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Where ever turns you on.


Being an American my self, I go where ever the action is.


If you want a place to hang out during the day, check out the Alamo Bar on Soi 8, up from Beach Rd. Gary is an American that has lived in Thailand for a long period of time.


The Alamo is where the local Americans and those in country will stop in for a few. If you like to Golf, Gary goes almost everyday if he can. I met I think five Americans that live in LOS. The Tequila Reef Cantina is on Soi 7 and is owned by an American, good food and lovely ladies.


You can not miss the Alamo as it is small with an American flag and USMC, USN flags outside the bar.

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I met one I think in the Alamo Bar last April.


I think if you are looking to hang out with your own countrymen, then you should set up a large group trip. No one cares where you are from when you are in LOS. We are all there for the same thing. Fun in the sun.


So, just go and meet new friends and have a good time.


"It's up to you" as they say. :D

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We currently have a large number of American tourist in Iraq and Afghanistan.

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I am American and I hang out mainly in Pattaya, a little bit in BKK , and some in Khorat.................... :P :P :P



travlling.................. :banghead :banghead :beer = :banghead :banghead

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I went drinking on the bar cruz with some ozzies one night. Those guys got so sot it was amazing that they could even crawl. But funny as hell. :D


All the americans I have met in LOS I met though bar girls. So I guess the American hang out at the BG pussy. :rolleyes: They always seem to want to match you up with other punters from the same country. :P :P

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I think a major part of the fun of being here is meeting people from other countries - I am staying in a an English-pub type place and tend to meet a lot of Brits and Aussies; I have a little difficulty understanding their accents at times, but they have the same problem with me so we're even :rolleyes: .... a great bunch of guys, though.


The present group I am hanging out with has three Canadians including me, two Americans, and an Irishman - but we knew or corresponded with each other before arriving. I never seem to have any problem meeting new people here, though.

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My last trip I hung out with some English lads and after they left an Australian. Never watched football before (soccer). Interesting later doorman

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To be very honest with you, I avoid the fellow countrymen, while in Pattaya. In 2002, I was at a Beer Bar with one and he ended up shouting how the great the USA was in the middle of the street. Not once, but for up to 5 damn minutes, it was a show of ignorance on his part.


I'm not ashamed to be from the USA, but realize I'm a visitor in another country and there is no need to start any crap. I'm sure every country has it share of idiots who can't handle the alcohol. It's amazing how a 6 pack of courage will allow the mouth to run at a fools pace.


Met a man from Germany on the last trip, who has been coming to Pattaya since 1979, it was a history lesson and fun listening to the Pattaya stories.


I just blend into the crowd, doesn't matter where you are from, as long as you are civil.

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I'm not ashamed to be from the USA, but realize I'm a visitor in another country and there is no need to start any crap. I'm sure every country has it share of idiots who can't handle the alcohol. It's amazing how a 6 pack of courage will allow the mouth to run at a fools pace.


I just blend into the crowd, doesn't matter where you are from, as long as you are civil.

Well said!

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That's one of my favorite things about travelling in LOS... nobody cares whre you're from! I met people from everywhere in my experiences... Aussies, Irish, British, French, Canadian, American, Norwegian, German, wherever. And in Patts, everyone's there for the same reasons anyway, right?


I don't really know of any places that are "American" hangouts, but the "McDonalds" comment gave me a nice laugh.



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