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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.

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Butch it is hard to image the premeditation of Peter Geister. He does everything to appear formal and stright.


The scams began after business become unviable and he realises that he was able to cheat naive westerners with his Tip Top franchise. There not a single frachisee who has not been fraud. The easy way to verify this is to contact them, one in Pattaya, one in Silom and two in Chiang-Mai (those are the ones who can be located, but we know that there are more).


Just to give you a sample of premeditation, Peter Geister opened a business and name it "Asia Franchise Association". A fake and illegal aassociation in Thailand (an association can not be Co. Ltd.). He advertises that his Tip Top franchise has been awared two years as the "best franchise concept in asia". Any western would believe that because on our countries nobody would do that so openly. Everythig that Peter Geister have done have the same smell.


The Pattayalivecam is a scam and evidence has been give in this Forum by one of his victims. We have a lits of them. One specifically has an appointment with the Pattaya Police (we have been amazed that the police answered to his letters of complains). In addition you can verify by yourself that all the names given in the website are false. The story in the newsletter are false. These people do not exist. Peter Geister name is in nowhere. Why is that? Why a business owner would want to hide his name?. Becuase this is a premeditated and calculated scam.


In any case Buth, we suggest you to talk with some of the people who has been fraud by Peter Geister: staff, accountant, advertising companies, rentals, contractors, uniform manufacturer, bio-pest control, IFT, Tip Top franchisees, and hundreds of useless discount cards (it sum millions of bhts). The stories are sad to hear.


Sunnyvalentine made an intelligent observations, but his conclussion is incorrect. Here the explanation. bronmjy2k@yahoo.com was the email and person we faked to make and maintained correspondence with Uwe (Peter Geister himself). Peter Geister (Uwe) uses the German text. We have no reasons to "invent" these matters. We can not include in here or our website all the people complaining or providing information about the scams but privatelly we will send it you tou.


We have evidence that there is a criminal lawsuit on course against Peter Geister. And this can not be without evidence.


We will respectfully accept any opinion and provide any detailed evidence required.


Regards and thanks for your input.


PSBG <laugh

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i also was cheated by this scam. none of the hotels i visited accepted the card.

today i received an email from him (sent to all his card members i suppose).

see below:


"From : <member_e@pattayalivecam.com>

Reply-To : member_e@pattayalivecam.com

Sent : Wednesday, December 1, 2004 1:00 AM

To : mcmillan_827@hotmail.com

CC : check@pattayalivecam.com

Subject : Happy Birthday


Dear Peter Geister ,


Happy Birthday Wishes from the PattayaLiveCam Team and all Pattaya Fan Club Members.


Best Regards,




member_e@pattayalivecam.com "

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  PSBG said:
Sunnyvalentine made an intelligent observations, but his conclussion is incorrect. Here the explanation. bronmjy2k@yahoo.com was the email and person we faked to make and maintained correspondence with Uwe (Peter Geister himself). Peter Geister (Uwe) uses the German text. We have no reasons to "invent" these matters. We can not include in here or our website all the people complaining or providing information about the scams but privatelly we will send it you tou.


We have evidence that there is a criminal lawsuit on course against Peter Geister. And this can not be without evidence.


We will respectfully accept any opinion and provide any detailed evidence required.


Regards and thanks for your input.




Do you understand German?

If yes, please take another close look at the headers of the mails posted by Cyber. You will see there was definitelyx some tampering with it.

If not: Please take my word as a native german speaker: These headers do not belong to the mail texts.



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SunnyValentine, none of us is a German speaking, and with no doubt you are right in your observations.


This x may have get there while copying the files. We will send you copy of the originals.....these emails have not been faked.

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  PSBG said:
Cibers1b how can we prove to you that the e-mails in the website are reals and not faked?. Please tell me and we happily will provide you any information you ask.


What it was faked was the person interested in purchasing the pattayalivecam website. We were the ones sending the email to Uwe (Peter Geister himself) to make him to name Peter Geister as the owner of the business. And he did it finally.


The scam and the lies are so evident that we do not need to fake any information to the public. It is not in the interest of our credibility anyway.






