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In a pathetic attempt to "protect" me as well as to thwart the fulfillment of a dream, my loved ones have recently brought to my attention a newspaper article dated 10/11/05 that warns of the Asian Flu epidemic in Thailand this year. :cry1


The article is very sobering and warns of a pandemic the likes of which has not been seen in decades. :cry1 Specifically mentioning Thailand (Bangkok), Cambodia, and Vitenam, the article warns travelers to NOT go and if they must, to get innoculated. B)


Question: Has/will anyone change their plans because of this? I'm new and dumb, but not stupid. Does anyone else take this as a serious threat? :unsure: :cussing

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Sadly it has become a very serious threat! It will go further then SAR's when (not if) it hits. Good ole GW said the other day he will use the military to "quarantine" airlines and states when they are affected.

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this is from the US CDC and WHO:



The vast majority of the known human cases have resulted from direct contact with poultry, and there is only limited evidence to suggest possible human-to-human transmission. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the World Health Organization (WHO), and the Department are concerned about the potential for human-to-human transmission of this highly dangerous flu strain, and are working closely with other partners in an effort to monitor the outbreak.


At this time, CDC and the WHO have not issued any travel alerts or advisories for avian flu-infected areas. However, CDC advises travelers to countries in Asia with documented H5N1 outbreaks to avoid poultry farms, contact with animals in live food markets, and any surfaces that appear to be contaminated with feces from poultry or other animals. CDC advises travelers to clean their hands often with soap and water or waterless alcohol-based hand-rubs to help prevent disease transmission. In addition, as a precaution, all foods from poultry, including eggs, should be thoroughly cooked. CDC further advises any travelers with a febrile respiratory illness returning from countries affected by H5N1 virus (bird flu) to seek prompt medical attention.


The WHO does not at present conclude that any processed poultry products (whole refrigerated or frozen carcasses and products derived from these) or eggs pose a risk to public health.


A specific vaccine for humans that is effective against avian influenza has not yet been developed. Based upon limited data, the CDC has suggested that the anti-viral medication Oseltamavir (brand name-Tamiflu) may be effective in preventing or treating avian influenza. Using this input, the Department of State has decided to pre-position the drug Tamiflu at its Embassies and Consulates in the Southeast Asian Region for eligible US Government employees and their families serving abroad.


Tamiflu may not be readily available overseas and the State Department encourages American citizens traveling or living abroad that are interested in obtaining this medication to consult with their physician.


Americans who are planning travel to a country that has reported the virus or who are concerned about the Avian flu are advised to monitor the CDC and the WHO web sites, http://www.cdc.gov/flu/avian/index.htm and http://www.who.int/csr/disease/avian_influenza/en/ for the latest information.


Additional country information can be obtained from the Department of State's Consular Information Sheets at http://travel.state.gov and from the Department of State's toll-free number, 1-888-407-4747, or if calling from overseas, 202-501-4444.


CDC Contact Information:

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I look at it this way..........


Dont worry about things happening to you!!!!!!!!!


Why worry about catching bird flu in thailand(okay i know its deadly serious) but you might as well be worried about the plane that you are flying on to thailand coming down in the sea.


If every man and woman was too worried about things happening to them then no one would be doing anything at all with their lives.


Know what im saying.................. ? Maybe, maybe not!



Edited by farman
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Question:  Has/will anyone change their plans because of this?  I'm new and dumb, but not stupid.  Does anyone else take this as a serious threat?

This changes everything. No more chickenfucking for me. Other than that I'll probably just do as I normally do.

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why are all the posts (at least the ones I have seen )worrying about illnesses or danger whilst traveling from Americans who don't want to take any chances, when they travel on here its bird flu back in the UK at the hight of the IRA bombings they were to frightened to travel to London, so not a flame just want to know how a country of people that comes from adventurous stock can be so afraid of travel. please real answers only I am truly interested

PS I know this doesnt apply to all Americans as some I know are very adventurous

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why are all the posts (at least the ones I have seen )worrying about illnesses or danger whilst traveling from Americans who don't want to take any chances, when they travel on here its bird flu back in the UK at the hight of the IRA bombings they were to frightened to travel to London, so not a flame just want to know how a country of people that comes from adventurous stock can be so afraid of travel. please real answers only I am truly interested

PS I know this doesnt apply to all Americans as some I know are very adventurous


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When your time is up it's up. If you are normally cautious, stay normally cautious. If the situation requires hightened security, take measures to be more secure. If it seems foolish to do, don't be overly cavaliering.


