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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.

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i have booked over the internet 6 rooms for the sandy springs hotel in april but have not payed yet until we arrive.

i know about the construction works on soi 13 and have currently being looking at other hotels. do you reckon the noise will be unbearable in the sandy springs and that i should book somewhere else. if so which hotel do you reccommend i should stay that will cost me around 1200 baht a night or cheaper.

somewhere close to walking street would be preferable. i would of liked to stay at the sandy springs as it gets good reviews but i would give it a miss if it going to keep me awake all night. :beer thanks any replys appreciated. :beer

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  aarmitage9 said:
i would of liked to stay at the sandy springs as it gets good reviews but i would give it a miss if it going to keep me awake all night. :chogdee thanks any replys appreciated. :D
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If your worried about construction noise at night don't worry because they usually start around 8-9 in the morning. The construction noise around the Sandy should only be a problem if they have begun construction across the soi and are doing the pile driving, which to me is unbearable. If you do decide to stay elsewhere, why limit yourself to the Walking St area. As long as your closs to the baht bus routes your only talking about an extra 5 minutes to get there.

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I would not change my booking if I was booked for april. They are building a condo project between dynasty and sandy springs. The shell was complete and they were working on closing it up back in early december. Noise was not really noticable. A couple of times I heard some noise when the were drilling concrete. By april it should be closed up and they will be doing finish work on the inside. SAndy os a good deal for the money. :rolleyes: 1luv

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The only construction site that should concern you is the one across the road next to the ma maison, it is in the very early stages at the moment, so April I would imagine it will be up and running.

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Its been reported on other threads that those beer bars that have been vacant across the soi and next to the AA are coming down and construction will begin soon on another hotel. If that is indeed true, then your talking about some pile driving going on which is very loud and annoying.

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Are we talking about the same place? The place I'm talking about is next to the AA Residence and not that far from the Sandy. In 2001 I was staying at the Pattaya Center on Soi 12 and had a room on one of the upper floors facing Soi 12. At that time they were doing the pile driving for the Sandy and the noise was unbearable. It began at around 7 in the morning and went on until around 5 PM. I would have moved but this was my 2nd trip to Pattaya and I had paid for my room in advance with a credit card.

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Its opposite the dynasty so thinking about it I guess its not too far from sandy!, but the site at ma maison must be of more concern for anyone staying there, personally Im going to steer a wide berth of SOI 13 for my next few trips

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Yes a very good idea to keep well away from Soi 13 and the Sandy Spring for the rest of the year as the construction noises will be deafening for quite a while yet.


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Guest Fatboyfat
  Bigmike said:
Yes a very good idea to keep well away from Soi 13 and the Sandy Spring for the rest of the year as the construction noises will be deafening for quit a while yet.


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Yes I'd stay away for at least a couple of years ! :D Funny though, the "Gobby Golfers" seem to have moved on elsewhere, so am not having to contend with that racket.

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  pattaya_mad said:
Thats moved on a bit over the last couple of weeks, thats the ma maison site, could be very uncomfortable for the sandy spring guests for quite a while to come.
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Yes, that's the site between the Ma Maison and the Golden Grab. I thought this was going to be part of the Golden Grab which shouldn't take long to complete if the height of it is the same as the rest of the hotel. It looks like at least the pile driving part is finished.

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