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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.

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From 2002 through early 2008, Dr Darika was my dentist at PIH. When I tried to make an appointment in the summer of 2008 I was told that she was on maternity leave and had moved to Bangkok with her husband. I then switched to Dr Aree who was also very compentent but I preffered Dr Darika as I could joke around with her since I had know her for awhile. Then about 2 weeks ago as I was out for my mid afternoon walk and was returning to my apartment a car stops and this Thai lady starts chatting to me. I didn't recognize her at first sitting behind the wheel but then found out she was back in Pattaya but now working at a dental clinic near Tiffanys. I would guess that prices are lower than PIH so if anyone used her in the past and would like to see her again, the clinic is located on 2nd RD, left hand side between the roundabout and Tiffanys.

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