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Another plus for United Airlines

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As many of you already know I'm a big fan of UA's frequent flyer program. I might even pimp this program as much as BigD does Skytop, alright we all know that would be impossible.


A few days ago I called them and wanted to book my next trip to LOS using miles and I wanted the saver award program where one only needs to use 60K miles. Got an agent told them my desired travel dates but also said I was flexible on those dates. No problem got the dates I had asked of Jan 6th and Feb 20th. Flying on United Express from Sacramento to SFO, then SFO to Beijing on UA and then Thai Air to BKK. I told the agent I flew that itinerary last year and that when I got to Beijing that China doesn't work like any other airport that I've transiented through. Even though your just making a connection you must fill out an immigration form (no problem) and pass through immigration (no problem) and that immigration official want to see a boarding pass before you pass by them on your way to your gate(big problem) as there are no Thai agents working at SFO let alone Sacramento. Last time it took well over an hour (felt like the Tom Hanks character in the movie Terminal) before some high ranking immigration official arrived and allowed me to pass. Now I only had less than 40 minutes to find my way to the front of the terminal and get my boarding pass at the thai Airline counter, then pass back through immigration and security and find my gate. Made it with 10 minutes to spare although I was looking forward to relaxing in the lounge prior to loading. When I got back from the trip I called United to let them know of the problem when they route someone like they did with me. I asked the agent if they had corrected this problem but they didn't know so I told her to book me anyway and the agent said that a UA customer service person would contact me.


The next day I received an email and was told that I would be able to get a Thai boarding pass at either Sacramento or SFO. I replied thanking them for their quick response but was a little lery of getting this Thai boarding pass as just last month I flew UA using miles and was routed on Singapore and Thai to BKK and when I tried to get a Singapore and Thai boarding pass at Sac they couldn't issue one and when I got to SFO I couldn't get the Thai boarding pass. But I wasn't bitching as I flew through Hong Kong and it was no problem making the connection there without a boarding pass. A couple days later I received a reply back from UA apologizing for the inconvience (never told them that I was inconvienced) I experienced in November in Sacramento and San Francisco and please accept 8,000 miles for this inconvience.


I sure hope the UA person is right about this as I don't want to go through that same maze as last time.

Edited by Emil
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I'm a big fan of the UA frequent flyer program too, Emil. I like the automatic upgrade to Economy Plus. I can usually get a saver award if I'm patient over the phone (the on-line award booking sucks, though).


Now, if we could only get United to upgrade the stewardesses, we'd be onto something.

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Now, if we could only get United to upgrade the stewardesses, we'd be onto something.

And Delta, and American, and US Air, and Northwest, and . . . . . . . . . .

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I'm a big fan of the UA frequent flyer program too, Emil. I like the automatic upgrade to Economy Plus. I can usually get a saver award if I'm patient over the phone (the on-line award booking sucks, though).


Now, if we could only get United to upgrade the stewardesses, we'd be onto something.




I've had about a dozen saver awards to BKK and have always been able to get dates that were within 1 or 2 days of what I asked . I'm retired so any day works for me. The key to getting these I believe is to have a United agent do the work and pay the extra $15. If you try to book online you only have access to the UA flights, with the agent they have access to all their Star Alliance partners. Only one trip did I fly all the legs on United and on another I flew all the legs on Singapore (sweet), otherwise I'm flying on at least 2 to 3 different carriers.


Your too young but up to the early 70's the stewardesses (they weren't called FAs back then) were hot on the US carriers especially on PSA with those mini skirts. Then the EEO got involved and then you had any age, any weight and any sex on the job.


Last year on my flight from BKK to Narita the entertainment system went out. The FAs passed out some forms where they asked for your name and whether you would like a flight voucher or miles credited to your account. They didn't state how much of either but I checked miles. About a week later they posted 8,000 miles to my account. Now I always hope that the system goes down. :bigsmile:

Edited by Emil
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For good, solid (if often stolid) dependable service, I really have become a United fan over the past five years. I have seldom successfully seduced a stewardess or hostess anyhow, and rarely tried, so the pulchritude these days doesn't really bother me. I find the old United bags generally friendly -- or at least ready to return friendliness. And the frequent-flyer stuff is really well done, way better than others I've tried over the years.


Good report, Emil, informative and readable, thanks.

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I've had about a dozen saver awards to BKK and have always been able to get dates that were within 1 or 2 days of what I asked . I'm retired so any day works for me. The key to getting these I believe is to have a United agent do the work and pay the extra $15. If you try to book online you only have access to the UA flights, with the agent they have access to all their Star Alliance partners. Only one trip did I fly all the legs on United and on another I flew all the legs on Singapore (sweet), otherwise I'm flying on at least 2 to 3 different carriers.


