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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.


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Everything posted by MrMango

  1. I stayed there a couple of years ago, and I believe that they have changed hands.At the time the rooms were O.K. - Typical guest House - Walk up stairs, no breakfast, etc. I booked it because it had wired broadband, but it was very spotty. I moved to the Eastany Hotel on Soi 10, as the Internet was a little better (Good for Pattaya).
  2. I read your post Quote:- I did a check and I could not find a member named thai bird here - Is this another of your pseudonyms? The area may be decent, but relatively speaking there are not "many bars and restaurants". As I remember, it is maybe 100 meters long! Can't speak for mirkwood, and I have no problems with you. I am only trying to correct the false image that you are constantly projecting for your small area, IMHO, of course...
  3. I have stayed there also, and you are spot on - A great Neighborhood bar area, similar to Jomtiem, but no Walking street.
  4. Great pictures Shane - You might want to make them a little larger, as in my old age the eyes are the first to go (Hopefully)...
  5. Me thinks that you are drinking in the wrong town, in the wrong bars.
  6. I am a big red wine drinker, and my trick is to sit next to the galley, so I can just get up, open the curtain and ask for another. After a few times, they usually will give me a few to stop interrupting their gossiping.
  7. Welcome the the board mate - Next time I'm in town, I'll stop in have a brew with you. Good luck with your business...
  8. I tried this. I went to TOT several times with no accapatble response - They would connect next week, A tech would call tomorrrow, etc. I had my TW also try and got the total run around. My mistake. I was used to western leases where you had some protections. I think that you are right about the bad apple, and after reading his lease, I should have known. In the future, I will ask for a copy of his passport also so if he tries to extort me, I have the same tools that he does.
  9. Now theres a real objective analysis - Supported entirely by bias and emotions, IMHO, of course.
  10. Good luck on your search mate, but I would be a little careful. I made the mistake of renting one off the Internet from a Faring and had all kinds of problems - 1. I was promised that it would have broadband when I arrived, and after paying 5,000 Baht as "Bribes" (Money to the pocket of the owner) after 90 days, still no Internet. 2. Lease The terms were so Draconian that the landlord could change the locks on the unit for any reason, and I would be out in the street. 3. Deposits - Forget about ever getting them back. 4. Passport. Do not ever let your landlord copy your passpo
  11. I am a member of Eva's FF club, and I do not remember anywhere on their web site saying that they are affiliated with NWA.
  12. This is a tough question to answer - From where - The moon? Almost everybody arrives via Air to Bangkok, and Pattaya is a 2 hour taxi, or if you are a really Cheap Charlie, a bus. I don't know how to take the bus from he new airport, but I'm sure someone here does. Expect to pay about 1200-1500 Baht for a taxi, depending on your arrival time, and busses may not be available, as a lot of flights arrive around midnight. As for Puket, take a plane from Bangkok, but why would you want to go there?
  13. It is my understanding that it starts from 1 October 2006, but this is Thailand! You never know what type of immigration officer that you will get upon arrival, so why take a chance, even if it a small one. Why not simply get a 90 day multiple visa in Oz and miss all of the drama.
  14. Of course - Just go to the web site that you posted, and you can see the miles you will receive...
  15. Actually there is a way. If you register on line and then log on, you can look at your actual miles.
  16. I used to use EVA all the time from Hawaii to Bangkok - Here is their web site - http://www.evaair.com/html/b2c/english/ You van join on line and check to see if they credit your miles there. It takes a load of miles to get any freebies, but if you make 2 trips (You did not say where you are), you can get upgraded to their club. I find that this is a nice perc, as their Lounge in Taipei is nice with free food and booze, and is very comfertable. You also can use the Business Class check in. They also used to leave late at night, which arrived in Bangkok about noon, which is far superior than
  17. You can do what I have done a few times (Not planned). I booked a room for 2 weeks and after a couple of nights, I was not satisfied with it. I then spent a couple of hours scouting for a better one, booked it, and then went back to my hotel and checked out, telling them that I was moving. After paying the bill in full, there was no dramas with the management. This way, if you are unable to find a better place, you at least have a place to stay.
  18. I lived in Jomtiem without any transportation, and whenever we went to Big C, etc. we simply hired a Bahtbus outside and they drove us directly home. The fare was 150 Baht, as I remember, and the distance should be the about the same, I would think.
  19. If you have a double entry tourist visa, you should be fine. When you leave, your first visa will expire and the 60 day clock is closed. When you return, they will stamp you in again for your 2nd 60 day visa, and you can either extend this 30 days for 1900 Baht, and/or do 3 border runs for 30 day visas, IMHO, of course.
  20. 20,000 Baht is a LOT of money for no assured solutions - Sounds like Christmas to me.
  21. For your hard drive, I bought a USB enclosure for both a hard drive and a CD for 1500 Baht or so, and I use this for my backup of my laptop. This would work for you too. Dump the rest of the stuff - It will be worthless in 6 months, IMHO.
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