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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.


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Everything posted by MarsGodOfWar

  1. And here's a few others he recently picked up.
  2. Don't know if it has anything to do your situation or not, but I have noticed that when at work a lot of pictures in posts are un-viewable to me, but can be seen perfectly fine at home. My problem I think is that whatever my employer uses to block a lot of the internet sites people go to is what is stopping me from seeing a lot of them while there.
  3. Maybe that's where the phrase "I've got wood" comes from?
  4. Ouch! Don't those things come with weight limits?
  5. If not for the picture as proof, how do you explain that one to the insurance company? Act of God? And do you think they would believe you? It's as likely to happen to someone as winning the jackpot or being struck by lightning!
  6. Get used to #3. That's what it looks like in a lot of places in Thailand you will be seeing soon. I would hate to be an electrician there. There's always something in the news about some electrician that got fried on the job. #2 would be almost as dangerous. Can you imagine working in that chicken suit in our summer. Now imagine it in Thailand or wherever that picture is from. Can you say, dead from heat stroke. #1 - maybe he lost something. What if the elephant farted right then. Notice the guy looking at the camera. His expression is awesome. It's like he knows it's his turn next. Ha Ha.
  7. Repeat after me... I will never complain about my job ever again. I will never complain about my job ever again You have a FANTASTIC job !! Remember that !!
  8. 1. If 4 out of 5 people SUFFER from diarrhea...does that mean that one out of five enjoys it? 2. Why do croutons come in airtight packages? Aren't they just stale bread to begin with? 3. If people from Poland are called Poles, then why aren't people from Holland called Holes? 4. If it's true that we are here to help others, then what exactly are the others here for? 5. If Fed Ex and UPS were to merge, would they call it Fed UP? ? 6. I thought about how mothers feed their babies with tiny little spoons and forks, so I wondered what do Chinese mothers use. Toothpicks?
  9. Sitting together on a train, traveling through the Canadian Rockies, were an American guy, a Canadian guy, a little old Greek lady, and a young blonde girl with large breasts. The train goes into a dark tunnel and a few seconds later there is the sound of a loud slap. When the train emerges from the tunnel, the American has a bright red hand print on his cheek. No one speaks. The little old Greek lady thinks: The American guy must have groped the blonde in the dark and she slapped his cheek. The blonde girl thinks: That American guy must have tried to grope me in the dark, bu
  10. Two women were playing golf. One teed off and watched in horror as her ball headed directly toward a foursome of men playing the next hole. The ball hit one of the men. He immediately clasped his hands together at his groin, fell to the ground and proceeded to roll around in agony. The woman rushed down to the man, and immediately began to apologize. 'Please allow me to help. I'm a Physical Therapist and I know I could relieve your pain if you'd allow me,' she told him. 'Nooo, no, I'll be all right. Just give me a few minutes,' the man gasped. He was in obvious ag
  11. You know it's spring when the girls start showing off their belly buttons! Have a nice day... once you recover.
  12. One of Berts EVIL apprentices. He's even yellow.
  13. As I understand it; most of humanities greatest acts of "EVIL" can in some way be attributed to Bert. I believe him to be an immortal alien sent here to corrupt us, before the mass invasion happens. From what I hear there was even an unaired factual episode of X-Files based on the conspiracy of Bert that was so horrific that it was never aired. Apparently there was talk of toning down all the "EVIL" in the episode so it could be aired on TV, but by the time the censors were done with it (probably paid off by Bert), it looked like another episode of Sesame Street, and was eventually air
  14. I believe this one to be the original. All others are just poor copies. Easter Island Monolith A monolith found on the edge of Easter Island known to the natives as "The One that Devours" or "The Evil One" has been found to have an uncanny resemblance to Bert
  15. Maybe Bert was really only helping so as to keep the real evidence that he did it from coming to light. Ernie is totally straight; Bert on the other hand is whatever is more evil at the time. And corrupting Ernie is always on Berts agenda.
  16. For all I know he's the real reason behind all the red shirt problems in BK.
  17. Are you a culinary expert or just a BBQ expert? Very insiteful look at BBQ that I never really thought of before. Till now I never even thought to ask for it "naked" with sauce on the side. And here I thought my BBQ skills and knowledge was adequate. Shame on me.
  18. Just a few excerps from a favourite website http://www.bertisevil.tv/ Bert takes Ernie to a Nudie Bar We caught Bert dragging Ernie out of their apartment in Sesame Street and decided to follow to where they were going. We were shocked to find the two in a Girlie Bar. Bert was forcing Ernie to get lap dances from all the ladies. Poor Ernie went home crying. The Rape of Prairie Dawn Bert was caught trying to rape Prairie Dawn in the back side of Sesame. If it wasn't for Luis... Prairie would have been killed. There have also been similar attempts on Betty Lou and Zoe. Hitler
  19. Computer Question: Here's a real I.T. challenge! For all of you who keep thinking you are computer experts, try this! So, you think you're so smart and understand computer SPEAK ! Let's see how computer literate you are ....... *WHAT WOULD CAUSE THIS TO HAPPEN? `123490-=\qweriop[]asdhjkl;zxcvnm,./ GIVE UP? SEE THE ANSWER BELOW! YEP……. THAT’D DO IT !!!!!
  20. A US first grade teacher explains to her class that she is an American. She asks her students to raise their hands if they are American too. Not really knowing why but wanting to be like their teacher, their hands explode into the air like flashy fireworks. There is, however, one exception. A girl named Kristen has not gone along with the crowd. The teacher asks her why she has decided to be different. "Because I am not an American." "Then", asks the teacher, "What are you?". "I'm a proud Canadian," boasts the little girl. The teacher is a little perturbed now, her face slightly red.
  21. 1. Why I Fired My Secretary Last week was my 40th birthday and I really didn't feel like waking up that morning. I managed to pull myself together and go downstairs for breakfast, hoping my wife would be pleasant and say, "Happy Birthday!", and possibly have a small present for me. As it turned out, she barely said good morning, let alone "Happy Birthday." I thought... Well, that's marriage for you, but the kids... They will remember. My kids came trampling down the stairs to breakfast, ate their breakfast, and didn't say a word to me. So when I made it out of the house and started
  22. That would be great, especially when they cast the rock and do that long sliding stretch they do. Plus those same tank tops would need to have cut open tops for the same leaning over position. Although I guess that wouldn't be appropriate for a winter style outfit. With those tops and the cold we'd get lots of hard nipple shots. It's a shame they don't. Probably get a lot more endorsment deals.
  23. I only watched the Curling for the hot chicks. Did anyone else notice the fact that for the most part, out of all the olympic sports that had teams - curling seemed to have more that its fair share of nice looking women
  24. I know exactly what you mean. I work at that location. Pacific Centre Shopping Centre. Ground Zero for all the antics. Now I see why Britain was so bitter when they condemned the olympics in the news. I'd be bitter too if we sucked as bad as they did. Even though they only got one medal, at least it was gold!
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