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Everything posted by bratpack

  1. Be careful Mulphy is around the corner lol lol.I might get in tomorrow to watch the west brom stoke game if TTT puts it on,depending on where the lads want to go
  2. Would agree with your comments MM.Its not the end of the world people will just have to change their drinking habits.Lets face it MM,if more people drank in the afternoon aircon bars like yours would be packed due to the heat
  3. Just hope u arent a liverpool fan too stoke 2 liverpool 0 Seriously hope you get back asap and sample more delights of this amazing place.How some guys call it a shithole and i dont like thai food,and i dont like thais,and i dont fucking like anything.I came here for 2 week holiday at 50 yo,packed up me job and retired.7Years down the line and its still an amazing place and growing by the day good luck mate
  4. The cheap charlies as u call em,have been here all year spending baht whilst you have been working your knackers off for a 2 week holiday cheers
  5. The only problem will be for the barowners but if this is the norm,open earlier as the mongers would go out much earlier than normal,beacuse they will get up earlier.The doiwnside is that there will be more drunkards at early evening when its nice for families to have a meal and a stroll before the sleaze comes up from the gutters
  6. One of the worst local derbies in the history of football,absolutely pants
  7. Very fast for me in Pattaya lol. We beat the bluenoses for u mate,and i havent even taken the piss with TTT
  8. Never driven a bike even with one drink.Must admit i have driven my car sometimes when i have had a few,which is utter madness.I have stopped going to Jomtien in the car now,jump on a motorbike taxi for 100 baht,and if i go central pattaya i walk
  9. Not sure mate,thats why i asked.I have heard there is such a thing but be prepared to move within hours.
  10. Based on where DD is i would think Rockhouse would be the ideal place.
  11. Thanks Tom,so no advantage of checking out flight details until the new year
  12. Has anybody got experience of going on a list for last minute cancellations.I will be booking a return flight from Bangkok to Manchester for a couple of weeks and need to leave by feb1 2011.Was wondering if i could get a reduced price as i am very flexible when i go back as long as its after crimbo. Replies would be grateful
  13. Dean,just checked and the house is unfurnished
  14. Hi Dean,i think there is one close to me,and i reckon longterm would be 10,000 approx,and its got a garden i believe.The area is next to soi sophon cable and a 5 minute walk to the magnificent NP,and very close to Carrefor,and even soi bukhoaw.
  15. there are 4 plus one more coming(1 off soi chayapoon,not strictly LK,bUT Oasis isnt Lk)
  16. Hi Jacko,sold it already but got some more monday,and the blue went.In a day or 2 i have some mature cheddar and thats brilliant too.Eddie is over Wed i think so if u want some let him know mate.The normal cheddar is slightly more yellow now.
  17. Will try that for sure. Just had my cheese board for a snack,which includes Brie cheddar,home made 250 baht half kilo Lancashire,home made 125 baht 250grm Red Leicester,home made 135 baht 250grm Blue Stilton,home made 100 baht 100grm very very nice and affordable prices too
  18. Will this be a 2 tiered system whereby if u dont reside in a eu country then you get the basic state pension,as this 140 quid stops the mean testing for low income people residing in the uk
  19. If one lives in Thailand then you are still a citizen and are allowed full pension if sufficient funds are paid in when working.This comes in on 2015 so plenty of time to check things out.
  20. Hi mick,i use Axa and find the price very good(16000 per annum and cover for 1 million baht).No medical required and i told them about my rupture,which was operated on in 2003 so thats excluded,left side.There are more expensive ones and bigger cover but 1 milion baht aint too bad
  21. Forgot to mention my poofters drink,vodka ice bottles.Watched stoke last sunday at Np AND me and jeff spent 1,700 baht in 2 fucking hours.
  22. Your too pissed to notice lol.When i go out you have been on the raz for hours heheheheheheh
  23. Cant drink too much beer it bloats me,but i have a few tiger light or beerr lao,then sangsom/soda/lipo,and the odd cider,then i collapse lol
  24. At least u didnt have a pair of hairy bollox on your head mate lol
  25. Fondles,the original one is on soi 17,off 3rd road, so one doesnt need transport,been there for years
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