Your too young but up to the early 70's the stewardesses (they weren't called FAs back then) were hot on the US carriers especially on PSA with those mini skirts. Then the EEO got involved and then you had any age, any weight and any sex on the job.


Last year on my flight from BKK to Narita the entertainment system went out. The FAs passed out some forms where they asked for your name and whether you would like a flight voucher or miles credited to your account. They didn't state how much of either but I checked miles. About a week later they posted 8,000 miles to my account. Now I always hope that the system goes down. :bigsmile:


Geez, I miss PSA.


They really were a great airline! Used to fly them every week between here and San Francisco. Best looking stews, bar none. Seriously, no other airline came close. I dated one off and on for a year or two many, many years ago. Blonde cutie named Lisa (she had a little sister, Susie who was even cuter. She worked at the family dry cleaning shop here in Newport Beach on the corner of Balboa Blvd & PCH. I tried to do Susie one time and it screwed things up with Lisa. Go figure!). I wonder whatever happened to them? Hummm, a walk down mammary lane.


US Airlines has screwed up ever airline they have purchased. Every single one!

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Geez, I miss PSA.


They really were a great airline! Used to fly them every week between here and San Francisco. Best looking stews, bar none.

I Dunno - Have you ever flown Singapore Airlines or Cathy Pacific? Real hottes there.

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I Dunno - Have you ever flown Singapore Airlines or Cathy Pacific? Real hottes there.



I've flown all three and PSA was back in the late 60's. Back then the PSA stewardesses were all women, they couldn't be over a certain age and they had a height /weight ratio. When I first got on the plane I was awed by them as they all looked like they were former homecoming queens and they were wearing very short dresses that showed alot of leg. Today Cahtay or Singapore are the best.

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I flew YVR-PEK-BKK today on AC-TG. When I asked at check-in for a boarding pass from Beijing on Thai I was told it was not possible because the Chinese want to control everything in their airports. I was told if I had been connecting through Hong Kong or Narita it would have been no problem but Beijing or Shanghai was always a problem.


When we arrived in Beijing there were at least 5 agents waiting for passengers connecting to BKK. A lot of passengers were making the connection. These agents were locals I presume were represnting Thai. They had all our boarding passes printed and in their hands.


Once we had them, they led us upstairs and to a line-up to go through a passport and Boarding pass check and a security check. I thought the operation of both was the amateur hour. They were slow. But the process proceeded and we probably spent half an hour in a line-up and were on our way to the gate. I did not complete any form, nor was asked for one. Showing the passport and boarding pass was fine.


Obviously the key to all this was the presence of agents with boarding passes to meet the AC flight from YVR. I'm going home through Hong Kong so return doesn't matter.

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When we arrived in Beijing there were at least 5 agents waiting for passengers connecting to BKK. A lot of passengers were making the connection. These agents were locals I presume were represnting Thai. They had all our boarding passes printed and in their hands.


This process seems to be a simple solution and was also my recomendation to the UA customer service rep. He assured me that I would be able to get my Thai boarding pass in the states so I can't wait to see if this happens. If they gave me 8,000 miles for an experience that caused me no inconvience, I wonder what they will do if I don't get this boarding pass and I have trouble making my connection. I'm keeping my email correspondence with them to show them my warning and their assurance just in case.

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If you get inconvenienced again, tell them what their fellow Star member AC does and make the feel they really inconvenienced you.


I wonder if all this will change when the new Beijing terminals open in March. Saw them as we landed and they look as big as Hong Kong and clearly very modern design. I hope the service matches the design.


My brief encounter with the old terminal didn't leave a great impression though I've been in worse.

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If you get inconvenienced again, tell them what their fellow Star member AC does and make the feel they really inconvenienced you.


I wonder if all this will change when the new Beijing terminals open in March. Saw them as we landed and they look as big as Hong Kong and clearly very modern design. I hope the service matches the design.


My brief encounter with the old terminal didn't leave a great impression though I've been in worse.


Hong Kong is a nice process. I connected through there last month to BKK without having a boarding pass prior to landing. There they have an airlines transient station prior to reaching security so you can pick up your boarding pass. Just be prepared to do alot of walking as that place is big.

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Glad to hear your little adventure in China had a positive outcome.

Hope the next one goes well.



Hong Kong is a nice process. I connected through there last month to BKK without having a boarding pass prior to landing. There they have an airlines transient station prior to reaching security so you can pick up your boarding pass. Just be prepared to do alot of walking as that place is big.


I've always thought Hong Kong is one of the better organized airports around and had nothing but courteous treatment when transiting there on CathayPac.


To say they have a heavy presence at their worldwide headquarters would be an understatement! :bigsmile:









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Another good thing about UA is they are now upgrading their international business class to lie-flat bed seating, and also improving their 1st class too. This process will take some time, but they already have a couple of aircraft in circulation. This process is set to be completed by 2009. Can't wait to give it a go!

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