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Everything posted by PattayaPete

  1. It disappeared just like the polls. I have no idea why ??? But I will find it and put it back soon ;D It's a good one too.
  2. Yep, seems to have disappeared although existing polls are still working. Very odd. Will check it out.
  3. If your looking for the naughty banana photos, they are in The Members Bar, under naughty banana photos.
  4. I think some of the more exotic features will not work with your set up. Not much i can do about that - sorry.
  5. I'm having the same problem. Not sure why, but I'm looking into it.
  6. I changed it for you - and made you a member as well. Pete
  7. There are a few security issues I need to resolve and I do want to make sure the majority of members are happy with the change. The open site will definitly change to this board on Monday. Once i see how that goes and providing the security issues are resolved the members site may change over next Wednesday.
  8. Just added a chat room, just for you Chris.
  9. I am working almost all the time at the moment, fine tuning and adding features. This involves code changes which I shouldn't do while the board is live. There is actually a feature that enables me to boot everyone off while I'm doing this but I'm not using it. If I change some code while your browsing, the results will not be predictable. Anyway, should be OK now.
  10. What type of computer and browser are you using. Anyone else experience this?
  11. Eventually the photo album program will integrate with this board. It is actually designed to do that. Once that is done you can upload photos to the album and then link to them from the board. It's quite a big job to set it up though, so I am waiting until I have a final decision about changing or not.
  12. Oh my God A mac and Netscape 4.7. A deadly combination. A quote from another board, Netscape is not an application, it's a bug. But seriously, I'd like to know if anyone else is having this problem of flashing news.
  13. Ask and you shall receive. You are now a member.
  14. All that stuff came with the new software. I'll rewrite it in due course but for now, i wouldn't worry about it too much
  15. Do not post messages about bars or your activities with bar girls on this forum. This board is open to all, including children, the Thai authoritys take a dim view on open discussion of these topic and it just isn't appropriate here. If you would like a more open forum without censorship then join the members site. It's free but restricted to people over 18, living outside Thailand. To apply go here www.pattayatalk.com/joinmembers.html
  16. Your pic must be somewhere on the net, it can't work from your hard drive. Read the how to post a pic section on the members site for more detail.
  17. I agree it's pretty subtle Ken. I'm not sure if I can change the icon but if I can I will
  18. The text should not be flashing. It should just fade in and fade out. Are you using netscape 4.7 by any chance?
  19. Easy peasy. Click on the button above the posting screen that looks like a picture in a frame. the following code will appear in your post {img}URL{/img}. Replace the URL with the address of your picture eg. http://www.internetsite.com/mypic.jpg Of course your picture must already be on the internet somewhere. At the moment for techie reasons, pics uploaded to the FLB members site will not work here. I'll fix that if we go live with this software.
  20. To get into the members section, you have to send me an email at newboard@freelancerbar.com saying what your user name is. You will not get a reply but once I have approved you, you will automatically see the members section, the next time you log in.
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