know some of them make very little money.
  19. You don't get root canals, crowns, fillings, etc for free? I just assumed this was so for US Military. I watched 'Carrier' - they had a dental clinic on the ship - so you guys have to pay for these services?
  20. You could try a high end drug rehab center with western clients. http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=d...amp;btnG=Search
  21. Grew up on the TV show - wanting to be more of an Oscar than a Felix. Jack Lemmon sure did put together a body of work. And Tony Randall, WOW - married a 25 yr old when he was 75 - my hero. Break a leg!
  22. Wow, you get dental too! The cheapest here for a molar is $800-900 root canal, $550-800 crown. One visit more than for a crown, one hour with the Endontist. I think the price is so high partly because it is surgery, and therefore opens them up to possible liability.
  23. Sorry to hear about your tooth. If it's any consolation, $1500US is a good price. $900 Root canal ~ hour of work for a dentist = highway robbery, IMO. Take the 'medical vacation' just for the principle of it.
  24. Your board name is cool. Have you heard of the song 'A Boy Named Sue'? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A_Boy_Named_Sue
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