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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.


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Everything posted by PattayaPete

  1. Misunderstandings between Thai and Farang often lead both parties to assume the other is stupid. After living here for a while I just ignore the small miss-communications that seem to part of every day life. The problem is it can be hard to explain why these little problems occur however I recently came across a crystal clear example which is easily tested by anybody. It started with a friend of mind lamenting that his Thai girl was stupid. Why? Well he was paying her 5,000 baht a week and she suggested to him she would prefer to get 20,000 baht lump sum a month. When he told her that
  2. Well I can attest to the fact that I've known BigD for many many years and he has often posted nice things about my places on the forums. He has never asked me for any discount.
  3. I apologize unreservedly to anyone who gets less that top service and food at The Pattaya Beer Garden. We strive to be the best that we can and when we fail to meet our high objectives it distresses me. My distress however does not compensate customers who have a less than stellar experience. We do however have some policies in place to do just that. On the last page of the Menu you will find our guarantee that your experience at the Beer Garden will be a good one. If it is not then you may request an item be replaced or a full refund given. All managers and staff understand this gua
  4. Any wifi router can do this. You don't need a modem, just a wifi router. An easier solution is to bring any Android cell phone as long as its running Android 2.2 or later. Android comes with a free app that will turn your phone into a wifi distribution point.
  5. Most of the tracks are on 6 day rotate. That means they play once every 6 days and that could be at any time during the 16 hours we are open each day. The current stuff rotates a bit faster depending on how current. The hottest tracks play once every 2 days. In radio terms that means you are unlikely to hear the same track twice in a week of constant visiting for long periods. I once worked on one radio station that had hot tracks on a 90 minute rotate. Now that did get repetitive.
  6. Bodfish, I only have one Adam Ant song on the play list - Goody Two Shoes. Just did a search of my fairly extensive video resources and can't get a copy of Friend or Foe. I could add Stand and Deliver but I thought it was a bit naff :-)
  7. Around 300 baht but be careful. A lot of so called Blu-Ray disks are actually re-encoded blu-rays written to a DVD 9. I've seen a few with 25 gb (25 gigabyte) written across the cover and these have been genuine BR disks.
  8. I've put the reserved sign on your seat already Spring.
  9. I've been reading the topic every day LTGTR. Not much for me to add apart from a thank you for the feedback to those who replied. I realize that this is not a scientific pole but it's nice to know that a lot of people think I'm on the right track with the music.
  10. I am quite passionate about the music we play in the Beer Garden. I have a background in radio broadcasting and have dealt with music for the masses for a long time. Selecting music in a Pattaya venue is a difficult task because there is such a wide variety of visitors. We have old, young and middle aged people, cultures of every variety and in general people who grew up to very different styles of music. It's clearly not possible to please all of the people all of the time. I'd describe the beer garden music as predominantly classic rock and pop, a little bit edgy but reasonably main
  11. I thought about it but decided it would upset the "Chilling" aspect of the Beer Garden. A nice Jazz 3 piece would suit me but not really something you can easily find in Thailand.
  12. The coasters are still in operation (we ran out for a week or so around Songkran). Afternoons there are just people chilling and relaxing eating and drinking at the Beer Garden. The girls do not come till evening time.
  13. This question gets asked occasionally with different answers depending usually on how long ago the answerer was there. Things have changed in the last few months but rather than tell you, I thought I'd show you. The video was mostly shot last Wednesday between 8pm and midnight. That is the time to find girls in The Beer Garden. It was a typical Beer Garden evening, if anything perhaps a bit quieter than normal. No bar fine fee of course.
