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It's the Falang Game and everything is fair here so long as you gets the cash, and the more the better. And this applies to women as well---take this comment anyway you like. But that's not what brought me to creating a new topic here. It's what happened to two friends of mine two nights ago at the Park Beach Condo building.


Both were gambling at the small bar here for 2 baht per hand. with the women working at this establishment Someone tipped off "Immigration, not from the bar, but someone working on the condominium's staff or a Thai resident, etc and the plain clothes police from Immigration came in. My two friends were taken to the police station where they were originally asked for 40,000 baht each. Eventually a price was set at 15,000 baht for each, and that was that. Needless to say, the Thai women who were gambling with them were not taken to the police station.


Two weeks ago an American who owns a bar near where I live had to bail out his girlfriend of seven years who was running the bar in his absence. The police contended that his bar was playing illegally downloaded music and the price was originally set at 100,000 baht for his girlfriend's release. He wound up paying 40,000 baht. As for the illegally downloaded music the music came off CD's that he had legally purchased, but no matter, the police had gotten their illegally obtained pound of flesh. This last incident is very similar to what happened to Pete's Skytop Internet cafe. One night while staying there I went downstairs only to find all his computers gone. He wound up paying 40,000 baht to get them back from the police. Supposedly his customers had been illegally downloading music. However, it is also possible that a policeman had come in and transfered the music files from a CD or flash memory card or other removable media onto one of the internet cafe's computers so that his buddies could come in later and make the bust. But Naw, surely they wouldn't have done that now would they?


But back to my two American friends who had been whiling away their time betting two baht a hand with the women in the bar. Sure, this was unwise of them. Gambling is illegal here and they should have known better. But the police didn't take the girls in. They went after the money. The same way they do with their two tier pricing. Just consider this as a Moose or Elk hunt with your being the Moose or Elk.

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Is it just gambling for money thats illegal, one a trip a couple of years ago my friend was playing the dice game where you have to flick all the numbers from 1 - 9 over with the sweetest little thing, the wager was 50 baht for her if she won and a blowjob for him if he won, she won 2 games and then he won one, and true to her word she took him to the toilet and blew him off, not a bad 100 baht spent i imagine. :cry2

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Is it just gambling for money thats illegal, one a trip a couple of years ago my friend was playing the dice game where you have to flick all the numbers from 1 - 9 over with the sweetest little thing, the wager was 50 baht for her if she won and a blowjob for him if he won, she won 2 games and then he won one, and true to her word she took him to the toilet and blew him off, not a bad 100 baht spent i imagine. <grin



Doesnt' really matter fuck all what you're doing, if those racketeering gangsters see a way to extort you, well.. guess what ?


And they'll propably be right on time also. :cry2

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FEEL the paranoia.


Amazing how many people think laws are passed for, and enforced on, foreigners. The anti-gambling laws do not exist for your pleasure or exploitation either one, trust me on this. Thailand really is a country, you know, as real and as interesting as your own, if not more so.


Plead ignorance of the law, plead ignorance of Thailand, you might get more sympathy. "They're just doing this for me" is super paranoia, plus of course backed by a lifetime of learning how noble was the white man's burden.


You're not that important. Really you're not.

Edited by joekicker
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