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Everything posted by Fornicator

  1. Still not working for me. I went to Secrets board and checked my controls for both boards side by side and every thing is the same except on tracking here Thanks for checking into this Martin Oh, I'm trying to track this topic now.
  2. Well that didn't work any other suggestions????
  3. I'v had no problems with time out or any sort except that I can't track any topics or forums :banghead
  4. Happy Anniversary.....WOW five years and going strong....Congrats cya in Nov
  5. Sorry to hear about your closing the bar -jump Good luck in what every you do... cheers mate
  6. Shit another great party that I missed but only 84 more days till I'm back in Funtown......cya soon Adam
  7. Congrats on your Opening night party, look like everyone had a super time.
  8. I can't get the tracking of any topics or forums like I can on Secrets board, which is a copy of this board. Any help would be appreciated.
  9. I have never been to your bar but that will change in Nov :D :D cya soon, well in 130 day 11 hours and 59 mins to wheels up :D
  10. Another great party that I missed :rolleyes: Suck to live in the US :banghead I will be there in only in 141 days, 9 hours and 38 mins not that I'm counting :D
  11. I have a 46 LED Samsung and I love it!!!!!!!!! I would not buy any other tv IMHO!!!!!!!!!! Uses lot less electric and runs l lot cooler than all the rest :D
  12. C- but with some extra credit work you can bring it up to A+
  13. That certain lady is with me now and till I go home Jan 25 :D :D :D It's to bad that are trips did not over lap this time, maybe next year!!!!! Cheers old mate, Greg
  14. I'm sad to inform this board that there has been a change in ownership at Highway Star!!!!! My friend Pat has sold her bar. If you don't know Pat she has the most class of any Thai lady that I know!!!! I will always have great memories of Highway Star
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