  14. If you have been following the drive to get more Freelancers into the PBG, I am happy to report we seem to have suddenly got it right (at last) For the last 2 weeks girls outnumber the guys in the bar (as they should) often by 2 or 3 to 1. Between 7pm and midnight there are lots of girls in, looking for Mr Right. We are averaging 30 to 50 girls in the bar at that time with the peak being about 9pm. The old promotions have finished now, but the new one seems to be really doing the job with the girls. Basically, unescorted ladies can drink free, every night of the week between 8 pm an
  15. Just a reminder that the promotion is still running and will continue through April and maybe beyond. It all happens, every Friday from 4 pm to 9 pm. A few have asked how it is going. It's been a good success on the girls side with lots of new ladies turning up to try there luck. Strangely for a promotion designed to get the girls in early it has resulted in the most girls being in the bar between 9 pm and 10 pm. That's because the normal late crowd still turn up around 9 pm and are bolstered by their sisters who came early for the promotion and stay on for a while. On the g
  16. Biggles, by 8:30 there were 40 girls in the bar and some extraordinarily cute ones as well. I'll keep working at getting them in early but it's a struggle :-)
  17. I'd rate it a mild success Zeus. We had a few ladies in just after 4 pm. About 5 pm 4 absolute stunners arrived, had their drinks and left without anyone approaching them. By 7 pm we had far more ladies than usual and by 9 pm things were really rocking. Over all lots of free drinks for the girls and 5 bar fines for the guys. Of course I want far more but we only started promoting 2 days before the event. These things take time to really take off. The key is word of mouth amongst the girls and more horny guys. The girls side worked well and will only get better. The guys will need
  18. I gave a guarantee in January last year that we would not raise liquor prices for 1 year. Well that year is now up but the good news is we will still not be raising prices for the foreseeable future. We adjusted a few food prices in November last year but the changes were minor and mainly about getting a better class of steak. As with liquor I have no plans to raise food prices at all this year.
  19. We are promoting to the girls with flyers which set out the full details. Bottled beer, draft beer and Spy Wine cooler as well as soft drinks and a maximum of three per girl per night.
  20. You are right of course agogogaran and people could abuse the promotion. I have been involved with hundreds of promotions over my working life many of which were open to similar abuse. The nice thing is that people that abuse these sort of promotions are in a very small minority. Many business owners are scared to run promotions for fear of such abuse. It's a very minor issue and really should not be of concern. You may not believe it but most people have a good heart and are completely honest. The few ratbags out there have never diminished my belief in the basic goodness of most peop
  21. "What, no freelancers!!!!", I hear people say. Well, yes the Beer Garden does have freelancers and quite a few of them however they rarely turn up before 9pm. Those that do come early rarely find a farang to hook up with so they stop coming in early. A vicious circle really. In the past we have run successful promotions aimed at getting the girls in early. They work, insofar as the girls turn up but as they still don't find any action they soon get bored with it and revert to turning up later. To combat this we are launching a new Friday promotion this week aimed at both sides of t
  22. I've ordered and received many, many things from the internet. Had 100% success with arrival of the goods. Customs and duty is a crap shoot. Some stuff just arrives at the door with no duty, some you have to pick up from Bunglamung Post Office and pay the duty that has been assessed when the goods arrived and some you have to go to customs at the port (Lam Chabang), open the goods and let customs inspect them and assess the duty. Biggest thing I have ordered are the freestanding table lamps we use at the Beer Garden. I ordered 40 of them along with chargers at a total cost of well
  23. Stinky, if you mean by licensed that it will run on any network, then yes you can buy them now in Thailand. My phone is like that and I got it in Central on the second floor (32,000 for 3gs). I believe True are also selling non-specific network iphones as well. That means I don't have to jailbreak my phone to use it on AIS (which is what I do) however I still choose to jailbreak it to get access to Cedia apps and also because in version 3.1.2 tethering (using iphone as modem for a lap top) is disabled (so network providers can charge more for this service) PdaNet app restores this funct
  24. You can Jailbreak 3.1.2 with Blackra1n which you can get from http://blackra1n.com/ It works well and its easy to do however once you do it your phone will not restart without running Blackra1n again. (Every time you want to restart your phone). Although that is a bit of a pain its not much of a problem as I am never far from a computer and I never restart my phone. Ran out of battery once but a simple matter to plug it into the computer and run Blackra1n again. Expect a better solution soon.
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