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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.

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Very good airline. Join their frequent flier club before you fly.


For those who live in Manchester and the surrounds, who have to make a change of planes, it is a viable choice but for those who can go direct, it is usually a financial choice which makes Emirates stand out.


I for one can't stand the middle east and have no intention of ever going there.

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Returned from pattaya about two weeks ago. Bangkok-Dubai-Glasgow with Emirates. Return Flight was overbooked and on checking in they were looking for volunteers to stay behind and travel on the same flight the following evening. It didnt take long for me to volunteer when i saw they were offering a free return flight Glasgow-Bangkok as an incentive, along with meals and board in a top class hotel.


I suppose people could view this overbooking as a black mark against the airline and it would be difficult to argue against that. But if you can take that out of the equation and consider they did not deny boarding to anybody who had to travel

then they were good. Flights departed and arrived on time. Service was decent and

inflight entertainment excellent.


Even if i didnt have a free flight i would use them again.


At Dubai Airport there is a lounge you can pre-book and offers great value from what i here although i didnt use it but will do on my next trip.


If any of you guys know its name or web address please share it with us. I am sure

I did read about it on this board previously. :D

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