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Wings last won the day on March 19 2013

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55 Excellent

About Wings

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    Advanced Poster

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    Party Hard and Fuck Girls
  1. I was told you can take 20k the pull your card, start again and take another 20k, was told from the bank girls. I think you can take a total of 50k per day. 1x20k 1x20k 1x10k
  2. I take out 20k in one ATM transaction from the "K" bank every time with no problems
  3. Just take a photo with your phone and or a color paper copy
  4. Ok, I also will be there if you are going to have it.
  5. I do have a lease agreement valid till 2016 but i don't live there (Long story about tax) I don't think i should use that.? I can get the owner of the Hotel to sort something out as i am a long term renter and i do know the owner and staff very well. My mail even goes there, so no problems there i think Yes, the multi-entry is what i will need as i am going to be in and out of Thailand as much as i am with the BG's.
  6. OK. Thanks guys, I got it now and all should be good. I have Just 1 Question: I have been living in a Hotel for the last 10 years, the same one. Will this be a problem with the Visa.?
  7. And what would be the limit if I simply popped my Thai ATM card into an ATM machine here in the UK? Multiple times.... over several days. I don't know about the UK, but in Australia, i think you can draw $500 AUD per day max on your ATM card, not too sure about the amount but $500 rings a bell for me. So it would take some time to get back all your money (Say, 30k AUD) from the thai account and then the exchange rate would bite into to that as well.
  8. Hey Guys, Well, I hope i didn't start a shit fight here about this but i am taking in all the information from you all and thanks. Ok, Who has a Retirement visa with the Multi-entry for 1 year (Call it what we want but the 1 year multi stay visa/permit) Could that person or people tell me if you did this in Pattaya or at home.? Also, what did you need do have to get this.? What I want to do is: I want to be able to stay in Pataya/Thailand for the whole 1 year, and if needed, travel out to other countrys as i want, maybe 6 times in that 1 year. Thanks,
  9. Damm, Only 5000 baht, is that for 12 months as i was quoted from a visa company something like 22,000 baht and that was about 12 months ago and a special discounted price. I can't see the costs amount to be 17,000 baht.?
  10. All the increased bar fines are just bullshit. If everybody just stopped paying them, they would come down. I know the bars need to make money but lets be fair about this. Freelancers are going to get a lot of work and the BG's are going to loose out. Guy's just can't afford these prices every night.
  11. Does anybody know the cost of the "Visa-O retirement" first up cost and then per year after that. Thats if issued in Pattaya
  12. Yep, its looking that way as i am over 50 (Only as young as the woman you feel) and thats between 20 and 30 LOL I will be checking it out very soon and will post all the information about it. Thanks guys.
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