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Hell Club - a simple query !

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Hi Hell Club !


i'm a newbie interested in paying my first visit to the hell club in pattaya when i visit LOS in the near future. I'm also an avid reader in this forum but i seldom post, instead, find going thro the entire forum's new posts day after day just to have more knowledge of the LOS scene , just like any tourist.



Just a simple query that cropped my mind. Will the girls in your establishment find dealing with customers, who have consumed sex enhancing stuff like viagra, a burden or a hassle ?



Sorry if this sounds silly but i want to have the time spent in ur establishment, totally enjoyable and memorable. After all no punter would love his experiences, unless free from such haggering from girls he has sex with. Thanks in advance.

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I wouldn't worry about it too much if I were you.


The girls are probably on drugs as well.


How else could they take a hammering every day for 10 hours at a time and maybe go to the customers hotel overnight as well?

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I would recommend nipping into The Rockhouse or other establishment close to The Hell Club about an hour before. Enjoy a drink or 2, pop your pill and then make your move.

The girls work very hard in HC and they will be delighted if you can go for a 1, 2, 3 or even 4 times performance!



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Thanks to all the guys who posted above. Ummmm.. Seems like the HC is a major hit in pattaya. A major percentage of its visitors have all said positive things in this forums , i guess.

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  brotherbuzz said:
Youthful exuberance and an insatiable sex drive? :bigsmile:
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Well, that and your own large penis and hamsumness.


And Tom Cruise really does go 300 mph on those motorcycles, as do the cameramen filming him. I saw it myself, there's no way they could fake that!

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Hi 1234,


Yes, we do receive positive comments from those that use our service, that's what becomes of being service orientated :banana


Regards your query;

Will the girls in your establishment find dealing with customers, who have consumed sex enhancing stuff like viagra, a burden or a hassle ?
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Absolutely not, their aim is to give you as much pleasure as possible, and any help you can give them in achieving that aim will be welcome.




The girls are probably on drugs as well.
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That remark is in strict breach of the board rules, but then your accustomed to hiding behind a keyboard.



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  Cerberus said:


That remark is in strict breach of the board rules, but then your accustomed to hiding behind a keyboard.



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What's wrong with what I've written?


The OP is talking about using drugs whilst in the company of your Prostitutes.


I replied that the Prostitutes were probably also on drugs.


If you'd care to show me how I broke the Forum Rules, I'd be more than happy to remove my post.


'Hiding behind a keyboard.' Me? I'm not sure what you mean. Would you care to elaborate? Is there a new Webcam feature on the Forum that I am unaware of?





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  papillon said:
What's wrong with what I've written?


The OP is talking about using drugs whilst in the company of your Prostitutes.


I replied that the Prostitutes were probably also on drugs.


If you'd care to show me how I broke the Forum Rules, I'd be more than happy to remove my post.

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You certainly like to ask questions, but you only ever duck questions yourself. And it will be my pleasure to lend Cerberus a hand on this one.


Let me break it down for you: the OP was asking about his personal use of legal substances for sexual enhancement. Your post strongly inferred that the ladies of the Hell Club use illegal drugs. Or what kind of drugs were you saying the ladies of Hell were probably on? Were you saying the ladies of Hell were on probably on yaba?


If so, your post could be construed as violating the following rules:

  1. No flames ever for any reason.
  2. No posts designed to upset other members. If you enjoy upsetting people even if you stay within the rules, you will still be warned.

4. Posts attacking individuals are not permitted. You may disagree with anyone's opinion but not bag the individual. I disagree with what you say, is fine. You are a moron, is not.


Every single post you've made to a thread on the Hell Club has been intended to hurt, tear down and destroy. Never anything constructive or positive, not one single time.. You've never visited the Hell Club or the Eden Club in BKK and have declared you never want to, but after Cerberus and myself, you are the most frequent contributor to the Hell Club threads. You purpose is clear - to damage Cerberus' business as much as possible, through false statements if everything else fails.


Certainly that qualifies as a flame and a post designed to upset Cerberus.


But you also have another short-term goal with your flames. You hope to provoke responses that will become so extreme the moderators will close this thread, like what happened with the "Inside the Hell Club" thread. In 75 days, it got 8,175 views and 177 replies, making it one of the most popular and active threads on the Pattaya Talk forum before it was locked. In 19 days, my post on the "Hell Club Experience" has garnered 1,773 views (the total as I write this) and 71 replies.


