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Everything posted by BobbySanuk

  1. Pieman, thank you. The pictures are great it looks like everyone had a fun time.
  2. In most apt. buildings each apartment has their own electric meter. The cost of electric is added to my monthly rent due statement. Cost per KWH is 5 Baht. My building is a mixture of Thais and Falangs. I am positive we all pay at the same rate.
  3. Big Chief I definately understand protecting you resourses. But, you come across as Chief Hot Shit, the know it all. You have a bullying way of talking down to others and that sucks. Gary, your a good man. Elbow, don't kiss the Bragets ass. Aloha
  4. You have a point. But, many travelers dont what to start their trip getting ripped off, a bad omen.
  5. You may think you have it made, but it depends on your life style. Most members seem to agree that to enjoy all Pattaya has to offer you need a monthly income of approx $3500. Yes many do it for less, othere for much more. You will not be able to find medical care work. But, may find administrative work is a major international hospital. Several hospitals in BKK accept Tri-Care. If you use the VA you must register for Overseas Services. Good Luck and enjoy your retirement.
  6. Kev, You are right. I wash my hands as often a possible. I seldom catch a cold or get diereaha. I would like to suggest to carrying a small bottle of waterless hand cleaner. Cheap and last a long time.
  7. Fifteen years is a long ways off. When I was in the military my wife and I were sure we would retire in Japan. We even bought a house. Because of the currency exchange we decided against it. He brother now lives in our house. and, we live between Hawaii and Thailand. We seldom even visit Japan. Ken, I have been reading your post for a very long time. I remember one of your main concerns was you health. I have very similar problems and like you am comfident I can get all the care I need in Thailand. I wish you the best of luck and good heath.
  8. After reading all you have posted, "I dont have the balls to get cut" I will either use a condum or come in her mouth.
  9. Tab, I have enjoyed your post and pictures. BUTT, those have to be the Uglyest collection of Ass' in the Free World. If after Emma's photos any members thought of trying a ladyboy, those ugly asses will keep them 100% str8 for every. You mentioned you have to pay the girls for pictures and the pictures of the of the boys asses were free. Tab. You get what you pay for. Keep up your funny post!!!
  10. Pete, Martin and Ben, I am very proud of you guys and my fellow board members for their generosity. Martin, I have never met you. The respect you have shown to Om and her family is remarkable. To close FLB and provide transportation to Om's friends and coworkers was a woderful act of kindness and compassion. May God bless all of you, Bobby
  11. Stephen, You can exist on 40K, and can meet your basics needs. Food and clothing cost are reasonable, and you can find reasonable housing in most any city. Nong Kai is said to be a good city to retire. I have been there several times, but not long enough to form an opinion. You may want to check out Nong Kai's on the web, the baker has a good web site. With income of 40,000 a month you are not eligible for a retirement visa. If you are on a tourist visa you are suppost to leave country to update your visa atleast every 90 days. What about medical, will you have insurance? P U S
  12. In BKK several shops set up accounts using the initical of the girl 7 times. Pom = PPPPPPP.
  13. If stopped for a ticket and the police ask you to pay a fine, aggree and respectfully ask for a receipt. You may find that they substancially reduce the fine or even drop it. Do not get into a pissing contest with the police it can ruin your vacation. Make sure you have max. insurance. If you are involved in a accident you are at fault. Accept it, this is thailand. Their logic is, if you weren't here you would not have been involved in the accident, so your fault.
  14. Oz, I sounds to me like you are planning to bring her home for and extended vacation. Great go for it. If it works out take it from there. If not you will both have alot of memories. Good Luck. Enjoy!
  15. Vets if you are reitired military and a member of the VFW , you can write your trip off as a business expense. I am not sure if this applies to all vets. But I am sure it applies to retires. Some of the things you can write off include: 1. All Transportation cost (Airfare, car mileage, taxi) from your front door to your hotel and back again. 2. Lodging. 3. Laundry 4. Other Direct Convention Expenses ??? VFW Banquet Enjoy guys
  16. Koh Samui is a beautiful island but, HOT. If you can't afford a room with a fan stay home until you can.
  17. Richie, That was cold. Funny as hell but cold. It doesn't matter where you meet her. If she makes you happy thats all that matters. Wether she works at Boots or wears them! Aloha, Bobby
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