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Koh Chang Malarial area?

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i dont think it is mate but not 100% sure.when i went to koh samet they had a big sign warning about malaria,apparantly it was a problem a few years back,just buy some spray in thailand i found it to be very effective against the little bastards,i would say you would be unlucky,same as women m8 take precautions,try not to leave the door or any windows open on your bungalow especially at night and you should be ok good luck

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Heard it was when I was there a few months ago, but think it would be more rife in the rain forests than the resorts.


Used Jaico repellent at night and although still got one or two bites, no problems, …so far.

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Koh Chang in fact is one of the higher risk areas. You can get some info at the following sites:


http://eng.moph.go.th - Ministry of Public Health - they usuallu have the lastes info on the topic




Malaria precautions are essential in Ko Chang and along the borders of Laos Cambodia and Myanmar, all year round.




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Yeah good idea to use a spray with DEET. The buggers are really active in the hours just before daylight. So a good idea to spray down before you go to sleep. I know it is annoying but besides Malaria there is Dengue Fever. The are preventive pills for Malaria but Dengue has no preventive so the spray is the best thing. My mate got Dengue two years ago in Bangkok and Samui has had a lot of cases in recent years so even though they have erradicated Malaria in most areas, Dengue can and does flare up.


Be safe.

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I certainly wouldnt let this put me off going to Koh Chang.I was there a couple of years ago and had no problems with the mozzies.It will most likely be the dense rain forest where there is a problem not the beaches.

Just take a decent spray,if you are worried,and you will be fine.

Koh Chang is a beautiful,unspoilt island to visit and,if you are only visiting for a few days, I would put the odds of you contracting something bad similar to your chances of riding Britney Spears bareback !



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knowing my luck, I would probably get bitten WHILE riding Brittney bareback! :unsure:

Thanks for the replies.

Really fancy giving this place a go , but can't be bothered / left too late to take anti- M tablets .

I think I will give it a spin and take plenty sprays .


17 days and counting.

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I've been to Koh Chang twice now.

Once in May last year and once in January this year.


Both times, used bug spray.

Worked nicely.


Thing i watched for, first trip was the screen in the bathroom wasn't properly aligned, so in the early morning a few bugs creeped in. Gives ya a shock if you get up to go to the bathroom at 4am and a bug tries to fly into your ear.


Corrected that second trip and got a more expensive hotel room. Had a nice ocean view 15 feet from the beach and a nice full length tightly woven screen door.

Bathroom was totally enclosed, cept for the circulating fan, but if a bug can get thru a fan at high RPM ... that's a brave bug. But the bug wouldn't get past my foot as it crushes its head.



bug spray will protect you nicely

at night, had dinner on the beach.

forgot to use bug spray the first night.

was in shorts and sandals

bugs decided to have me for dinner

bugs ate Farang food that night

ever since then, used bug spray. no problems with bugs.

no malaria either

no dengue fever either

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Ask your at GPs. Or these a medical travel centre on Picadilly...


I was told , malarial, Jap Encephalitis, hep etc.....


Took the anti malarials..... not enough time for hep & Jap Enc.....

Up to you.... It's your life and you're happy at running the risks.....

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