It's clear there is an enormous interest in the Hell Club and that's really what bothers you and your cohorts.





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Is your name Cerberus?


I think I'll wait for the Ventriloquist to reply.


We can have a civil conversation once you've apologised or substantiated your earlier slanders.

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  papillon said:
We can have a civil conversation once you've apologised or substantiated your earlier slanders.
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Too much for you, am I? My questions too challenging for you? You try to talk the talk, but you sure as hell can't walk the walk..


I have substantiated what I wrote earlier about your despicable posts, but I'll repeat it if it pleases you. The sections within quotes are from the earlier post here .


"You were joking about Marc's health problems and insinuating that the announcement of Francis' death and Marc's heart attack was some sort of "cover story" for the sale of Eden Pattaya.There was also a strong implication that more was involved than was being revealed."


Your and Ned Kelly's disrespectful comments got so bad Pattaya Pete went in and cleaned up the thread. As I remember it, he deleted several of your posts, among others.


"The only one of your comments that remains online is "sold already eh," . but it very well expresses the spirit of your (and Ned Kelly's) posts. Perhaps you can explain what the "sold already eh" is supposed to mean among all the messages of condolence and wishing Marc a speedy recovery.


But you can clear things up immediately by answering the points I asked about in my previous post,namely:


1) Do you agree with Ned Kelly that Marc was "taking the piss" when he (Marc) announced he was selling Eden Pattaya as the direct result of his business partner's death?


2) Do you believe the announcement of Francis' death and Marc's heart attack was some sort of "cover story" for the sale of Eden Pattaya?


3) Do you accept as true the version of events as related by Pattaya Pete in his recap?


A simple yes or no will suffice as the answer to each question. As I stated earlier, I may have remembered wrong about what you originally wrote. Just answering the three questions above will settle the matter. Do you find those questions difficult to answer?"





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  Evil Penevil said:
As I stated earlier, I may have remembered wrong about what you originally wrote.
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I made no other posts in that thread apart from the one that is still there. None of my posts were deleted.


I have sent a PM to PattayaPete to see if he can shed some light on this. He no doubt has better things to do so I'll wait and see if he replys.

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  papillon said:


I made no other posts in that thread apart from the one that is still there. None of my posts were deleted.

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Now we're making progress! See how easy that was? For awhile you were beginning to sound like the guy who brags "You can't prove me guilty" rather than the guy who proclaims, "I didn't do it."


But let's keep things in perspective. I wasn't accusing you of a major felony, but of writing a despicable comment. For a guy who has made an Internet career of running down others, you sure do squeal when someone turns the tables on you even a little bit. Let me state for the record: YOU MADE DOZENS OF POSTS ATTEMPTING TO DISRUPT THE TWO THREADS I STARTED ON THE HELL CLUB, but howl like a mongrel puppy when I criticize one of your posts. Considering your history of warnings on this board, it's apparent I'm not the only one who thinks some of your comments are inappropriate.


Of course, the intent of what you've written in the section quoted above depends a great deal on how you define "untoward remarks." I regard it as despicable that your reaction to the death of one man and a heart attack for another was, "sold already, eh." You could have written, "My condolences," or "Get well soon," but your comment was "sold already, eh." What did you mean by that? What conclusion did you want the readers of it to draw? If I've drawn the wrong conclusion, I'll be happy to apologize.


And if you mean nothing untoward about either Francis or Marc, then you must disagree with Ned Kelly's comment than Marc was "taking the piss" in his announcements in the wake of Francis' death. If you write "yes, Ned Kelly was wrong," then I will be happy to apologize for including you in the same category as Ned. You previously refered to Marc as a "French pimp" - is that how you think of him today?


In a sense, none of this matters. You aren't interested in a dialogue to resolve the matter, otherwise you'd have answered my questions long ago. They were simple, straight-forward questions, but you ducked every single one of them. That's because your goal is not a debate or an exchange of ideas, but to try to provoke Cerberus in the same way others provoked Marc on the BKK boards. You or one of your allies write absurd things you know Cerberus can't ignore. Why the interest in the Hell Club (and Eden) bothers you and a few others so much is a mystery to me, but it leads to these rather bizarre quarrels.


