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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.

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Mick and Tan, who married last year, are back in Pattaya for their first visit since. They're celebrating the wedding with a party at Catz this coming Saturday. :D


There'll be a pig on a stick, steak and mushroom/cottage pies, sausages and various salads as well as Thai food (Issan variety) for "her indoors". The party starts at 8pm with the food from around 8.45.


Hope to see you there. :allright




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Catz seems to get mostly negative reviews but I think it's okay.

One cute lady been there awhile always comes to chat, but I never got round to paying bar.

Hope to see some pics soon, please :clueless :D


chico,grrrrrrrr :huh:

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I was there tonight...haven't been in a while. I have to say, they have some very cute girls there, and if it wasn't for the fact that my GF was there with me, I might have looked directly at them rather than out of the corner of my eye.

I'll definitely be back for a better look.

Well done, Robin, Robert and Allen at restocking on lovely girls.

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I highly recommend #41. She still has powefull Issan legs from squatting while picking rice. You havn't been fucked until youv'e been squat fucked.

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