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if the email is not faked, then you must have really messed it up with copy and paste as it is kinda hard to copy one header to another email by accident. but as i said before, i am convinced that this site is a scam, only, i am also convinced that you did either temper with the emails or just mess up big time during copy and paste..




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I just received some PMs from PSBG concerning the matter.

As they are private, I do not want to post anything from them.


Just a general comment: I have little doubt that the pattayawebcam site is a scam. The Member card offers unauthorised price reductions, that has been proven by a lot of posts already.


I do not have enough insight into the whole Tiptop and Asia frenchise Situation. So I cannot comment about it. pattayascam accuses Mr. Geister on several points here, I stand aside, do not want to investigate this.


The projected sale of the pattayawebcam site I see as a rather normal procedure from the sellers, to over-evaluate the assets. I have seen several enterprises for sale on offer, almost all of them tried in one way or another to over-evaluate their business.


A couple of 1 year old computers can be evaluated as 90% of current price value plus a premium for setting up and installing programs, or at 20 or 30%, it all depends how you look upon it.


And beer mats and Beer Condoms do have a price value, at least at the manufaturing costs. They also might have a theoretical sales value, it is questionable to make a sale in this field here in Pattaya at all, but I can see the value (on paper).


The Email Cyber and I pointed at having been messes with, there is no doubt something has been done with it.

It may still be the genuine text, and all what happened was a slight error while setting up the documentation. But it maight be not. And the copy and paste of 20 or 100 Emails does not shed a light at the genuity of the mail or the text or the facts discussed in them at all.


It does shed a light on the trustworthyness of those who provide the information on pattayascam.com though.


PSBG assured me in his PM that he and other people working at the scam site do not speaak German. Fair enough, so they did not see the flaw.

But: How come that their set up potential customer who's mail thread with Mr. Geister they document uses a German Outlook?



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very interesting point, but honestly we do not understand it.


Can you explain us the doubt?, we have not modified anything other than copy and paste from the originals.


You as an eagly-eye technichian as understood some technical aspect that may suggest manioulation, but if this is the case they have been created by other instance, and not by faking the emails.


Do you want to password of brownmjy2k?, no issues with taht we can provide it to you and you can login anc check. What do you think about that?.


In relation with Tip Top Franchise, the Bangkok Police has launched a criminal case agains Peter Geister as a serious fraud offence. This is in process at the moment. We can show you the documents personally. This includes investigaton of Tip Top Head Office in Hong Kong and others. We can not publish more details about that becuase he do not want to interfer in this matter and damage this process. The first and only one against Peter Geister in spite off all the fraud he had made.


If you wish, we can get together in a coffe and provide you with the documentation. We think that people deserve the right to ask for that.






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Many people has come forward now, and we are suprised hearing other scam stories that we have no idea that existed: Staff not paid, advertising not paid, licencing of his Top Off product and others.


His Top Off product for instance was licensed to be sold in Thailand, and his original label presented to the IFT to obtain the license, was in Thai as the law requires it. Once the license was provided, Peter Geister changed the label to English (as advertised on his website). It is illegal in Thailand to sell products with no Thai labels describing the product. This also has been reported to the corresponding authorities who has shown lots of interest in the case (they also has been cheated).


Our site has been upgraded and includes some information about his whereabouts. This is important becuase a basic strategy of this scam in "Not to be found". Many people fraud with the discount card has asked for this information.

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Be careful boys and girls, there's a new scam artist on his way to Pattaya. He's coming from Canada very soon because it's too hot for him here now and he can't make any money. He's one of the posters on this site and you'll recognize his username after you've visited the website set up by his victims at http://www.harrisblackwatch.com


You may have already read some of his stories and wondered what the hell is wrong with this guy. He can run but he can't hide :banghead


Always have a SUITCASE ready!

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Suitcase: This should be posted as a new thread. More members will see it that way.

The guy has brass balls. Especially when he uses his own picture as his avatar on this forum.


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  suitcase said:
Be careful boys and girls, there's a new scam artist on his way to Pattaya.  He's coming from Canada very soon because it's too hot for him here now and he can't make any money.  He's one of the posters on this site and you'll recognize his username after you've visited the website set up by his victims at http://www.harrisblackwatch.com


You may have already read some of his stories and wondered what the hell is wrong with this guy.  He can run but he can't hide  :nod


Always have a SUITCASE ready!

