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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.

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well this is my first time to Pattaya have still not found a place to stay resident gardens said all booked arrive 23 december can only stay short time have to be back to work in Australia by the 29 Dec but I am sure going to relax first holiday in 15 years

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Hi :banghead


It's high season during X-mas and new year, so you have picked the wrong time to arrive without a reservation.


You will find a place, but the price will be higher and the best choises are all gone.


To make it easier to help you out, you need to tell us a little bit more :

In what area of town do you want to stay ? and in what kind of price-range ?

Do you need a pool? in-room safe ? guest-friendly? security ?


Chock dee


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If you are staying such a short time, you probably wont mind paying a bit extra. Sure you will find a place. First holiday in 15 years ? Chill out man you are not going to live forever. Enjoy yourself. :banghead :chogdee2 :banghead :banghead

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I'd advise you to get a hotel before you go, I managed to get one 2 weeks ago after a lot of searching. I would have went without one and booked something over there, but I know the place fairly well.

For a Newbie, Pattaya will look huge and you won't know where to start and asking a Taxi driver from Bangkok to find you a hotel, will result with him driving around in circles for ages, he will not want to tell you that he doesn't know Pattaya.

To get out of your Taxi and get a Bht bus to take you to one, he will probably overcharge you and take you to someplace owned by a relation probably, which might not be up to your standards

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You might try to book even a expensive hotel for a day or two, as I'm sure that you an find something when you are on the ground.


I have forgot what time the planes arrive from Oz, but when I arrive from the U.S, it about midnight, and to arrive in Pattaya about 03:00 without a reservation seems foolish. The above worked for me.

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got accommadation mecure now going to extend time in pataya to take in the new year have to find hotel for 29th dec through to the 1/6/06 otherwise just have to take LT for 3 days

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got accommadation mecure now going to extend time in pataya to take in the new year have to find hotel for 29th dec through to the 1/6/06 otherwise just have to take LT for 3 days

Don't stop searching at Mercure! That hotel is a long walk from 2nd road on a dark street with some dodgy looking shacks and abandoned boats along the way.


If at all possible, find another hotel and only use Mercur if you have to. It's your first trip and that hotel won't be at all convenient for you.

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