Why not put an end to all of this by simply ignoring future posts about the Hell Club? That's the question I'd like you to answer the most.





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  Evil Penevil said:
You previously refered to Marc as a "French pimp" - is that how you think of him today?
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I think he is a pimp. :bigsmile: He is French as well. So I guess that makes him a French pimp. Of course if he was German he would be a German pimp. :D :D

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  Cennn3 said:
I think he is a pimp. :D He is French as well. So I guess that makes him a French pimp. Of course if he was German he would be a German pimp. :D :D
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The question then becomes - do you regard all bar/club owners (or at least those with short-time rooms in connection with their establishments) in Pattaya as pimps as well?





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  Evil Penevil said:
The question then becomes - do you regard all bar/club owners (or at least those with short-time rooms in connection with their establishments) in Pattaya as pimps as well?





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The Eden club is not a bar, is it? I believe people were asked to not just come in for a drink. The club is basically a brothel and Marc the owner/Madam/pimp makes his money providing girls to customers for sexual services. In my book that makes you a pimp and anyone else who does the same. He made his money from a cut he gets from the girls not barfines so it is a bit different to other bars. :D :D :D

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  Cennn3 said:
In my book that makes you a pimp and anyone else who does the same.
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Cennn3 is a much better opponent than papillon! :D He responds to questions and doesn't duck them. Moreover, I think enjoys the exchange just for the hell of it - he doesn't have a hidden agenda. To use an analogy to American baseball, he's simply stepping up to the plate as the designated hitter when his friend's team is way down in the bottom of the ninth.


And I'm happy to pitch him a few more questions, all in good fun, and bearing no malice whatsoever to Cennn3.


My follow-up , an inside slider, would then be: Among all the farang who own or manage establishments in Pattaya and Bangkok, are Marc and Cerberus the only two to whom you refer as pimps? How about the "establishment owners" on Soi 6? Or the Welkom Inn? Or the Jade House? Or even a number of other establishments which feature short-time rooms on or in close proximity to their premises? Would those owner-operators also be termed pimps by you?


The reason I ask is that "pimp" is a pejorative term, it's not value-neutral. When I think of pimps, characters like Ice Pick Slim and Sweet Willie pop into my mind. They use violence to keep their girls in line and all the girls earnings go directly to the pimp. People don't refer to their friends, or those they like and respect, as pimps. Hence we see the fancy foot-work regarding who is or isn't a pimp. People who don't know (or don't like) Cerberus, Marc and others might call them pimps, but won't use that term about the owners of establishments the name callers frequent themselves.


I don't want to rekindle a debate on the meaning of pimp. It is a word of uncertain origin that dates back to medieval times, but may be related to the French (!) word pimper, meaning "to dress well." Even in the days of Richard Lionheart, pimps were flash dressers! The term "brothel keeper" is much older and was, from the beginning, not interchangeable with "pimp."


Again, this doesn't really matter. By any other name, the Hell Clubs (and Eden) would smell as sweet. Cerberus, Marc and the majority of "establishment –owners" are a very positive development for both the providers and punters in Pattaya. They give the girls safe and decent places to work with fair compensation, while the punters get service at a reasonable price. We, the punters, and especially the girls, are better off with them than without them. In the best of all possible worlds, there wouldn't be a need for commercial sex services. But until that day, it's better for women without a whole lot of options in life to be working at Hell or Eden than taking their chances with the thugs and weirdos on Beach Road.


The subject of pimps has been thrashed to death. :D It's a lot like the discussions of who's a stunner and what's constitutes over-paying. It's so subjective it's almost meaningless to discuss. But sometimes it's fun just to try to figure who's on first.


Cennn3 – feel free to use cricket analogies, although I admit I am woefully ignorant of that distinguished game. And papillon is always welcome to step up to the plate to strike out once more and keep his 0.000 batting average intact.





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I see that the owners and their proxies are still being dishonest in their debate and hounding anyone who disagrees with them or voices a contrary opinion.....lol.............happy i'm out of it.


Just to help the 'debate', i think that you'll find that the owners of this over-priced mediocrity refer to it themselves as a brothel, and refer to themselves as pimps (since i posted the link to the dictionary definition).


Hope this clarifies for any confused cheerleaders out there :bigsmile:

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