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Everything posted by roorsoldja

  1. lol , i've only been once and i found most of that shit hilarious. maybe I'm spending too much time on this board.
  2. Another thought i had is that a lot of politicians cater to the new people , like the council that was just mentioned above this, are hoping to get there parents vote for the next election, it happened here in ontario the province i live in a bloke named John Tory who is a conservative and a great leader in my books until he tried to run for the premiership, he had a great campaign and i was ready to vote for him but then started in that muslims should have there own schools just like the catholics and the jews should have there's etc etc, he pissed off every white and black person in the prov
  3. I think a good part of it is that everyone is fed up with the catholic church , you have men buggering little boys and girls , and they did nothing and the pope actually thinks they should be punished by cannon law not the governments. Also it's the whole white guilt thing, If i say cracker no one cares i drop the N-Bomb and i bet a I get a warning. even though I'm step black. ( my step mom is black ) If you make bin laden jokes no one will say a thing he's a terrorist who everyone wants to see publicly tortured. BUt if you make a jab at there god or prophets , then they will go ape shit a
  4. besides it will be warm and you'll know people.
  5. a warning would be nice.
  6. so funny, so sad , so true.
  7. lol , it seems every-time i walk out of a store carrying something heavy with both hands some old fucker always asks what time is it ! expecting me to try and look at my watch , they laugh every-time and i can't wait till i'm old so i can fuck with people with no consequence.
  8. black eye peas - I gotta feeling , cranberries zombie and sleeping sickness by city of color for when i'm leaving pattaya. Also the the end by the doors
  9. works fine for me , ohhh my Yo , me miss you.
  10. For those of you that believe in Jesus , he would tolerate it and not condemn , that's for God to decide. Many christian zealots forget that Jesus was around whores and dregs of society not with the fine ruling class of the Jews Jesus preached forgiveness and anyone can be redeemed thats what he died for. Slavery (sex slaves ) and prostitution was rampant in the Roman empire worse than today per capita , If Jesus forgave the men who betrayed him and murdered him , would he really give a hairy fart about pattaya ? I honestly think he would not approve and pray for them and hope they would
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