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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.


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Everything posted by PattayaPete

  1. Lucky for some: Charlie and Lek, the operators of the Lek boozer and eclectic music room (Soi 7), are celebrating (is that really the right word?) 13 years of marital bliss with a party on Sunday night April 20. Lek’s famous beef stew will be served to all imbibers and well-wishers. The Anzac Day dance contest: Tee, the owner of the Diamond ogling den (Soi Diamond, Walking Street) has scheduled the sixth in his series of successful dance contests for Friday night, April 25. Although Tee didn’t know it, for Aussies and Kiwis, this date is significant as each year on April 25 these two natio
  2. Paul Your photos are stored under your user name (I_Love_Los), not your display name. Pete
  3. Your right landy2. Mr Leeroy, you should join the members board - it's free.
  4. There is a lot of discussion on this topic in the members area. To access it you need to join. Click the link at the top of the page where it says Click Here to Join the Members Board, and follow the instructions. Pete
  5. The devil made me do it: Almost from the moment it opened its doors, the Diablo Diskotek (Walking Street) has proved to be a popular alternative to places like Tony’s and the evergreen Marine (both in Walking Street) for head bangers and jitterbug aficionados. Thirst quenchers are not cheap, with the amber nectar at 150 baht and lolly water 100 baht, but the disco is spacious and not too loud, while the front area has a good live band and, when they’re on a break, the music is good Top 40 dance style, tunes that almost everyone whose watched any sort of MTV in the last six months will be famil
  6. I put it in for you. It's not very good though as all id pics get resized to a square 100x100 pixels. Your animation is very wide and not very high so it comes out distorted. If you look in your profile, you'll see how I did it.
  7. Sorry for the delay in replying Hilly. I seem to have missed this post first time round. The short answer is no. The board software does not respond properly to standard html. You would have to modify it to the board format etc. Then you would have to seperatly upload the pics and change the url imbedded in the html to the correct new address of those pics.
  8. I don't think you will be able to do that Shilo. Firstly the vid is in PAL format which will not play on an American TV and secondly it is in a non-standard DVD format. It is do-able but you need some fancy software to do the conversions.
  9. Elecard MPEG2 Video Decoder v. 2.0 Demo build 2104 (893,642 bytes, ZIP) HTTP Download, U.S. Primary (it is recasting) HTTP Download, Russia Either one of those should work. I haven't tried it myself though. If that fails you could try downloading Zoom Player from http://www.inmatrix.com This palyer plays just about anything and is actually written by a board member. It's free. Pete
  10. You can do it for yourself. Just go to the links section and click on add - follow the instructions.
  11. Fancy a poke with your pig: The Spicy Girls ogling den (Pattayaland Soi 1) is having a Panda party on Saturday night March 22, starting at 7:00 p.m. Patrons are not required to dress up in anything more formal than the usual jeans and t-shirt, but those who so desire may come dressed in the garb of any type of forest dwelling or domesticated creature they desire. No prizes, but you might give someone a good laugh. The usual buffet, featuring ox-loast and a pig in a poke will keep you well fed and standard happy hour prices will apply. Seconds out, round five: Mark down Wednesday night Marc
  12. I'm not sure about China, but Min's Travel, opposite Marine Disco on Walking Street got me a Vietnamese Visa once. It took about a week.
  13. You can also get a taxi but it's around 500 baht.
  14. Songkran is the Thai New Year. It is celebrated throughout Thailand and is particulary vigourous in Pattaya and Chiang Mai. The official dates are 13 and 14 April. These are a national holidays. Pattaya has a week long festival starting on the 13th and finishing on the 19th. As the week progresses the celebrations get more and more vigourous with the last day being biggest by far. The catch with Songkran is that the traditional way to celebrate was to sprinkle water on other people. This has now denigrated into all out water fights. Some people join in and have a lot of fun, w
  15. The 38 is for Pattaya landlines, not needed when dialing a mobile. From the us dial your international access code (011) I think, the 66 for Thailand and then 615 xxx. The zero at the front of the 615 is for local access. +66 615 xxxx Is that clear ???
  16. Time for remedial action: Ever since the ogling dens of Walking Street commenced their renaissance, chrome pole palaces in places like Pattayaland Soi's 1 and 2 and further afield have suffered from reduced custom. Most are now relying on regulars for their staple income, with walk-in-off-the-street types making a quick comparison with the dens of Walking Street and keeping right on going. Most places complain of a lack of sufficient dancers to hug the chrome poles (then again, this has been the case with every joint since the beginning of time) and in many places their drinks prices just
  17. It should not have an mpa extention. Change it to mpg. Monkeyman, I'm not sure where in the world you are (its time you entered your details on the members map) but if you are in North America, remember they are PAL system videos and will not play on most NTSC (American System) TVs, unless you have a multi-standard TV. Make sure you set your DVD program to make PAL VCDs.
  18. RTF FAQ ;D. First board in the members section, has full instructions.
  19. These pages do not actually exist [smiley=Eyecrazy.gif] Well they do but are generated on the fly by something called a script. When you hit your back button you are going back to a page that was created just for you. A number of factors control how long the page stays in existance however on script based pages it is not usually a good idea to use the back button. This board has bread crumbs at the top of every page. On this page they look like this - FLB Bar Pattaya Pages «Open to Everyone Forum» (No bar girl discussion here please) Technical problems or questions.
  20. Reminder: The Diamond ogling den (Soi Diamond, Walking Street) will be holding its fourth Dance Contest on Friday night February 21, kicking off at 9:00 p.m. Thai time (read: 9:45 p.m.). The first three contests have all been taken out by chrome pole molesters from the What’s Up ogling den (Soi 15, off Walking Street) so it will be interesting to see if they can maintain their unbeaten record. Two years on and still going strong: The Blues Factory late night boogie barn (Soi Lucky Star, off Walking Street) will be celebrating its second anniversary this March and the concept has deservedly
  21. It means that I stuffed up [smiley=banghead.gif]. It should be OK now.
  22. Your not going to believe this but . . . it has nothing to do with the BJs that you are thinking of. The first bar in Pattaya was set up on the corner of that Soi and Beach Rd by an American ex-serviceman named BJ. He called the bar BJs and the Thai's decided to call the soi Soi BJ. I believe that bjs were never available at BJs but I might be wrong ;D - anyone out there ever try? The bar closed a few years ago as BJ said the rent was getting too expensive. I believe he is still running a restaurant/bar in North Pattaya somewhere.
  23. Fashion on Valentines: The Diamond ogling den (Soi Diamond, Walking Street), run by the affable Tee, will be holding a Fashion Show on Valentine’s Day, Friday February 14, commencing at 11:00 p.m. The show is to be held in conjunction with a mob called FI Produce, which might sound like a company involved animal husbandry but I’m assured by Tee that they specialise in women’s apparel. A week later, February 21, Tee will conduct his fourth Dance Contest with the usual collection of chrome pole huggers being drafted in from around the various bars of Fun Town. Tee has gradually refined the w
  24. The current chat room does not have the facility to notify the forum when members are present. I could change it for one that does but there does not appear to be much demand for it. As its a few hours work to do, some extra encouragement here might give me the motivation ;D
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