IMFO, when the State Department issues a serious warning I will go if I already have the tickets and postpone if I don't have tickets yet. If I had tickets and everyone is wearing masks and people are falling dead all over, then I would cancel.


If I recall, you are set to go soon so go, I know I am going very soon. Look at the state department website before you go and read their travel warnings on Thailand, then make a final decision.


... and remember... no matter what you do, you aren't going to live forever...so live while you are alive

Edited by PokerUpFront
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Been there when SARS was big news. Bit scary to see people in airport with face masks on , but survived it ok. I think if it ever transfers to humans you will as likely get it in the West as the East. I'd travel but take medical advice without getting too paranoid. We seem to be living in dangerous times wherever in the world we are. :cry2

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I was simply trying to be informative for other board members :D Personally, I don't care if there's a cholera outbreak, black plague epidemic, SARS scare, ebola, etc.. NOTHING could actually keep me from going. Hey, my "normal" life sucks on a regular basis, so I have arguably not much to lose (since I"m going straight to heaven) :D


In fact, if the government was so concerned about thwarting the spread of virus and disease, they would do well to consider banning me from going! :unsure:


Ok, seriously...there are no known cases of passing the flu from human to human, so like a previous poster said, ".....don't fuck any live chickens and you have nothing worry about." :chogdee2


73 days 'till wheels up! :banana :bj2 <grin

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I reckon that the risk of being killed in a motor bike accident or whilst trying to cross 2nd road (probably by a motor cyclist creating a test message whilst dodging all the other idiot cyclists) are far higher.


This afternoon, I saw a girl on a bike in Soi Bukau and her eyes were on her phone - NOT on the road ahead. :chogdee2



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I had my annual flu jag today - cost me £25.


I was worried I might catch a common strain of British flu and miss a trip to LOS! <grin

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The pandemic (an epidemic that is spread worldwide) that killed at least 25 million people in one year.


A disease that is largely forgotten.


A disease that occurred in the 20th century!


I know what you're thinking - AID's, Syphilis, or the dreaded Ebola.


All are wrong.


It was the influenza of 1918-1919, right after World War I (the war killed 9 million men in 4 years)


This was no minor disease - everyone on the planet was at risk.


And it was started right here in the good old U. S. of A.


In one year, nearly twenty million cases were reported in the United States, accounting for almost one million deaths.


The cause is still unknown, but is believed to have been a mutated swine virus.

It appears that the virus passed from birds to pigs and then to humans. These are the deadliest of all viruses. The viruses tend to remain stable in the birds, but

occassionally they infect pigs. Of course, the pig immune system kicks into action

and the virus is forced to mutate to survive. Both the Asian flu (1957) and the Hong Kong flu (1968), which were not as deadly, mutated from pig viruses.


// end of my cut and paste for today.


Dead is dead whether your scared or not. You might as well enjoy life while you can. But, don't be sleeping with pigs.

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The pandemic (an epidemic that is spread worldwide) that killed at least 25 million people in one year.


A disease that is largely forgotten.


A disease that occurred in the 20th century!


I know what you're thinking - AID's, Syphilis, or the dreaded Ebola.


All are wrong.


It was the influenza of 1918-1919, right after World War I (the war killed 9 million men in 4 years)


This was no minor disease - everyone on the planet was at risk.


And it was started right here in the good old U. S. of A.


In one year, nearly twenty million cases were reported in the United States, accounting for almost one million deaths.


The cause is still unknown, but is believed to have been a mutated swine virus.

It appears that the virus passed from birds to pigs and then to humans. These are the deadliest of all viruses. The viruses tend to remain stable in the birds, but

occassionally they infect pigs. Of course, the pig immune system kicks into action

and the virus is forced to mutate to survive. Both the Asian flu (1957) and the Hong Kong flu (1968), which were not as deadly, mutated from pig viruses.


