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Everything posted by torrenova

  1. Is there a bounty on his head ? Perhaps someone could earn a little out his detention ?
  2. A couple of years ago I was looking for somewhere new to live and considered Jomtien. I initially thought it was too far away but if you are on the baht bus route or near one, you can (on a good run) get from South Pattaya to Jomtien in 10 miinutes. I've lived in View Talay for 18 months or so and really like it. I am not bothered that even on a bad day it might take me 10 or 20 minutes longer than usual. I'd go for the offer you've been made and I think you'll be pleasantly surprised. As for bringing people back, you have no problems. It is effectively your home and no-one else's business
  3. Don't bother. Why fly round the world to go shopping in 30c+ heat and find no changing rooms, no return policy and largely questionable quality. Bring what you need from home, buy something if you see something you like but have the holiday you came for !
  4. Sorry but if someone is trying to take back 50 cartons which will be for sale, so effectively smuggling, then they deserve to get caught and fined. Taking a few extra packets for personal use going either way and no-one cares.
  5. I had HSBC do this but they reactivated it whilst I was on the phone. I then billed them for not contacting me to ask about the transactions when they have my Thai mobile and Thai house numbers as well as email etc.
  6. One of the problems you will have regarding a work permit is that you will need to pay yourself a salary of over 65k per month I think is the minimum, perhaps have to employ some Thais, set up a company with all the other shit and sort out your VAT and taxes etc. Not that easy if you are only doing a few shots here and there and not generating much in the way of income.
  7. What about a cheap room ? some are only a few thousand baht per month.
  8. Cherry Hotel on 2nd Road White Rose on 2nd Road Both good at Bt500-650 per day. Cherry around Bt11k per month all in.
  9. Bt 1200 all in is pretty standard from Pattaya to the airport but maybe a little more coming the other way.
  10. The rental market is totally over supplied, forcing yields down. People are buying because they think that there will be a continual capital appreciation. The reality is that that is a pipe dream and the rationale for buying more property reduces as the price rises. Buying wisely into the condo market is the only way I would go or perhaps at the very high end after signing rental agreements with some major companies for their expat executives.
  11. I wouldn't bother going to Bangkok from Pattaya and then flying to Hua HIn. If you could do it from Pattaya for a reasonable fare then maybe. Even a private car would only run you about Bt2-3k from Pattaya. I once hired a car and driver to go to Phetchaburi near Hua Hin for 3 days. Sorted it out for around Bt5k all in and I paid for his accommodation.
  12. They have a new hotel now, I don't remember the name but ask them.
  13. One thing to do is make sure that the speedboat is yours all day, then you decide where to go and more importantly, when to leave. With a boat, you can beach hop. I tend to toss the driver a coupl eof beers through the afternoon and spend about 3 to 4 hours on each trip. The water is much cleaner than Pattaya but watch out for sea urchins.
  14. I only sell bottled beer and never drink draft as I think it tastes like shit. I know a few bars which sell shorts in very small measures. Better to sell a decent product and charge a decent price I think. Oh yes and how is it that some bars cannot get their beer cold ? Buy decent fridges and bottle up when you close the bar so the beer has all night to get cold. Buy an ice box as back up as well. And put beer in condoms, easy to take out if you don't want one. Only Bt10 or so to buy.
  15. I don't mind guys asking this question as it often throws up some useful information about condos, new deals, offers etc. The essentials: Rent - a good studio for Bt12k all in Food - around Bt200 per day Laundry - Bt1000 per month Transport - Bt100 per day - mixture of bike and baht bus The necessities: Beer - a case of Heineken at average Bt100 per day Girls - Bt2000 per time including barfine and drinks So the essentials cost you around Bt22,000. The necessities could add another Bt130,000 or so. So it is really easy to see where you have to concentrate in order to ec
  16. Get the Bangkok Post. The gold price is on the front page of the Business section, buy and sell price, usually seperated by Bt100. Here is a link http://www.bangkokpost.com/Business/index.php half way down on the right hand side.
  17. Sort something out before you arrive. Sort it out for your whole stay. You don't know the town so cannot go running around looking for hotels. Best of luck. Hit the web, and use the phone, not email.
  18. At the top of "Arab Town" and obviously beter during ramadan but nothign wrong with it and certainly would make a short list if the list is short.
  19. Pattaya has loads - Cherry, P72, White Rose 1 & 2, Merry Inn etc.
  20. Just dial *101# and it will tell you the balance on DTAC. Just top up anywhere you want with cards or via the ATM.
  21. The important considerations are how much holiday you get and when is your next allocation and your cash position. You'd be better off coming with 3 weeks money and staying 2 weeks rather than coming with 2 weeks money and having to make it last 3 weeks.
  22. That is true, I have also talked to them. The only market is really the Indian sub continent one as they like the flash stuff as well. All jewellers in LOS will bullshit you that the reason they don't pay you for workmanship when you trade in gold is because Thais don't like second hand. That is shit, the Thais would not know. The jeweller just pockets the difference and puts it back in the shop window.
  23. I understand what you mean but as you've already experienced, most rentals are for the medium to long term. I have a few contacts in this field, both agents and private individuals as well as a friend who is in the process of buying a top end condo (Bt12m+). Can you give me any indication as to the month ? I know you cannot perhaps be accurate but any information would be useful. Also, do you require it to be on a abht bus route or will you have transportation ? Do you need / want an ocean view ? How many bedrooms ? Thee are thousands out there, even in this range but you'r
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