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travelling to pattaya alone

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i am travelling to pattaya over xmas for the third time. this time however i am on my own due to my friend cancelling at the last minute, and am just wondering is there plenty to do during the day also are there certain bars that i can go to to meet with fellow brits to go out for a drink.


last time i was there i just lay about on the beach during the day. (i was with a big group so we just chilled for the full holiday.)


we never went into any "clubs" last time so its a bit scary thinking about going into "bars" and "clubs" alone. also i prefer to meet people for a good laugh and a drink



any advice would be appreciated

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Some of the Go Gos open in the afternoon so you can always make an early start :D I've just got back from my first trip to LOS and was travelling on my own. I met up with a guy from this board and also a few from the BTF. Just try posting your dates in the Meetings section or adding them to the calendar and see who else is going to be in town at the same time as you. And I wouldn't worry about going into clubs or bars on your own, you won't be on your own for long! <laugh


Have a good trip.

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Ting Tong as usual has posted very good advice.


I’m less than 2 months away from my 7th trip and I am always learning something from my fellow board members.


I would recommend a stop at the FLB any night (between 7:30 and 10:00). Speak with Ben or any of the members that are present. There are some good “blokes†who will be glad to answer questions or lend advice.


I haven’t had any problems in any of the Pattaya bars/clubs. If you keep you wit, and use common sense, you should be fine,


Take care, looking forward to seeing your future posts in the members section of the board. Above all else, have a great trip!



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there is bowling at topps. You can always find plenty of BG that are willing to go with you. The is cart racing, movies, a lucifers disco. Xcite was being remodeled and was closed december 5. there is fishing, diving, bungy jumping, and parasailing from boats. BF 3 girls and go out to an island. Pet a tiger. Great thing about pattaya is ther is plenty to do. :P :o

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Days in Pattaya tend to be very short. As you won't get in till 04:00 likely you won't be out of your pit until say 14:00. Breakfast, swim, afternoon beer and its 18:00 before you know it when its time to get ready and go out again.


As for being on your own, as a wise man once said unless you WANT to be on your own the only time you will be one your own is if you go to the toilet AND lock the door.

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Pattaya and alone?


Ok, when you have arrived and checked in; carry out the following simple excercise to ensure you are not alone-


1. Leave your hotel, stop on side walk.

2. Listen out for music and laughter.

3. Head towards music and laughter.

4. Locate source of music and laughter.

5. Locate bar stool, (always found in immediate vicinity of music and laughter)

6. Sit on bar stool.

7. Order drink from first pretty lady who asks you. ( I would recomend one icy Singha)

8. Begin to drink beer.

9. Now the tricky part- A nice lady, or perhaps even two or three nice ladys will approach you.

10. Nice lady will say something like- 'Hello', 'My name Pong' 'Where you from?'

'How long you stay Thailand?' 'You handsome man' You want buy lady drink me?'

11. Every answer you give will be greeted by cheeky schoolgirl giggles,- do not be alarmed, even if you cotton on to the fact thet she hasn't got a f*&^%ing clue what your answers mean.

12. If she plenty pretty, agree to buy drink for this lady, and engage her in conversation. You might try phrases like-'How long you work bar?' (no Thai BG has ever worked more than a week or two in a bar!) 'How many baby you have?'(I always ask this as I hate stretch marks.) 'You want me pay barfine?' (If you require extra services from your chosen lady)'How old you?' (important if you think she might be a little too young, or (God forbid) too old!

13 - Et VOILA!


Courtesy of your local 'BACKDOOR BUSTA!' <laugh

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Hi Mike, :banghead


Terribly sorry old chap. didn't think this was too controvertial, just comical. I notice an awful lot of bad language in other topics? do you censor this? I have incidentally applied for access to the private forum.


My sincerest apologies!



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  backdoorbusta said:

Pattaya and alone?


Ok, when you have arrived and checked in; carry out the following simple excercise to ensure you are not alone-


1. Leave your hotel, stop on side walk.

2. Listen out for music and laughter.

3. Head towards music and laughter.

4. Locate source of music and laughter.

5. Locate bar stool, (always found in immediate vicinity of music and laughter)

6. Sit on bar stool.

7. Order drink from first pretty lady who asks you. ( I would recomend one icy Singha)

8. Begin to drink beer.

9. Now the tricky part- A nice lady, or perhaps even two or three nice ladys will approach you.

10. Nice lady will say something like- 'Hello', 'My name Pong' 'Where you from?'

'How long you stay Thailand?' 'You handsome man' You want buy lady drink me?'

11. Every answer you give will be greeted by cheeky schoolgirl giggles,- do not be alarmed, even if you cotton on to the fact thet she hasn't got a f*&^%ing clue what your answers mean.

12. If she plenty pretty, agree to buy drink for this lady, and engage her in conversation. You might try phrases like-'How long you work bar?' (no Thai BG has ever worked more than a week or two in a bar!) 'How many baby you have?'(I always ask this as I hate stretch marks and baggy clackers) 'You do back door?' (if bustin washers is your thing) 'You want me pay barfine?' (If you require extra services from your chosen lady)'How old you?' (important if you think she might be a little too young, or (God forbid) too old!

13 - Et VOILA!


Courtesy of your local 'BACKDOOR BUSTA!' 2guns

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Busta, you forgot an ESSENTIAL question....

You sa-moke?

If the answer is "Can" then move on as it means less than dead cert.

If the answer is a crisp and immediate "Yes" then the appropriate reply is,

"I pay bar for you."

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