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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.


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Everything posted by MrMango

  1. Agree that Nitrogen is not expensive. The delivery system and sensors are a little it expensive however. The FAA decided that they are not necessary. One accident in how many million flights of a 747? Waist of money.
  2. Well, I don't agree, Boeing doesn't agree, and the rest of the industry also does not agree. It is not cheap, and if you route any flammable possible causes of ignition away from the tanks, as well as limiting the possibility of them being heated up, they are unnecessary. The FAA also agrees.
  3. Come on, I've got a million of them - It was nothing.
  4. You are correct of course, but you miss my point. I had a lot of problems buying my TW a ticket to the u.S., originating in Thailand. The reasons were: I was in the U.S. at the moment. She did not have a credit card in her name. Thailand Travel agents would not issue her a ticket with my Credit Card, only one that was issued in her name. I did not want to wire her the case, due to the excessive exchange costs. There is also a rule that you pay in the currency of the originating country of the ticket, and they use exchange rates that are not adjusted daily. I ended up buying a tick
  5. A varied assortment. Among them, your favorite, a 172, along with a B-17 on the other end, with a lot in between.
  6. Well, with your ethics, you must have a pretty big pinky to match mine.
  7. Have you noted that eltib totally ignores the negative posts about Airbus? Funny, he claims to be so Ethical...
  8. Need some more answers: Does she have a visa to the U.S.? If not forget it. Get Visa first, if you can. Are you in Pattaya? If not, it is very difficult to find a travel agent that will issue a ticket in her name on a credit card that is not in her name.
  9. Again, it was my understanding that you did not have to have a inert gas insertion system, even on older 747's. Like most air crashes, they are a result of a lot of things going wrong at the wrong time, and any one of them would not of even been noticed if the bird did not crash. As I remember the sequence was: It was a short flight for a 747 so the main fuel tank was almost empty (lots of fumes) The cabin air conditioner condenser is located directly above the main fuel tank. It was a very warm day, and the plane sat on the tarmac waiting for takeoff for a long period of time, causing a l
  10. I keep waiting - Where are the Airbus supporters here? I am waiting for their response?
  11. New to me. I thought only military airplanes used this, and it would be VERY expensive to retrofit. Again, I did not think that it this was a requirement.
  12. I do not know the your specific details, but I had a very difficult time arraigning a ticket for my TW. She was in Thailand, and I was in the U.S. arraigning her visa. When I called a few travel agents, they would not issue a ticket to her if she did not have a credit card in her name, and would only do it if I wired them cash. When I tried to buy a ticket in the U.S. for her, it seems also that there is a obscure rule that states that the ticket be purchased in the origin country, with their currency - Impossible for me to do. In the end, my U.S. travel agent was able to bend the rule
  13. So much for the Nanny's that have claimed that composites wouldn't work - Lets see if they blast Airbus for this? Fat chance.
  14. I don't have a clue what you are talking about - I can assure you that I AM NOT GW Bush - O.K.? When you resort to quoting yourself, you have lost any credibility that you might have had.
  15. Back to making insulting posts? Ran out of arguments? Since you have no flying experience, just a disgruntled former IT guy at a Boeing subsidiary, and cannot match my flying experience, the only thing that you can do is insult. Sad.
  16. Well, How much flying experience does he have? Zero. End of subject. It's called 'Free Enterprise" - Get it? If Boeing charged too much for repair, then the airlines would not buy them, and buy Airbus. Your bias is showing again, big time. The stock market does not share your pessimism, and there is a lot of heavy hitters there.
  17. I book from Bangkok to Ubon using Air Asia on line. If you avoid Mondays and Fridays and a week or so in advance they are pretty cheap. Be aware of the come on fares, such as 299 Baht, as they tack on a significant fuel charge and taxes. Still, the cheapest I have found.
  18. I think that it depends what you want done. I went to a little cutie on the little soi adjacent tot he Pig and Whistle. She did a great job making a bridge at a very cheap price (spoke good English also). Later, my TW had an impacted wisdom tooth. She yanked it and including X-Rays, pain pills, I think that it was about 2,000 baht.
  19. Is there an echo here? This was EXACTLY my point, but from a positive point of view. The stock has been rising over the last year, so investors must be pretty confident about Boeing.
  20. Well, I don't know what the status of Boeing or their airplane. I have simply pointed out some of the biased posts here. All indications that I can see is that the plane is reasonably on schedule without any MAJOR problems.
  21. Well, IMHO, the best way to see if Boeing is in trouble is to look at their share price over the last year or so, http://ir.shareholder.com/ba/stock.cfm Looks pretty good to me.
  22. Of course they increase the amount that you shoot - Without them, I don't shoot anything...
  23. I agree that it one of the best airlines in the world. If you do it right, you can get CP to pick up your hotel room in Hong Kong for the night - Heres how I do it (When [possible) Airlines require you to book your connecting flight within 4 hours of your arrival, or on the next connecting flight (Allowing for customs, etc), so if your arrival is late at night and your connecting flight is in the morning, they will pay for your hotel in Hong Kong. They have arrangements at the Airport hotel, but it is very nice and convenient. In the morning, you arrive in Bangkok fresh.
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