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Everything posted by PattayaPete

  1. To celebrate finally re-opening we are having a party from 1pm to 6pm. We have lots of giveaways from our suppliers and will have free sangria as well. Come and blow off the past two years of misery. Everyone is very welcome.
  2. The "health nazis" were only there for one day, yesterday. From today we will be doing what every one else is doing and anything we do will be done by our own staff.
  3. We will be open tomorrow and every day from 1pm to 10pm. We are only running 1 shift hence the shortened opening hours. As soon as turnover justifies it we will be back to normal opening times. Ten pm is still mandated closing time although the powers that be are discussing that tomorrow and may allow later closing and also the opening of bars and nightclubs. We will see. With a skeleton staff of just 20 vs the normal 100 it may take us a few days to get things humming, so please forgive any slowness or sloppiness in the service. I am fairly confident things will be fine but un
  4. I am reluctant to name a date given all the delays we have had. Our plan at the moment is to open again on 18 March. Fairly confident of this baring any new changes in the situation with Covid.
  5. Sadly no. We are ready to open and will do as soon as the Corona (government) situation allows tourists to enter Thailand with out unreasonable restrictions and alcohol can be sold.
  6. It seems that while closed the PBG has still been feeding the masses. Unfortunately the masses are insects and the food has been our wooden tables and chairs. The work crews are rebuilding the furniture and expunging any insect infested wood from the premises. A bigger job that I expected. We have tentative plans to re-open on 15 January for limited hours and with a limited menu. Probably 3 - 11 pm. Nothing is sure yet as the situation here remains fluid and Omicron has yet to hit heavily. It's the government response to Omicron that remains the big unknown although the health minis
  7. Yes, The Pattaya Beer Garden will close again (temporarily), with Tuesday 29 September being the last day for the public. We gave it our best shot, after reopening following the initial Covid closure. We have tried now for 3 months but never looked even close to breaking even let alone making a profit. I have been subsidizing the losses to try and keep the jobs going but if I keep doing it I will soon be broke. Our lease came up for renewal during all this and we have signed up for a further 3 years. As soon as the business looks even remotely viable again we will reopen. We h
  8. Jacko, the bar area will be open, all usual services will be available.
  9. No plastic partitions. My understanding is they were never required just an over reaction by some owners.
  10. We will be open again from 10 am to 12 midnight from Wednesday 1 July. The staff have been busy these last few days getting everything clean and ready to go. It is amazing how many things deteriorated or just broke over the three months we were closed. However everything appears good now and we are keen to get back into it. I have no idea if we can survive and I'm expecting a hard time to even break even with no tourists in town and Cov19 fears still very much on everyone's mind. We are going to give it our best shot though. I do believe the Beer Garden will be a safe venue with ocean
  11. Frosty, I can and will definitely help through either sponsorship, advertising or donation. I am back in town after 1 March, lets get together and talk about it then.
  12. Reviews are strange things. If you read the reviews for the Beer Garden, even just the first two pages you may think that the Beer Garden is too expensive, while being very reasonable the food is great but average the staff are fantastic but ignore you its as good as it ever was but going down hill service is very friendly but rude food is served very quickly but takes forever It gets confusing to say the least. I try to follow up bad reviews with the managers to find out what actually happened. Sometimes we just did a bad job, sometimes the customer was unreasonable and someti
  13. I can confirm that he has not sold the PBG.
  14. We sell cigs at the Beer Garden. Wholesale price for L&M went from 63 to 83 baht and for Marlboro went from 88 to 115 baht. That's a 30% increase.
  15. I got the following reply. "Your SIM does not support 4G. Please upgrade your SIM card (free) at AIS Shop. That's disappointing.
  16. This story is interesting but not for the reasons given by Reuters. It turns out that the evidence used by Wired and Gizmodo that Dr Craig Wright is Satoshi Nakamoto (bitcoin creator) was fabricated by a blackmailer trying to extort Dr Wright. Here's what is interesting. Dr Wright is in a tax dispute with the Australian Tax Office over tax credits and VAT refunds around a company he started that is now in bankruptcy. Nothing to do with Bitcoin. ATO says he owes them 3 million and are withholding a 5 million tax refund while it is sorted out. In other words if the investigation goes
  17. If you owned 300 bitcoin that would have been around a 250,000 baht gain in 3 days. Just saying :-). Bitcoin - the best performing currency in the world for 2015.
  18. I don't have a regular time but I try to come in every second night between 8 and 10 pm. You can always ask the staff if I am about or send me a PM and I will tell you when I will be in.
  19. Martin, it's 393.74 now so you will be up a little. Turnout was a little disappointing - only Martin turned up! So I don't think I'll do it again. How about this instead. Anytime I am in the Beer Garden, if you approach me and ask about Bitcoin, I will give you 100 baht's worth for free Just ask and you will receive, limit one time per person.
  20. Today is the day. Don't forget to turn up for your free Bitcoin between 3 and 5 this afternoon.
  21. Not so much. If you want to do serious money laundering I'd recommend the experts, HSBC Bank. They have done serious work in the drug trade laundering money for Mexican drug cartels and avoiding tax in the UK by laundering money through their Swiss branches (all widely reported). The problem with any sort of criminal activity with bitcoin is that you leave a permanent trail of the transactions on the blockchain. While this in itself will not get you caught you have to be very careful you don't give away your identity when converting to fiat money. It can be done if you are careful and
  22. I will as long as you promise to accept monopoly money in your bar and convince another half million merchants to accept it too, as they accept Bitcoin, including Microsoft, Expedia, Overstock.com and Save the Children Fund. PS You should talk to me about accepting bitcoin in Sugar Baby. I'd tell you about how you have zero risk from charge backs, zero fees and can instantly access the money as opposed to credit cards where you are always at risk of charge backs, pay substantial fees and can not be sure you get to keep the money until at least three months after it was spent.
  23. This Sunday between 3 and 5 pm I will be giving away 100 baht worth of Bitcoin at The Pattaya Beer Garden, to anyone who asks. I'll be sitting at the first inside table with my "Free Bitcoin Here" sign. You can immediately spend the bitcoin at the bar or keep them as you wish. That's at least one free beer. To collect the bitcoin you will need a cell phone or a laptop. I will assist anyone who needs help installing an appropriate app. I recommend Mycelium for Android or BreadWallet for IOS. You can install an app beforehand if you like or I will walk you through the process when y
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