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Big Daddy

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Everything posted by Big Daddy

  1. I dont know him or about any of this story........however i would say now ...he will spending alot of time in Thailand's finest police resorts!!!!!
  2. this past trip went to babydolls 3 different times with friends..sorry i was bored...and let me say I didnt see anyone in these pics there those nts.!!! Happy B-day and Cheers!
  3. damn Dave sorry to hear/read I missed this..especially dr Hammond....saw him on I think my 4th or 5th trip to the LOS, when I found your bar.....anyways i will be seeing you may 18thish......Have the tequilla chilled and ready!!!!!!!!Also tell everyone I said hello. Cheers.!!
  4. Adam..im only gonna be like 13 days late ...but you tell nam I wish her the best ...and i will see her soon and give her a "special" present just for her!!!!!! Thanks and see you may 18th thru June 9th!!!!! Cheers
  5. dave, I will be there april 6th thru aprill 22nd, will he be appearing at all during these times? btw get plenty of tequilla!!!!!
  6. Damn Dave I hate I missed this one, looks like a good time was had by all!!!! thanks for the pics!!!
  7. This is a wonderful place ,the work that goes into this place is incredible!!!
  8. well if its your kinda thing ...you should go for it!!!
  9. Adam...I didnt realize how much I missed your girls ..until I saw these pics!!!!!!!!Cheers !
  10. Yep.....your definately an ass man!!!!!loloololol Cheers!
  11. Thanks Hammer for qa great evening, the food,the ladies,all the board members,and of course alot of personal friends too but would really like to thank you, martin (from FLB),and Dave (The Blues factory) all of you really made this birthday and vacation something to remeber...Thanks to all of you and your staff,for keeping my tequilla cold, my beer on ice,and my ladies smokin' hott!!! Cheers to All!!!! opss I left the one of the most important out..You too Hammer!! We pulled off a great lil party!!! Cheers my friend.!
  12. I really hate im gonna miss this one! so someone have a shot or 4 of tequilla for me!
  13. Hammer , please tell Nam I said hello, and I look to see you in late march, about 30 days from now, and I look forward to spreading love throughout your fine establishment!!!!!! Cheers.....
  14. I admit I have a big heart, and have back on my first trips did give but havent in some time since the article in bkk paper I think,so now I donate at temples and donation boxes,the down side is im sure there are several true beggars, maybe people down on their luck,but just like here im sorry but I dont give. I just ignore like they are not there.Cheers to everyone!
  15. Dave , Happy holidays to all, and again thanks for a great time this year!!! Cheers to you and your staff !!(please pass this along.
  16. I tell you the sexiest,has the most beautiful smile,attractive lady in all those pics is "NAM" ,hammers manager lady Cheers to all
  17. nice pics dave!..and btw .....how come im not in any pics?
  18. My favorite place , in the middler of the action is the royal spa, in front of teh royal twins hotel,, across 2nd rd from the royal mall, good , clean and very professional, not to mention alot of a/c, but thats "up to you!" cheers
  19. man, you crack me up!!!!!!!!!!
  20. I arrive in Pattaya, on april 4th, and will be there till april 17th., im up for a few beers or maybe a bar crawl!!!!!! let me know!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! cheers and wheels up in 31 days!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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