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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.


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Everything posted by Fornicator

  1. I'm going to stay at the Drunken Duck for a couple days this November and will post about my visit :D
  2. So now I have to wait another year before I break in to your house to get 28k
  3. 3 pages and still no pictures :rotflmao :clueless
  4. I always have a great time at Catz/Toyz and can't wait till my November trip to stop in and have some fun :chogdee
  5. I hope you had a great birthday Ron, but do you have any pictures??????
  6. Very good read, thanks for the laugh :chogdee :gulp
  7. I'm looking forward to my November trip and short stay at the Drunken Duck
  8. Arrrrrrag any November Treasure Hunts???? Do you have Havanna Club Rum????? I'll be in town 10 Nov to the 26th. I'll also be co hosting a party at FLB on the 19 November so come on down Cheers, Greg/ Fornicator
  9. Peter, I'm sorry to say that I have never ben to PBG, BUT, that will change come this November I promise to stop in and have a :gulp few From what I have read don't change the music or the volume I will be co-hosting a Party at your old digs, FLB on 19 Nov come on down :chogdee Cheers, Greg/Fornicator
  10. I f you want to see how Americans act in Thailand, Come to EARLY THANKSGIVING presented by Mi Papa and Fornicator's party at FLB 19 November
  11. Sound like a fun day, Do you have any pictures of the wenches??? :clueless
  12. Very funny and she has nice tits :clueless
  13. MM, you do read alot because I had to get the dictionary out twice to understand your posts in this thread. Thanks for the vocabulary lessons. I now can add sundry and gestalt to mine. :clueless
  14. Good to see that you back to posting again BigDUSA!!!!!!!! :D I have always used tap water and no problems :D :D :D
  15. The RG is a great hotel and no problems with bringing many ladies back to hotel. I know this first hand :D :D
  16. OK to start, I check the search option for Windy Inn Hotel and all seem to to be very old. Anyone recently stay at the Windy Inn??? I want something different this trip. I'v stayed at the Areca Lodge and RG. I've been thinking about the new Drunken Duck guesthouse but no pool. Any suggestions for a hotel/guesthouse under 1000baht with wi-fi,aircon,tv,refrig,in room safe and pool? Travel dates 8 Nov to 26 Nov. Thanks
  17. OK I changed my email address and now it seems to be working. I will watch it for the next few days. Thanks Martin and Wetwillie for your help :chogdee
  18. OK I changed my email, lets see if this works for me also.......
  19. I'll be signing up later today, thanks Shilo.
  20. I have comcast at home and use verizon on the road. The tracking works find for Secrets and Pattaya addicts. It use to work for Pattayatalk but stopped about 2 months ago :banghead
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