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Everything posted by groover

  1. groover

    Euro 2016

    It looks as if the Spanish team have been boozing and whoring in a gogobar till late last night when I look at how they play in the first half of the game.
  2. groover

    Euro 2016

    Your wish is fullfilled Ireland-France : 1-0 after 2 minutes and Ireland nearly scored 2-0 in the 21th minute. Let's see if this game is going to be the surprise of the tournament.
  3. groover

    Euro 2016

    Croatia v Portugal was disappointing . Both teams can do better than they did in this game. Portugal was lucky this time. To bad that Croatia is going home. This was by far the most talented and best Croation team ever. For objective spectators Wales-N Ireland was a pain to the eyes.
  4. groover

    Euro 2016

    Some remarkable facts : All English speaking countries go to the next round. After 40 free-kicks from Ronaldo in the national team he still didn't score from one. For comparison : Bale took 3 free-kicks and scored with two of them. Iceland goes to the next round : a country that in total has only about 100 professional footballplayers from which 40 are semi-professional players.
  5. groover

    Euro 2016

    In the match against Turkey Barcelona ..., sorry I mean Spain shows that they are a serious candidate for the final.
  6. I had with both airlines good experiences. The China Air stewardesses were the most attractive ones. The only really bad experience I ever had was with Jordanian Airlines. That was a nightmare; I wouldn't use them again even if it were for free
  7. I agree that the nature in a 4 seasons climate is way more beautiful than in LOS where there are only two choices: bloody hot with humidity and bloody hot with very high humidity. But when you get older and can't stand the cold as good as in your younger days then an all year round hot climate is more inviting.
  8. Accurate description EvilPenevil. My main reason for visiting PBG is not the food but the location and the relaxed atmosphere. Als: I find the waitresses are friendly, one even flirted a bit with me ( I like that) Portions of food are twice as big compared to most other restaurants.In fact I don't know any other restaurant in Pattaya where portions are that large. In the beginning PBG was Walking Street's fresh breath of air with it's low loudness of music . Unfortunately the music has become louder and louder. Call me crazy, but if I owned PBG i would let the
  9. groover

    World Cup

    Not much luck for the Dutch lately..... First missing the Worldchampionship final and now a week later a plane shot down by Russian separatists in which (amongst others) 154 Dutch people died. Speaking about bad luck : A Queensland family who lost a son and daughter-in-law on flight MH370 are today grieving the loss of further family members who were on board MH17 when it was shot down over Ukraine. Irene and George Burrows of Biloela, seven hours north of Brisbane, have been faced with the unthinkable tragedy. The couple lost their son Rodney and daughter-in-law Mary
  10. groover

    World Cup

    Van Persie played again dissapointing in the game against Brasil. Although Van Gaal denies it, rumour says that Sneijder and Robben went to talk to him some days ago and tried to persuade him to let Huntelaar instead of van Persie play against Argentina, as they felt they would make a better chance to reach the final with Huntelaar. But van Gaal wouldn't have none of it. Probably scared to put his good relation with van Persie at risk just before he starts his new job as coach of Man United.
  11. groover

    World Cup

    I hope to see an exciting final too, but I fear that a strongly defending Argentina will go for another 0 - 0 draw and then hope to win the penalty shoot out. UNLESS Messi finally shows what he can.... Argentina winning the Worldcup on Brazilian soil that would be an even bigger nightmare for Brasil than the 7-1 loss against Germany.
  12. groover

    World Cup

    I thibk that Higuains ball hit the net but at the wrong side of the pole.
  13. groover

    World Cup

    RVP wasn't injured. He's one of the 3 players (also Ronaldo and Messi) who are the stars in their clubteams Man United,Real madrid and barcelona, but who somehow never play very well in their national teams. Both Holland and Argentina don't make a chance against Germany imho. The coming final will be the easiest win ever for the Germans I think.
  14. groover

    World Cup

    Brasil's dream turns into a nightmare. Are the Germans that good or is the Brasilian defense so bad? I just watched the 7th goal and i think my question is answered....
  15. groover

    World Cup

    I think that Costa Rica was fortunate during the game.
  16. groover

    World Cup

    Brazil/Columbia was a sort of rugby/american football game. Personally I am more a fan of players with elegance,refined technique ; ""sexy football"" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fTSULy5LkKs
  17. groover

    World Cup

    Tomorrow : Belgium versus Messi replay of the 1986 game Belgium versus Maradona The reason why the Belgians could win tomorrow : Messi isn't as good as Maradona was.
  18. groover

    World Cup

    Looking at the statistics Colombia,Brasil or Argentina will be the next worldchampion. Until now all worldchampionships hosted in South America were won by a South American team. I find it difficult to name a potential winner when I look at the teams that are still in the race . Belgium,France,Germany,Colombia are the best TEAMS as an entirety. But when Robben,Messi or Neymar has a good day, one of them could just win the worldcup for their country.
  19. groover

    World Cup

    Brazil is a bit disappointing so far. Only with a little help from the referees they will make it to the final is my estimation. Not all referees are as good and unbiased as Howard Webb . My vote for the final goes to Germany vs. Argentina and for the outcome of that game : ask Gary Lineker. Amazing how well the Americans play. It wouldn't even surprise me if they would beat Belgium. Would this become the breakthrough for the popularity of football in the USA? ""USA World Cup 2014 fever shows popularity of soccer is growing The US has brought more fans to Brazil than
  20. That's 25 degrees Celcius ! More perfect than that it doesn't get. I hope it will be "cold" in jan-feb too.
  21. Yeah, things look better day by day P.S. you're not starting to wear a jacket when it's 22 degrees Celsius outside, are you? ;-)
  22. They will not have a real democracy anyway because it's a network of the rich/powerfull that rules the country and not the government/political parties. Thailand is a pseudo-democracy and it will stay like that for a long time.
  23. Rocks49, the rooms look nice on the website but there is no info about roomrates unfortunately.
  24. the advantage of being a young kid : you get away with things we wouldn't. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tmZw5jrfQ74
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