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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.


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Everything posted by Kev

  1. Piece of piss mate, haven't you worked it out yet?
  2. Find them a new home. The dogs are always hungry for a feed in LOS. Actually come to think of it never seen a cat in LOS. Kev
  3. Mmmmm some people will do anything for a few bucks!!!! Good pickup onmyway
  4. Huh he doesn't want to know about driving licences????
  5. Check out the Pattaya Wiki - good article in there on retirement visa. Kev
  6. Oh no don't tell me Ting Tong will have to pay more than his normal 5 bahts!
  7. Yep I stay there all the time when I go to Pattaya. No probs, good location, cheap but not nasty (although don't expect a 5 star resort for the price). Cheers, Kev
  8. Good topis this one, cause in late March I will be bring my mum (68 years old)along with my Thai wife over for 3 1/2 weeks (I reckon though mum will find the heat a bit too much for that long). Mum has an open mind and wants to meets some of wifey's friends and the reles of course. Should be interesting to say the least. Kev
  9. Hi Ken, Good to hear you have the quality life you want. My wife actually comes from Chaiyaphum and we will be back there for four days when we come for a trip in March/April. Her mumma lives in a small village just outside the main town as well ,not sure the name of it off hand. I will be buying her a washing machine this trip to ease her work load a bit. I wish to retire in about 15 years (long way off, still a young 40) and also want to retire in LOS, where I haven't even thought about it yet but same as you I like the people and the way of life. Anyway all the best for the reti
  10. Not bad Owen I like your thinking, also wash the old hands after doing all these things help as well. Me myself I never follow any of my advice and have never been crook overseas except for the REALLY BAD hangovers (self indulged) and a case of the shits a couple of times (way too much chilli when self induldging)!
  11. Na fellow ocker just telling the way he sees it.
  12. Yep I believe when Ting Tong got the tat, I met him the same day and I do believe he did say it was not a pleasant experience. OUCH!
  13. Kev


    Here is my last contribution on this topic, I'm sure the Poms out there will enjoy this fine bottle!
  14. Kev


    OK congrats to the Poms, just to show that us Aussies are a sporting like bunch. Love those stats Landy2A!
  15. Kev


    Tounge in cheek Top Cat, me a new age sensitive type, no flamin way cobber!!! Hey we don't want to win it, if we manage a draw at least the ashes stay in our hands again and the Poms have to wait till next time to try and get it back! Sandman what's cricket, come on cobb don't jump ship already mate> Stone the flaming crows, and as old Joe used to say She'll be right!
  16. Kev


    Hey Top Cat, Harsh words mate, don't worry it isn't over yet. This is part of a strategic plan to make the Poms think they have the upper hand but the Aussies will play their trump card in the last test and settle it once for all.
  17. Try the Baybreeze, good cheap hotel in central location on Soi 11. Cheers, Kev
  18. Well give them the last three digits and you may as well give them a blank cheque or your credit card!!!!
  19. Kev


    Ahh BigMike some refreshing intelligent words on the subject matter. I can't add another thing as I am remaining silent till the ashes are once again in the Aussies hands. Cheers, Kev
  20. Yep have to agree go out and learn a bit about the game, take a couple of lessons before going onto the real course. Maybe spend hald an hour on the driving range when you first start to learn. Nothing more frustrating IMHO than playing a game a golf with some newbie in front who holds every one up, doesn't repair divots etc... Cheers, Kev
  21. Kev


    He who laughs last laughs loudest!!!!! Game is not over till the fat lady sings!!!! Any of these sayings ring a bell with the Poms supporters counting their chickens already. I will be silent until the ashes are once again in the Aussies hands. Cheers, Kev
  22. Hey Turbo, Bay Breeze on Soi Honey Inn always has hot water when I've stayed there, and yes they even have shelves and a drawer or two. Good hotel for the price. Well worth checking out. Kev
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