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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.

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I've no more news from my friends of the restaurant "le petit liégeois" based at the end of the walking street near the pier. Normaly they had to move to Bangkok and to close definitely the restaurant. But maybe they have decided to stay in Pattaya. If someone of the forum is walking one day in this area is it possible for him to see if the restaurant is still open?





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  PokerUpFront said:
je suis americain, mais je parle englais, des francais, des espanol et une petit pois de Thai.  J'ecrit mauvaisment en francais et grammaire de moi est mauvais aussi.  S'il vous plait, excusez-moi.
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I am americain, but I speak englais, francais, espanol and a small pea of Thai. I J'ecrit mauvaisment in francais and grammar of me is bad also. Please, excuse me



Edited by wombat
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  wombat said:
Potage bon femme = Good soup woman................... :rolleyes:
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yeah that's what I mean, what's a "good soup woman". Is that some kind of metaphor like saying, "she is built like a brick shithouse"?


Maybe the translator missed the verb to write because of the apostrophy and the word I used for badly because "mauvais" isn't supposed to have the "ment" tag on it which is like us adding the "ly" which changes an adjective into an adverb.

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