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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.


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Chester007 last won the day on January 14 2016

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About Chester007

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  • Birthday 04/29/1960

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  1. I've done search with Google,Bing,Cortina and FlightAware. I couldn't find one article about this.
  2. I've only flown B.O.A.C. When they ceased to exist I flew Freddie Laker. 5555
  3. After filling the bellies of fine pizza, I'm sure I can show you some fine pussy at the gentleman's clubs. Anymore requests, please speak to my agent who arranges all tours for me. 5555555555555
  4. If and when you do, please contact me. I'd be happy to be your Pizza Pie tour guide. Ironically this just happened today!!! http://windsorstar.com/news/local-news/south-windsor-arena-renamed-the-capri-pizzeria-recreation-complex
  5. There's not much Windsor is better at than Montreal. However our Pizza industry is very well known to be the best. When there are competitions we always rate in the top 3. There was an international competition in Las Vegas and we placed 3rd. Just saying 555555 http://windsorstar.com/news/judges-agree-windsor-has-some-world-class-pizza
  6. Thanks. I'll do a take away pizza pie this week. No, it's not a NYC thing. I ask for extra crispy when I order back home. Best pizza city in Canada. Windsor. I'll report back.
  7. Pity the poor blokes in the other thread that may never see MM's words of wisdom. 5555
  8. They certainly can, especially when you put a mixture of booze and pussy into the mix.
  9. It's your holiday. Enjoy it the way you want. So what if it is? Obviously it's not your type of holiday. I laugh when I read posts that tell another punter how he should or shouldn't spend HIS time in pussyville.
  10. Found this humorous as this tourny is going on at Phoenix Gold Golf & Country Club. So they start showing around Pattaya and saying it's a great family destination showing everything but the Soi's....
  11. That's the high end. 60$'s for a year if you can make 520 gigs do. The 400 a year is for websites/individuals that use to use Photobucket for storage of the photos they use on the website.
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