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international schools ?

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anyone know about international schools in patts ?

planning on a minimum 12 month stay and my 2 english kids will be in tow (probably) 8yrs & 3 yrs, as hopefully have some work commitments to keep me here..

i was chatting with a guy and he said there about $3000 per year . is that right ?

so where are they are which are good & bad ..

i know regents is good but almost definatly more pricey than 3k/yr i'd think

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i know regents is good but almost definatly more pricey than 3k/yr i'd think


I don't know much about the Pattaya schools, but definitely more pricey than $3,000 -- and there are also first-time fees. Most of the ones I've heard about are more like $3,000 a term.


Most of the schools have websites and email contacts.

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I just asked my Thai gf. She is now sending her 7 year old daughter to a Catholic school in northern Thailand with both mine and her father's support. This is so she can take daily English classes. But Ying contends that International School is number one. Price is, she tells me, 120,000 baht per year.


So at the present horrific value of the American dollar that's around $4000 a year.

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so far i've found http://www.best-burapha.com at 19,000 bath per term

and Montessori Children's Center http://www.geocities.com/mcciptty/ with no prices on there site .

International School Eastern Seaboard at 406,000 bath per year. http://www.ise.ac.th/admissions.html

and regents at i think around 300,000 bath per year http://regents-school.com/


the burpa one definatly looks appealing at the price . will go have a look this afternoon with my son i guess ..


are there no expats who use any schools on the forums ?

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are there no expats who use any schools on the forums ?


For me, yes but not in Pattaya.


There is a price range in Bangkok, where I am, from about 150,000 to a million a year. But as I say, there are also up-front "joining" charges that you will have to take into account. Some of them are reimbursable.


Oh, and don't forget uniforms and transportation and stuff like that. It can add up.


St Andrews up the road from Pattaya is another good school, but again I'm sure it's nowhere close to $3,000 a year.

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Our nephew has been going to Best school for the last 7 or 8 years and from all reports it is a fine school.


PM me if you like and I can give you the details of my brother-in-law who has owned a bar in Pattaya for 18 years and he could you tell you all about this school.

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I have a 4 year old son in school in Pattaya. He was born in the UK and we moved to Pattaya at the end of last year.


We looked at three schools. Best and one on Sirkhumvit Road near the Mini Siam (one name is Witayu - I think). We saw those first and then went to Regent. Regent is very much in a different league. When we saw Regent it had to be the one. It is expensive - about 4,500 UK pounds a year for a 4 year old. They have their prices on their web site.


My son had an Australian teacher who was great. She had a Thai helper and the class size was about 15. All lessons are in English. I believe as they get older there are a few Thai lessons as well. I think Best and the other one we looked at is split between English and Thai.


Other schools in the area are St Andrews some distance south and one near Burapha Golf Course north of Pattaya. I have not seen these. Someone in our village sent their 6 year old son to Montesouri school but is transferring to Regent for the next term.


At Regent the terms follow the UK school year. We are in the middle of the long summer holiday. Start again end of August.


Regent have a school bus and the cost depends on where you live. We do not use it currently but may next term.


If you need more information add to this post. I strongly recommend going to see the schools and do it in term time. One of the schools we visited loked like unorganized chaos.

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Hi Hybrid,


I have two kids about the same age (8&4) at the Regents, and we have just received the paper for the new fees.


For your age kids this would be 118,000+115,000 per term.


They run on a 3 term system, using the UK curriculum, so thats a total of 699,000 baht for the year, plus you have to pay an aplication fee (5,500) and a damage deposit (60,000)

I will let you work this out in US$


Boarding fees, extra learning support, uniform etc are all extra


It is probably the best school around if you are looking for a UK-type school, but if you want your kids to have a more American based curriculum, then you should probably look also at ISE or St. Andrews - we have some Dutch friends who moved their kids to St. Andrews as this was more suitable.


If you need further information, drop me a personel mail



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My 6 year old daughter goes to Wuttichot Bilingual School. Teach in English and Thai. The school also has a International School behind it that just teaches in English. Fees for Wuttichot are around 52,000 baht a year but I would expect the International school to be more.

My friends 9 year old daughter goes to the Regents and he is paying around 500,000 baht a year when extra's are included but Regents has got the reputation for being the best school.

If your kids will only be here for a year or two the english only speaking international schools would be the go.

Edited by Shit_Happens
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