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Everything posted by PattayaPete

  1. I always carry my laptop with me and leave it in hotel rooms. I've never had it stolen in Thailand (Italy is another story) and I have stayed at a lot of hotels. Broadband access in Pattaya is limited. A small area around Beach Rd does have DSL but it is a very small area. For the rest of town the best choice is satellite which gives you 256k down and 56k up. CSLoxinfo provide the satellite service and they have an office in Pattaya at Third Rd.
  2. A Dozen Contests: The Diamond ogling den (Soi Diamond) will be holding its 12th dance contest on Friday 14 November, kicking off at around 9:30PM. Owner Tee decided not to hold one in October, much to the disappointment of many who seem to have come to regard these extravaganzas as part of their entertainment each month. I Love, I Love, I Love, My Calendar Girl: That old refrain from a Neil Sedaka song seems most appropriate in the countdown to the last few weeks of the year. A couple of enterprising operators have decided to bring out calendars for 2004, featuring the sorts of attractive
  3. Highlight the part of the message you wish to reproduce by left click and drag then click on quote at the top right of the message. This feature is best used sparingly as it is easy enough to see previous posts.
  4. The correct home page address is now www.pattayapages.com. freelancerbar.com is supposed to still work but should not be your main entry point.
  5. Howard Your link is not to the gallery but to a pic on another site which does not appear to exist.
  6. I'm not sure what is causing this and I haven't got time to sort it out at the moment. To get by, I have temporarily upgraded the gallery to a newer version. This has not been properly tested yet, but seems to work OK. Let me know how it goes.
  7. I have disabled the signature function. Long signatures were starting to make the threads look a bit messy.
  8. Taxis, hotels, restaurants will all be operating. Some shops will be open. Most bars will be closed.
  9. Nial Click on "Click Here to Join the Member's Board" at the top of this page. Follow the instructions.
  10. Pig Are you entering flying__pig or flying pig as your user name?
  11. To access the Members Section you have to join. It's free. Details are here http://www.pattayapages.com/joinmembers.html
  12. A shake, rattle and roll: What do you get when Crazy Dave and Nervous Dave team up? According to Crazy Dave, ‘one of the best bars in Pattaya’, that’s what. Crazy Dave, the lanky Englishman who operates a noshery and beer boozer of the same name in Soi Chaiyapoom, has teamed up with the personable Nervous Dave and to celebrate their impending dave-iousness, they are having a party on Thursday 2 October at the Nervous Wreck beer boozer (Nervous Dave’s popular operation) in Soi Yamato, commencing around 8:00PM. A free buffet will be laid on for well wishers. Disco Party: The connections associ
  13. Talk about short-lived: The Lolipop ogling den and the two beer boozers that flanked its entrance and constituted the Zebra Plaza in Soi 2 are no more. After being refurbished and kitted out just a few months ago, Lolipop never quite made it to first base and now the whole shooting match has been demolished. No doubt some form of boozatorium will rise like a Phoenix from the ashes. Do Zebra’s ever change their spots? Where’s Wally? According to sources, it appears as though ‘Alan Ladd’, the main man behind the Living Dolls pair of ogling dens (Walking Street), has been junketing around Hon
  14. Daeng me if it ain’t a party: The connections of the Spicy Girls ogling den (Pattayaland Soi 1) are holding a birthday party for Daeng, partner Ewan’s long-suffering trouble and strife on Wednesday, 10 September. The fun kicks off around 7:00PM with a spit on a pig and other nosh, all of which can be washed down with copious amounts of booze. Balloon chasers stay in your cardboard boxes and kennels. OK, and another one: Yet another trouble and strife will be celebrating her birthday, this time Malee, Denis The Menace’s better half, in the OK Corral (Soi Skaw Beach) on Thursday, 11 Septemb
  15. ‘Here we go round the mulberry bush’…again: Pardon me if I stifle a yawn, but in case you missed it, the deputy Interior Minister Preacher Malcontent has assumed the missionary position and instituted a nation-wide crackdown on what he termed ‘lewd shows’ and ‘striptease’ (a somewhat anachronistic term these days). Preacher has said the dens of iniquity promoting these shows will face a ‘relentless’ three-month clampdown (shades of the war on drugs perhaps?) and claimed the forces of righteousness would receive aid from a few lickspittle foreigners who would report on indecent shows and other
  16. No problem to change Kiwi$ at exchange booths and banks. You will not be able to use them directly at bars or shops.
  17. We've been getting a little over polled this last two weeks so I have disabled them. They will return to normal in a week or so.
  18. Step by step instructions are in the FAQ at the the top of the members only area.
  19. It’s my party: Linda, the woman who wears the pants in Crazy Daves munching den and beer boozer (Soi Chaiyapoom), will be celebrating her birthday with a party in the joint on Wednesday evening 13 August. Kicking off around 8:00PM, there will be a free buffet and free whisky shots all night. A fine half-century: On Tuesday night, 19 August the Lek eclectic music beer boozer (Soi 7) will be celebrating the birthday of its namesake with a party from 7:00PM onwards. Oscar Wilde wrote, ‘No woman should ever be quite accurate about her age. It looks so calculating.’ However, the feisty Lek is
  20. I'm not sure about this but I would expect it to be a browser problem on the offending computer. It never happens to me so I doubt it's the board software. These pages do not exist as real web pages. They are generated just for the viewer each time a link is clicked on. When you press the back button you are going back to a page which does not exist except in your own computers cache. If your cache is not holding the page then it will not be accessible. If you use the navigation links at the top of the forum it will not happen as a new page is generated when you click a link. N
  21. Sorry guys but the software does not have the ability to do this.
  22. I didn't change it and you are not showing as a member. Are you sure you don't have another user id? I forced a general log out the other day so everone has had to log in again.
  23. But I don't want to be President, I want to be dictator [smiley=grins-jump.gif]
  24. What do all of the following places have in common? Bamboo Bar, Blues Factory, Hard Rock Café, Hopf House, Lucifer’s and Tony’s. Apart from providing live entertainment, they are about the only places catering to couples as well as single men out on the prowl. Apart from the Bamboo lounge lizard libation room (which my friends and I refer to as the Pattaya R.S.L.; substitute Working Men’s Club if you are English), they are all expensive places in which to drink and dine, by comparison with most ogling dens and a number of specialist munching palaces. I recently went into the Blues Facto
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