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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.


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Everything posted by PattayaPete

  1. Dance little lady, dance: The Diamond ogling den (Soi Diamond) will be holding its third dance contest, this one on Friday night, January 24 commencing at 9:00 p.m. (that's Thai time by the way: therefore, read 9:30 p.m. and some). The usual collection of Noah's Arkites (i.e., in pairs) will be rounded up from a string of participating chrome pole palaces and, if the fist two contests are anything to go by, it should be a fun night. On Saturday night January 25, Biw, the boss of the Polo ogling den (Walking Street) is planning on holding what she has termed as an 'amazing dance show' c
  2. Thai Girl - You go and have fun darling and shag all the bar girls you like. Farang - No darling I only want to be with you. Result - happiness! -------------------------------------------------------------------- Thai Girl - You go and have fun darling and shag all the bar girls you like. Farang - OK, see you next week, Result - Thai girl with sharp knife looking to cut of your privates. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thai girls do love to test their men but as always with women the correct answer may not be obvious ;D
  3. Floyd 640x480 is OK for size, it's the compression you need to change. Does your image program have a setting for either compression or quality. If so change it to 50% or in some programs 5 and you should get a file size of around 30k.
  4. You wont see it until you become a member. Click the link at the top of the page which says Click Here to Join the Member's Board.
  5. Nightmarch author Duncan Stern is a long time observer of the Pattaya scene. His fortnightly articles will keep you uptodate on the ever changing scene here. Duncan has written two books on his favourite subject which you can purchase on-line by clicking the link below. Click Here to buy On-Line. This is NOT another novel about the bar scene This is the 'REAL' thing Read About: The dancer who beat the pride of the US Marine Corps in a beer drinking competition... The rigged blackjack scam... The trials and tribulations of running an A-Go-Go bar... How '60 M
  6. Crazy Hour again: In an amazing resurgence, over the past 18 months or so Walking Street has wrested the mantle of premier chrome pole palace venue from its rivals down in Pattayaland Soi 2. On Saturday night January 4 Club Electric Blue became the 25th ogling den on or in the environs of Walking Street when the former Baby 3 opened its palatial doors with a private party. This was followed by a dance contest on January 5. The new venture is the brainchild of Big Andy, formerly of Dollhouse, the ogling den that started the revival of the chrome pole palaces on Walking Street. Andy knows ho
  7. Emil I see that info when I approve the posts and it is preserved in the database but it can not be viewed by users. The script that controls this process is designed that way - not sure why.
  8. dA small delegation including LDK (Don), Andy from Mistys, Kevin from Fresh Orange Bar and myself headed down to the Pattaya Orphanage today. Don made 32,000 baht selling his Birthday T-Shirts through the bars and handed over the cash to Fr Brennan. A stirling effort on Don's behalf and a very classy way to finish off what has been a massive birthday celebration. Don parts with the cash. Fr Brennan who recently celebrated his 70th birthday is stepping down as Director of the Orphanage although he will still be around if anyone would like to visit. Fr Philip takes over a Directo
  9. The cheapest place to go is Phnom Pehn, Cambodia, although the overland route is a bit rough and time consuming. You can fly from Bkk for US$150. Visa agencies come and go but if they are getting a new tourist visa for you without you leavinging the country then they are breaking the law so be careful. All tourist visas have an expiry date. For 3 and 4 entry visas that is 6 months after you get the visa, for 1 and 2 entry I think its around 3 months. Each entry is good for 60 days plus a 30 day extention. If you leave the country before the 60 days is up that entry is finishe
  10. Hi Whittler Can you try again and let me know here, if you still have the problem. Pete
  11. Its getting harder to find but Software Station, Second Rd, right hand side just before Royal Garden still has plenty of choices at 200 baht a disk.
  12. Hi Shilo The promo for the golf day is not linked to your members pics. I copied them over to a permanent part of the site, so feel free to delete your pics. If you still need more space after that give me another yell. Pete
  13. FLB videos are in the members section. along with full instructions on how to download them. To see this you need to become a member. It's free to join, just click on join up, above.
  14. It's in Satahip which is 20k (12 miles) south of Pattaya.
  15. They are all over the airport Derek. You'll find machines at both end of both arrival halls and numerous other locations all around the airport.
  16. Yes the busses still run. Most shops and services will be open. Most bars, including FLB will be closed.
  17. Boka, this question belong in the members section. It's free to join. The answer is yes and depending on the time of day, around 3,000 baht.
  18. It's closed for 30 days for opening after hours. The 30 days are almost up.
  19. Rhoel I haven't noticed it and have been connecting from some pretty out of the way places. At home with my shiny new broadband its super quick. Could it be your ISP? Pete
  20. Sounds like you have cookies disabled. They must be enabled for the board to work.
  21. Windows XP does not come with a Java engine. You need to download it from the microsoft site.
  22. Murphys Law. Go on holiday and something that has worked fine for months suddenly stops working. Anyway, it should be working again now.
  23. You can find all the details here http://www.freelancerbar.com/residence/main.htm
  24. The answer to your questions are on this site. I suggest you check out the hotel review section and the nightlife sections f1rst. Links at the top of this page.
  25. You can get a baht bus from Pattaya to Jomtien anytime, day or night. It should cost you 50 - 100 baht depending on your negotiating skills. During the day and early evening there are regular departures from the cnr of Second Rd and South Pattaya Rd (outside the school) for shared, scheduled services which will cost you 10 baht. From Jomtien to Pattaya, just flag down a baht bus along the sea front and pay 10 baht. Late at night you may have to wait for a while to find one and will have to pay 50 - 100 baht into Pattaya.
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