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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.

Two nations divided by a common language.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I could certainly enjoy a good shepards pie or meat pie right now.........they dont have that good stuff here in Hawaii :D I just have to wait and go to pig & whistle or the other restaurant next door.

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OK, this isn't really speach but... I've been in the UK for about 4 months now and can't get over the fact that showing 2 fingers is "flipping someone off" as opposed to ordering 2 TWO that TWO (in ENGLISH) pints.

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one way shows a "peace sign" the other way shows "up yours"

V for victory is "up yours"


someones avatar has it.


I dont know what president went to the UK (regan?) and did a backwards peace sign at a speach, the crowd was shocked :lol:

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That would have been Nixon. Thing is... either way, I forget and still do it. I haven't offended anyone yet, but I know the potential is there if I don't get my act together. DON'T want to be another NIXON. :lol:

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