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Aussies: new low carb beer.

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I am not sure how long it has been out for but I just noticed it the other day: Carlton Pure Blondes. They are actually not a bad drop at all and are full strength.


I got a 6 pack first and was impressed enough to buy a carton immediately afterwards.


So - whats the benefit of low carb? Less beer gut!!



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  Reece said:
I am not sure how long it has been out for but I just noticed it the other day: Carlton Pure Blondes. They are actually not a bad drop at all and are full strength.


I got a 6 pack first and was impressed enough to buy a carton immediately afterwards.


So - whats the benefit of low carb? Less beer gut!!



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all beers are low carb. low carb is a bunch of shit. eat less, eat healthy, workout. If you work out, you need carbs for fuel. Stay away from sugar (it is a carb) get good carbs from whole grains, rice, etc., eat alot of protien. BTW, I think you should have posted in off topic.


Less beer gut?, stick to clear liquor, mix with diet soda or water. 60 cal per drink vs 100 or more per beer.


I know of what I speak, went from a 35" waist to a 28" and you can see every muscle on my body.


The upside other than looking good, is that your blood flows better and erections increase in size and hardness.


I am a 35 y/o currently dating a 20 y/o beautiful flip girl in the States. Still going to end it and fuck my brains out in Pattaya in a few months.

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Ahh - thanks for the off topic comment.


I am a bit used to other boards where the main forum is the "shooting the shit" area. I will be more careful of forum topics in future.


Edit: well I need to watch the carbs as I work all day on computers - then go home to work more on computers (my web sites). The only excercise I get is walking to the bus stop. I have turned into quite a slug over the last 2 years but don't care in the slightest as long as I can still move around freely. :D

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  btm1735 said:
I know of what I speak, went from a 35" waist to a 28" and you can see every muscle on my body.
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Were you able to get rid of the 'love handles' all together? How long did that take? I'm starting to think I'm just going to have to live with them forever. :D

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  Reece said:
Ahh - thanks for the off topic comment.


I am a bit used to other boards where the main forum is the "shooting the shit" area. I will be more careful of forum topics in future.


Edit: well I need to watch the carbs as I work all day on computers - then go home to work more on computers (my web sites). The only excercise I get is walking to the bus stop. I have turned into quite a slug over the last 2 years but don't care in the slightest as long as I can still move around freely. :rolleyes:

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point is that if you drink any beer, the carb count is not what gets you, it is the calories, stick to clear liquor.

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  Flash_Basbo said:
Were you able to get rid of the 'love handles' all together? How long did that take? I'm starting to think I'm just going to have to live with them forever. :rolleyes:
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yes I got rid of all love handles. Took about year. I cycle back in forth between building muscle and cutting fat. The way you exercise and eat is different. right now only the top 2 of my 6 pack is visable because I am building muscle so I have increased my fat a bit so workouts don't actually have my body eating it's own muscle for fuel. When I switch to defining everything, I will lighten the work out and decrease the calories. I also take a week or two off for holidays and such from time to time. I would say about 60% is in the kitchen and 40% is in the gym. Try to make your calories 30% carbs, 30% fat and 40% protien. Make sure the carbs are not processed sugar or wheat, but whole grains, beans and such. For fat eat olive oil, lean beef, nuts. Eat non-fat dariy and skip things like butter all together. In the gym, cardio 5 times a week (I use a pace that burns about 350 calories in 20 min based on my weight of 160lbs), weight lifting 3 times a week doing exercises that work large groups of muscles, like squats, bench press, dips, pullups (this burns large amount of calories while building more muscle so burn even more calories even at rest). If you can stick to this for 8-12 weeks you will find what works best for your own body and modify for your own goals. The added benefit is as your cardio conditioning improves, so will your erections, in both size and hardness.

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  btm1735 said:
I know of what I speak, went from a 35" waist to a 28" and you can see every muscle on my body. 
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Me too, I went from a 35" waist as well! :D

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Sugar is fermented into alcohol,

carbohydrate is Carbon plus Water.

That is (CH2O)*n

Cellulose (C6H12O6)*n


Alchol C2H5OH so it is not strictly a cabohydrate.

If it is CH3OH don't drink it.

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  Jantrevor said:
Sugar is fermented into alcohol,

carbohydrate is Carbon plus Water.

That is (CH2O)*n

Cellulose (C6H12O6)*n


Alchol C2H5OH so it is not strictly a cabohydrate.

If it is CH3OH don't drink it.

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again for the slow people. When you are dealing beer or liquor, it is the massive amount of empty calories, not carbs that matter. If you can have a few a week you are fine. Drink like I used to and you will get fat. I still like to have a few every now and then but I had to give up the nightly 3-4 pints at the pub and more on the weekend. My goal on my next Pattaya trip is to stay as sober as possible and try find the perfect mix of beauty and sex skills, but I will have a few drinks.

