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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.
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Pictures wanted

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If you're fed up with the topic of Harris Black, then click back and read something else.


It seems that everyone in Pattaya carries a camera with them. I would love to see some candid pictures of Harris Black in Thailand. He's a little squirt so even if he knows you took his picture he can only tell his mother about it. I'm not suggesting that you waste time following him around or that you even go looking for him. I'm just saying that if your paths cross, try to take the time to snap a picture and post it here. (please no pictures of the look-a-alike ladyboy lover with one arm).


A little challenge just for fun and one day you might see your picture of Harris on a "Wanted Poster" in some post office.


Here's one of Harris in Vancouver. Don't ask how I got it or why he's not wearing a bra.


Click away!



Edited by suitcase
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Ok, so who is Harris Black and why do you want pictures of him? I guess I missed whatever other posts there are relating to this person.

1. Something with a little challenge for you to do while on vacation.

2. Should annoy the hell out of him while he's ripping people off.

3. Give me more pictures of him to add to my collection.

4. Everyone's digital! It costs you nothing.

5. Board members will know what he looks like now so they can avoid his scams.

6. You can pass his picture around to your BG & GF in Thailand so they'll know to avoid him.

7. Sound like a fun way to pass the time.

8. Proof for the Canadian authorities that he may have violated his probation conditions by leaving the country.


I could list more reasons but they would be bullshit.


Google his email <thaispeakmtl@hotmail.com> to read his stickman article about how he rips off Bar Girls in Pattaya.



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Had dinner with him but took no photos had no reason to.

Who paid for his dinner?


One of his favorite scams is the "Oh! I forgot my wallet" routine. Then if his date doesn't offer to pay, he says he's going to a bank machine to get cash except, he never returns and his date is forced to pay for both meals. He's done this at "business lunches" as well, while interviewing candidates for a fake job.


Tell the truth, did you pay for his dinner?



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Harris plans on being at the Carnival in Pattaya this weekend :party

If you see him, don't be shy to take a picture like this one.


P.S. He's the one on the right.







What happens when this guy gets pissed off with some tourist trying to take his pic and decides to shove the camera down said tourists throat? Will you be taking personal responsibility for that, or what?


As an aside, were you Hilly's source that suggested Black had been involved in kiddie fiddling? If so, what's the story behind that?



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What happens when this guy gets pissed off with some tourist trying to take his pic and decides to shove the camera down said tourists throat?  Will you be taking personal responsibility for that, or what? :chogdee2


As an aside, were you Hilly's source that suggested Black had been involved in kiddie fiddling?  If so, what's the story behind that?



Hey! I'm pretty sure that we're all grown ups on here and can make our own decisions and except the responsibilities that go with them. I don't do Voodoo, so I can't make anyone do anything that they are uncomfortable with. If you're worried that Harris might hurt you for taking his picture, make sure that you take a 13-year old with you for protection. Oh, and try not to let him see you looking at him either since that might make him mad too.


If you don't want to take a chance at pissing him off then DON'T TAKE HIS PICTURE. I don't really care. It was just a suggestion for some fun.


As to your second point, I'm afraid that I can't really respond intelligently since I don't know what Hilly said about that. I do know that there are a few members on here who like to talk out of their ass and pass along information that they know nothing about. Hilly seems pretty bright to me and can certainly arrive at his own conclusions without having information from me or anyone else.


I will assure you however that I am not a rumour mongerer and everything I accuse Harris Black of can be proven 5 or 6 different ways. His mommy has money and would do anything for him. If I made one accusation without huge amounts of proof she would have sued my ass off by now. If I say it about Harris, it's because it's a verified fact.


Hope this satisfies your curiosity.



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If you don't want to take a chance at pissing him off then DON'T TAKE HIS PICTURE. I don't really care. It was just a suggestion for some fun.


Fun For Who ??? Must be for you as Not really my Idea of fun in pattaya



Now let's see Bar Crawl or Stalk Harris Black for his photo Umm its a no brainer IMO

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Taking Harris Black's photo is funny?

funny how?



too much work for me.

No time to loose.

Have schoolwork to do ... and all that jazz.


Funny is watching Soi 7 throw my livein in the pool, towel and all.

Yeah baby!


though I'll probably end up paying for the laundry service for the towel


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This shit is still going on? Fuck me I'd thought it was done and past by now.


If he's really such a criminal he'll get sorted out somehow, either legally or violently.


And I wouldn't waste my battery power taking pictures of a guy. I mean do you do anything else other than hunt this guy on the internet?

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  • 2 years later...

i was thinking of him earlier today .. lol

i'm meant to be a having a meeting with him soon about some website work .. lol

he stayed in a m8's apartment for a while. and the seem really good freinds now.

funny how i don't trust my freind as much anymore.

i wonder what he is really like ..

every weirdo of late that seems to get arrested in there country of origin for perverted sex crimes always seems to have a history of having been to patts in the past ROFL .. perhaps we should start collecting autographs of everyone we meet for notariatrys sake. ready for when they hit the press.

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