// end of my cut and paste for today.


Dead is dead whether your scared or not. You might as well enjoy life while you can. But, don't be sleeping with pigs.

I saw a report the other day that American scientists have managed to recreate the 1918 flu virus. They acknowledge that what they were doing was highly risky but reckoned that the potential benefits to be gained by studying the virus were worth the risk.


Hopefully they will take proper precautions to ensure that no-one working with the virus can get infected.



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I would not panic about this kind of news.


You see these days you have to learn to look behind the curtains, normally everything comes down to money.


Chances are the present scare is being heavily promoted by vested interests who're looking to make a lot of money out of it.


This is the state of the world we're in, money and the pursuit of it is normally the lowest common demominator of most news.


And interesting example of this is the 'if you want a healthy lifestyle/lose weight etc then you must drink at least x litres of water a day etc etc'.


But proper studies now show that the human body in most circumstances only needs 'just enough' water to function at 100%. So drinking 200%+ more water a day doesn't have any advantage whatsoever.


Guess who started this rumour (some would argue 'marketing')?


Yes, the mineral water companies and look how much cash they've made or could make if the 'news' got picked up around the world (which it did).


See, money is the lowest common demominator.......


In fact it's the same with most of these studies 'eat 2 tomatoes a day and live and extra 10 years', 'scientists have now found that 1 pack of cheese & onion crisps everyday actually reduces cholesterol', 'new research suggests that going having at least 6 hours of direct sunlight a week is good for the skin (but doctors advise that you must use skin cream as well)'.........

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Mr. Sin:


I am an American. I have wheels up in less than 2-weeks. I also made the trip when SARS was happening.


As stated by others, danger is everywhere but just try to take precaution and keep on living.


And, I too, won't be fucking any chickens but, I will eat them! :finger


Rockin' Jerry

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Not only has the 1918-1919 virus been recreated, they've figured out that it was a form of the bird flu. Supposedly it's all locked up in a vault in Atlanta at this point.


I worry aboout the bird flu, but what's the use? If there's a pandemic, it'll affect the whole world.



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I saw a report the other day that American scientists have managed to recreate the 1918 flu virus. They acknowledge that what they were doing was highly risky but reckoned that the potential benefits to be gained by studying the virus were worth the risk.


Hopefully they will take proper precautions to ensure that no-one working with the virus can get infected.



In March of 1997, the news broke that researchers at the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology in Washington, D. C. had isolated genetic material from the virus.


This was no easy task. The living virus is no longer around. It turns out that while conducting autopsies in 1918, Army doctors had preserved some specimens in formaldehyde. One of these jars contained the lungs of a 21 year old soldier that died.


The researchers spent nearly two years extracting just seven percent of the genetic code, but the evidence gathered has provided a great wealth of information.

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Mr. Sin:


I am an American. I have wheels up in less than 2-weeks. I also made the trip when SARS was happening.


As stated by others, danger is everywhere but just try to take precaution and keep on living.


And, I too, won't be fucking any chickens but, I will eat them! :D


Rockin' Jerry

I too was in Thailand during SARS, 6 days later the war in Iraq started.


Two trips later it was the Bird Flu, I had chicken or eggs every day the first week, the second week the hotel stopped serving chicken or eggs.


You can always find a reasons not to go.


Being informed and prepared is about all you can do. Then go and do it.

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Bird flu, yeah.


It's the fear crossing 2nd to get to the big 'C' that's keeping me at home right now. Either that or a temporary lack of vacation days ( 5 weeks a years sucks, I pity the averga US worker with only 2-3 weeks).


Seriously, the present flu is no direct danger. The next flu pandemic could come from it, could come from elsewhere, could hapen tommorow, could happen in 10 years, maybe never. We just don't know.


In the mean time, might as well :rolleyes:

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All this hype about the Bird Flu, only serves to keep the real bad news off the TV, and the front pages of our newspapers. How and when, are George Bush and Tony Blair going to sort out the mess that they have created , in Iraq?


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