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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.


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Everything posted by Patna

  1. That is why I put up the warning which I thought was clear. As for the first part, it is the same (but a different one from the OP) 26 sq m. unit. I also mentioned that all the units that were for sale for 500 thousand looked like shit. The one pictured was originally for sale for 650 000 but it had a complete overhaul with bills amounting to exactly 150 000. That is how much the owner paid in 2013, which includes new tiling, paint job, a drop down ceiling with adjustable spots, new wiring, new bathroom with new plumbing, mirrors on the wall, new bed and furniture. That is what you would norma
  2. The temptation wears off after a few weeks and if you're just a little bit as strong as you seem to be you wouldn't have any problems whatsoever.
  3. Talking about being politically correct...
  4. The balcony view isn't pretty but less noisy than the street side, also the fact that it's facing North gets you no direct sun. Also the poolwater is hardly ever this color but I know a couple of guys who love the place.
  5. Now that's funny :) for nobody can do that but since you asked... NOTE: THIS IS NOT THE CONDO THE OP IS SELLING JUST THE SAME TYPE OF UNIT!
  6. Well, downloaded nicely but no English subs in site. I've tried all settings, nothing
  7. That's the market price, more if you go through an agent however the ones I looked at for 500 were in really bad shape.
  8. Why not just use the Bell bus? I used them go to the airport about a week ago, they picked me up at my door and only cost me 250 baht all. I understand they do BKK delivery at your location of convenience.
  9. There are horror stories about the financial balloon in Thailand, the same way people are waiting for the dollar to collapse the last few years, I don't believe either will happen but anyone in the know would be a very rich man. Nobody really knows of course but most agree that the Thai baht will continue to decline against the dollar all the way through next year. I don't have much money but the few dollars I have in the bank will not be exchanged for the moment, only on an 'as needed' base.
  10. I wonder why this guy shows his face in all his videos. Should be a warning for young children and for those with allergies. What an ugly fucker...
  11. (Shit, I gave you a pos to your abusive post by accident, instead of the reply button. Oh well...) One more reply and then I put you on ignore and stop replying to your idiotic accusations. 1. First of all my first remark on this thread was a compliment, look it up. I didn't "find you and trying to lecture you". Get a grip. 2. "But in Hungarian we also use the word caviar (kaviár)" meaning that we use ikra to describe fish egg, even of the scrawniest .little one in the pond. I've never said "Hungarians use the word " kaviár " only on sturgeon eggs" as you claim - learn to unders
  12. You're totally missing the point. As usual. I make it easier for you to understand then - tell me which part of my above post is untrue.
  13. Which means roe or fish egg regardless what kind of fish we’re talking about. But in Hungarian we also use the word caviar (kaviár). As Jacko pointed out earlier it is exclusively used to describe the roe of sturgeon, all others called roe, like salmon roe, trout roe etc. In certain countries like Sweden it is even forbidden to use the word caviar for other than the roe of sturgeon, something similar to the cognac vs. brandy or champagne vs. sparkling wine. It would be only fair not to ignore that.
  14. This was posted today: "NANA GROUP NEWSFLASH - Despite rumours and misleading media reports the political problems in Bangkok are far away from Nana Plaza. In and around Nana Plaza is safe and there is NO CURFEW IMPOSED. "
  15. What he's saying that all those videos on you tube depicting protests and fighting on sukhumvit and soi nana are three years old, from 2010
  16. He was hilarious in that one, so was that other twat Matt Dillon.
  17. So, then what happened to the "idiot american scum" part? Group of young scumbags ganging up on defenseless people is going back to thousands of years. It's a matter of how it's been recorded and manipulated by the media and certain individuals like it's reflected in your post. You may not realize it but what you're doing is the exact same thing as the things you're oh'so against on Internet boards and which you like to call "Goebbels propaganda". It's just not right. I am also with the pack who wants these assholes hanged but would leave the usual American bashing out of it, that's all.
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