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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.

thai sim card networks ???

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i have the proper unlocked phone.....

now i need a sim/network..

just using it to keep in touch with chicks and the occasional call back to usa or singapore

for a month while in patts..

how many networks are there???

which is best or all the same???

happy card..

1-2 call..



which do you all prefer???

thanks for the info..


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The girls all tend to use 1-2-call because it's better coverage in pty, up country your probably better off with Dtac


I think you'll find they use it because it has better deals this week. There is no loyalty on the three services, AIS, DTAC and True Move. Whoever has the deal du jour gets the business. All three companies have good national service BUT one company is often better than others in a given, specific place. It so hugely simple to buy and change that they do very often change. It's called "churn" in the business and can be 10% in a month.

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I use 1-2-call and always have.I do believe it used to be one of Thaksins goldmines, if that makes any difference.


If you up the minutes or baht frequently, the time your number is valid, stretches out for quite sometime.


Mine now is good until Jan 09 and I reloaded in Feb of this year.




Last time, 500 baht reloads were hard to find in a 7-11 or Family Mart.....those give you the best time extensions...over say a 300 baht or less reload.




Before I first went to Thailand, I had a 1-2-call SIM card shipped to me from some dude in Pattaya.


Off Ebay I believe it was......then I could relay my number to anyone BEFORE I stepped off the plane.


Then on disembark......send out the SMS's and see who responds positively.




It's a very good way to stay in touch with whoever you want to stay in touch with.....just be prepared to get those unwanted messages at odd times.


Plan ahead and keep the phone on vibrate when your out with some lady....if they hear a ringtone.....the questions about "who call you"...."you not know anyone in Thailand" "You have other lady?" and on and on.

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  • 5 months later...

is there any way to get an active account from overseas? i'm coming in april and will be booking transport from the airport directly to pattaya. it would be nice to give them a number in case there is a snafu.


thanks in advance for any help. it's nice to have a place like to come to for info.


okay, enough butt snorkeling.

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is there any way to get an active account from overseas? i'm coming in april and will be booking transport from the airport directly to pattaya. it would be nice to give them a number in case there is a snafu.


thanks in advance for any help. it's nice to have a place like to come to for info.


okay, enough butt snorkeling.

Not that I know of. You could go from the other end though; take their number with you, buy a sim card at the Airport and YOU can call THEM if there's a problem.

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is there any way to get an active account from overseas?



The only way I can think of is if you buy a SIM card on Ebay and have the guy open the package and turn it on and then send it to you. Make sure that he turns it on for roaming. That is the only way I can think of. Other than that, if you have a friend in Thailand, they can do the samething.


Have fun,


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