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Thanks for the info, suitcase - it is highly and widely appreciated. :P B) :rolleyes:




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If Harris Black was able to survive in Canada for so long then it is easy to understand how Peter Geister has survived in Thailand for so long. In here the law does not help and probably he knows it becuase in spite of all the publicity about his scams he still advertises.

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Suitecase: Thanks for the info.


Frog: We can now create a new site named "The Peter Geister Watch". If you want to join please contact us. We are recruiting victims.



Peter Geister has fraud for so many years and he has such a twisted mind that we have no doubt he is incapable to go back to the normal "get your money by working and not by robbing" situation.

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Dear all,


we did not regard properly Pieman's suggestion about how to recover the money paid by credit cards.


Pieman (thanks and sorry for the later response to your assistance) wrote:


Just telephone your credit card company and tell them that you were not provided with the services that you paid for.

They will refund your money and charge back to the con artist.

Only if he can prove that you are being untruthful (and he can't) will he get the money back and you charged again.

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As the services are paid for a term to up 10 years, and they have not been provided neither will be, the above procedure is quite legal and valid.


Below is the charge details:


Credit Card will be charged by Asia Franchise Association Co., Ltd.

245/67, 4th Floor, M.9 New 3rd Road, Nongprue, Banglamung, Chonburi 20260

Tel: 038-360-322, Fax: 038-360-231


We will attemp to contact all the people fraud with the discount card and let them know this procedure.






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Yes its definately a scam. Yes the sites at Tip Top and pattaya livecam are scams and yes of course the cards are fake too.


have you noticed that the images at Pattaya livecam (on each apparent cam) have been the same for more than two years!


I have been waiting for that guy at the Swiss restuarant to go in for ages! <laugh


NE way, if ur in Pattaya for fun (and lets face it, we all are) why bother with this pile of shite? have you got nothin better to do?


I have!! B) <laugh :nod

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  • 2 weeks later...

(We have no given updates for respect to the tragedy all know)


The website www.pattayalivecam.com is unavailable and we suspect it will dissapear. This means that Peter Geister is escaping with more than 1.5million BHT charged to all these people.


We are attempting to get e-mails of all the victims of this scam to advice about how to recover their money. We will keep updating our website (http://www.pattayascam.com) as we get more information. Thanks

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Discount Card holders and businesses whose names are mentioned on the scam website can make a formal complain to the Pattaya Police (many already have done it).


This will increase pressure for the Police to take action over the investigation already on course.


The Police office is located at Beach Road, corner Soi 9, Pattaya.


Our website has been updated.

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Bangkok Investigation Police is receiving formal testimonies from people cheated by this scam. Note that proper id documentation has to be provided and will have to spend at least 2 hours in the process. The testimony has to be made personally. Writen statements are not valid.


Those willing to make a formal declaration please contact us for details at info@pattayascam.com.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Given the number of complains made by businesses in Pattaya teh Police has decided to call Peter Geister to declare againts the complains.


The Pattaya Police have visited Peter Geister in his "The Monaco Residence" address. This apartment is used by Peter Geister with another German who denies him all the times that the Police make a visit (more than 3 times so far).


Peter Geister has not been seen in Pataya for months becuase he has been adviced that the Police is behind him.


Note that Peter Geister is still hidding in "Waterford Rama IV". The Pattaya Police can not look for him in Bangkok.


This topic however is still a warning for many tourists, becuase the scam website is still on.


While this scam is not taken to account we will continue with our site and with our pressure to the authorities.


Please assist by broadcasting our website to your friends and contacts.

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Unfortunatelly the scam still keep trapping people.


An Englihs person, names Chris, just bought a golden card and spoke with Peter Geister about the purchase of the website.


Chris was warned with time thanks to our website but this demonstrate that the scam is still attempting to sell the assets to some innocent and naive investors.


We would appreciate whwther YOU reader can assist us by broadcasting this information to your contacts and friends.


Remarkably this scam is still alive and operating.

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