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gs joe

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Everything posted by gs joe

  1. Alan , they have also put the toll on the Forth bridge up by 20 p ! and this has slowed thing down even more , I am glad to say I off too , in 8 days time , . Joe
  2. 2nd was being dug up in November , best stay at home .
  3. It sound like a plot for the next, Bridget Jones movie ,
  4. And the next one , can you recommend a good Plastic Surgeon ?
  5. I would like add to Tings list, 7) Use the phone if need to cancel , Dang taxi is just one of the many small taxi stands on Seconed rd , I would be surprised if he reads his E mail every day , and Lemons, I'am pleased, that you took it well and moved on . For what its worth after a 12 Hr flight I would have done the same as you , there a lesson for us all . Joe
  6. I would go with soi 12/13 and yes I know there is construction going on in that area .
  7. One thing these story have in common is the Good Girl . Think I will stick to the bad ones. And congratulations Eric Joe
  8. You need to look both ways before you cross Sukhumvit road Bangkok . In fact just look both ways . Joe
  9. Become a full Member ,then read all this site , It will help ,then go and have fun . Joe.
  10. Me too , nice link ,thanks , Joe
  11. Who gets to have the purple helmet ? Joe
  12. Ting There are pros +cons to full/ open face helmets, but at slow speed a helmet can save you , you could use the one given to you by the shop you hire bike from . but if you buy your own that fits and is comfortabe to use , you will be less tempted not to use it even in the Thailand heat .
  13. I do agree Roy, in Pattaya there is no reson to pay a joiner fee . And yes if the hotel charges a fee , I take it my custom is not wanted , Did get charge for a second guest at the Beela vista Soi 7/8 ? I did not make a fuss, It was late at night so I asked for a exra towel , and checked out the next day and told them why . Joe
  14. I like to stay in soi 13 , But have stayed at the Sunshine a few times, Stayed there on my first trip tp Pattaya , On that first night , I got back up . said good bye to the tilac for the night , and went back out to soi 8 , for more fun . Vegas is a fun place but wait untill you see Pattaya . I am glad I stayed in soi 8 on my first trip , and if you dont like the loaction you can move on , Its not Vegas , Joe
  15. Roy My question is hypothetical . Yes we can move if we wish , and yes being tactful and discreet go's with out saying . But how far do we go before we accept a joiner fee . Joe
  16. I have stayed at the Dynasty , And look out on to the Lek , and I must say I like the look of there pool, So on my last trip I asked to view a room , I was shown a very dated looking room with two single beds , This put me off moveing , I take it I was shown the old wing ? Will look againg in May , Joe
  17. What if you take back more than one guest ?
  18. Thanks Alan , You have given me some new ideas , Hope I get the chance to buy you a drink , cheers Joe
  19. When I try and access some of the post ,on this forum , my aol connection go to auto reconnect , Any ideas please . Joe
  20. The airport is about 30/45 mins aprox , taxi stands charge 600 baht , For check in time ,at lest 1 hour before your trip commences . ( well thats what is writen on my ticket itinerary ) Joe
  21. Don't all rush a once , will be ariveing at BKK on the 13th of May at 1515, anyone care to share a cab to PATY ? Or anyone at Heathrow on the 12th, would like to meet up, let me know. Joe .
  22. Rellable driver , Now that can be a cotradiction in terms , What you read here is not writen in stone, And you need a plan B. What was rellable for me may not work for you , I have had hotel pick ups go wrong , (some times down to me ) I would phone the driver the day before I leave .
  23. Happy To get a answer to your questions The best thing to do is read this site first , (all the answers are there ) then you can ask a more precise question, Hope that helps Joe
  24. Did the trip last November ,cost 2700 bhat one way , used a traval agent in Pattaya , But in May I will take Tom's advice and vist there office , Thank's Tom Joe
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