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  Jantrevor said:
Sugar is fermented into alcohol,

carbohydrate is Carbon plus Water.

That is (CH2O)*n

Cellulose (C6H12O6)*n


Alchol C2H5OH so it is not strictly a cabohydrate.

If it is CH3OH don't drink it.

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BTW alcohol sugar is different from regular sugar in a low carb diet (which I think is bullshit). If you must drink (as I do) stick to clear liquor with diet mixers as I do to get the most bang per cal. If you don't want to alter your state of mind, why drink at all?

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  Jantrevor said:
Sugar is fermented into alcohol,

carbohydrate is Carbon plus Water.

That is (CH2O)*n

Cellulose (C6H12O6)*n


Alchol C2H5OH so it is not strictly a cabohydrate.

If it is CH3OH don't drink it.

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Try telling that to a BG..... :beer :kissing :chogdee ........... :chogdee :gone :beer <laugh <laugh



travlling.............. :beer :beer :beer = :chogdee :chogdee

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  btm1735 said:
I would say about 60% is in the kitchen and 40% is in the gym. Try to make your calories 30% carbs, 30% fat and 40% protien. Make sure the carbs are not processed sugar or wheat, but whole grains, beans and such. For fat eat olive oil, lean beef, nuts. Eat non-fat dariy and skip things like butter all together.
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btm1735 - Thanks much for the response. Weight loss/muscle defining seems to 1 part art, 1 part science. Never completely understood the process. There is so much info out there it's hard to decide the right course.


As you seem to have a good handle of the weight loss process maybe you could give me a little advice?


At what point does the body view muscle as a better energy source as opposed to fat? My goal is to lose 8 - 10 lbs. That would get me to my ideal weight. I've radically cut my calorie intake and am doing some very light exercising. I am not very interested in building muscle but don't want to harm my body either.


Would you consider jasmine rice a good or bad carb? I'm a carb junky. Cutting out pasta for an Italian like me is painful but I've done it. <laugh

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  Flash_Basbo said:
btm1735 - Thanks much for the response. Weight loss/muscle defining seems to 1 part art, 1 part science. Never completely understood the process. There is so much info out there it's hard to decide the right course.


As you seem to have a good handle of the weight loss process maybe you could give me a little advice?


At what point does the body view muscle as a better energy source as opposed to fat? My goal is to lose 8 - 10 lbs. That would get me to my ideal weight. I've radically cut my calorie intake and am doing some very light exercising. I am not very interested in building muscle but don't want to harm my body either.


Would you consider jasmine rice a good or bad carb? I'm a carb junky. Cutting out pasta for an Italian like me is painful but I've done it.

First thing is that everybody is different. You have to stick to something long enough to determine what works for you.


One thing I have left out is to drink lots of water. I generally drink 3 liters or more a day. No diet soda, one cup of coffee or tea w/ no sugar, then water, unless its juice with b-fast or skim milk w/ lunch and dinner. Make sure you are getting enough calories but don't waste any on sugar or bad fats (like butter or fatty meats). Split your diet into 5 smaller meals instead of 3 bigger ones. Say like 40% of your calories in healthy snacks and 60% on the traditional 3 meals.


I eat white rice which according to Atkins is bad but I keep the serving small and keep the meat serving to about 6 oz. and fill my stomach with veggies. Stay away from white bread and eat whole wheat. Eat your carbs earlier in the day and more protien towards bedtime. No booze at all for the first several months, then moderate is ok on off days but keep in mind alcohol impairs your body's absorbing protien.


The best weight loss exercise is to do interval training. Pick a cardio exercise like biking, running or stair master. Warm up for about five min at about 30% of full effort then do 2 min at 90% effort, the 1 min at 30%, then 2 at 90% effort, repeat until you are at 20 min and then cool down for 3-5 min at 30% effort. If you do much more than this, your body will start to eat its own muscle for fuel. This happens at night. A whey protien supplement a before bed can help. Take a good multi vitamin geared towards men. I use GNC's mega men.


Everybody who gets in shape is an expert, but only on what works for their own body. If you stick to something you can figure out what works best for you. I strongly advise you to try some weight training 3 days a week. The gains in muscle help burn fat. If you are from the States, the mag Men's Fitness has good training plans. All exercise is tearing down your body so it repairs itself better than before. Make sure you allow rest days for recovery.


Good luck to you, 8-10 pounds is not that hard of a goal, I lost 23lbs, then put 15 lbs back on in muscle in just over a year but my genetics (German farmer stock)are to be heavy by getting chubby but I gain muscle easily.

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  jbmiller73 said:
I went from a 35" waist....to a 42" waist!


You may have a "six-pack," but I have a KEG!


You call it a beer gut, I call it a fuel tank for a beer powered sex machine!

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I hope you understand that I am not putting anybody down. I did what I did for my own reasons. If you are happy as you are then that's all that matters.

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