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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.

Shooters Says: Fire-up hour tonight! 35bt local beers; 60bt select spirits!

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Hey, guys! We at Shooters are out to help you have a good time, so we are happy to announce the Shooters Fire-Up Hour! Stop by with your mates and get fired up for an evening of partying!


Fire-up hour prices:


Draught Tiger, Chang bottles, Singha bottles, Singha Light bottles, Tiger bottles 35 Bt

Smirnoff Vodka, Gordons Gin, Bacardi, Red Label, Jim Beam (w. Mixer, 33 ml/1.1 fl oz!) 60 Bt

Coke, Fanta, Sprite, Water, Soda, Fruit Juice, Diet Coke, Lemonsoda 35 Bt


Fire up hour happens every night from 7:00PM to 8:30PM. Come start your night the right way!


C'mon by and hang at Shooters, corner of Soi Diamond and Second Rd. (the other entrance to Walking Street). Convenient to parking; baht busses and moto-taxis on our doorstep! See you there! :)



Edited by Bruce Mangosteen
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A big thank you to the various BMs and other dodgy characters who stopped by last night to hang, including Axeslinger, pedro01, jilinpattaya, spunky monkey, Nok Tang, my mate SB2, and my fellow Fat Bastard™ BobsBBQ, who looks quite well for somebody with two kids. I'd especially like to thank my mate and fellow Fat Bastard™ Sunny Valentine for reminding me 587,090,508,732,980,350,879,870,529,087 last night alone that we won't make too much money if I buy more drinks for customers than they buy themselves! woot.gif See you soon! toothygrin.gif

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